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November 2006
December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 November 2009 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Saturday, December 30, 2006
hey.. goin 2007 oready hor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!! WAKAKAKAKAKA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! N YES! i'll be turning 20 soon! hell yeah! nabeh! i'm getting old yeah! haiz! weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! & yes! skool haf to end & yes! wrking life haf to start soon! oh myyyy!!! stresss banget dehhh! haiyoh! ok ok.. as new yr coming soon,ders lots lots lots of tings i nid to catch up wif & yah.. hopefully wat ive been wanting came true at last! hopefully yah! wee!hmm..malu lah nk letak at blog..nnt sume org tahu~ let me kip inside my so called ssmmall,bigggg,kinndd...cleannn heart ni! hehee.. mcm phm! ok den.haf to help mum. esk raya aji! all kambings! gd luck ye! mbbekk..mbbekk.. heeehehe. psst,i miss someone.is dat u?
Thursday, December 28, 2006
yo yo yo sioootss!
welcome back! hahaha..sorry 4 nt blogging dis few days..bz wif laundry,cleaning up,unpacked all stuffs n all! i miss my frens alot! i did! arghh! well,cant wait to catch up wif dem dis new yr's eve! wahlau~ cant wait! really! hehe..well, hldys' greattt! superb! altho ders nt much shopping, i did njoy e trip. pegi kl,saket..sampai kl da baik..balik spore?? hah! baikk slalu!!! rainy day non-stop! haizz~ KL was freakin' HOT! i mean e weather la eh~ haizzz..hw i wish i was at KL now again..~ hah! yerr! nk kene sepak ngn org2 tertentu di sini? hahaha.. sorry guys. saje je nk uat korg2 miss aku! ;-p esp ..... ..... ..... ....... ..... (hahaha!) ade la org2 tertentu tu..tk yah di sebut dan di senaraikn ye! blueks! haizzz~~ive been so restless dis days. n yes! to tell everyone in here..i did wear socks in my own hse! haha! tutup aurat! sejukkk sgt laa lantai umah kite! pai tdo in e middle of e night,g toilet! ive nvr been in such situation b4! da cam kt negri om putih! wakakaka! ;-))) n den, da tu takpe..lapar~ haha..ppl did say wen its raining,u tend to get hungry easily rite? haha..or am i.....putting up wght?! haha! i can c de diff of my own w/o mum tellin me again & again! haha! who cares! yg penting,happy..selagi mude,ngapp ape yg bole di ngapp! haha! dis wat my atok say la~ hehee.. well,as usual~ colour of e mth is PURPLE! wee! im sure those who r close wif me rite nw is going insane. esp yani! wakaka.. i knw her's red (cos luv is in e air! hee!) mine purple. ;-) i duno y i dun haf any favorite coloUrs! i jus cant stick to 1 colour~ hahaha! in short, i LOVE ALL COLOURS! 'COLOURS IN MY LIFE,SEARCHING 4 E RITE..' hahah..step lagu unfaithful-rihanna je! hahaha..stop it giler.crap.well mayb bcos im so confused wat colour would best to describe as my fav colour tho. haha..gile lah aku ni~ haiizz~ ok den,chows..nk sambong tdo alik.. am a Sleeping Beauty dis days..jgn slhkn aku ehh cos asik tdo je..slhkn cuaca ye! haha! bye! ^miss e loved ones! gfs! bfs! far yet so near,simple yet so precious!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
hey gangs!
weeee!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm off again! to holidays! sory cant blog much! i'm tired! nk bgn kul 5 lgik! to all my frens,fans,loved ones, do take care of urself! ^merry christmas,maaf zahir batin ye! ;-) WAKAKAKAK! HAHAHAHA! Thanks to Fit & Yani 4 visiting n meeting me tho..hope u guys love e small souvenir frm me..hehee.. missing u all~
Thursday, December 21, 2006
re-co-ve-ring sooooonnn!!! yeah!!
bit by bit..my voice is gettin 2 normal..hehe..n ppl wont laugh~ hehehee.. ;-) now,preparing 4 dis sat trip pulak..gg KL wif my family..i knw u guys r jealous! hehe,dun be laa..~spore ok jgk pe..hehee.. well,till here aite k..my body aching everywhr..demam lom baik lgik..mcmane nk baik? doc says eat pils 3 times a day,i only eat once a day-dat is b4 sleep. haha! lame! ;-) aku kentalls! haha.. ok ok..chows~ 11.44pm hey..i duno y..suddenly im shocked! both my Xs chat wif me at msn. haha..in gd terms sumore..1 is caring.e other is funny. haizz..~ 1 ask me whether wana mit him or nt 1 day? & i replied y nt if it is in a gd terms & way. e other 1 share songs & as usual his craps non-stop & all..knp ehh? winduu kot?? wakakaka~ mcm phm! hahaha! ;-) hmmm..ok den,nari mlm aku tdo senyum2 ye k? bole?hehe.. ok bye!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
AACCCHHOOO!!! anda mau rockkkk?????!!! den pai KL,i did shop 4 myself! at lassttt! RM230 all gone! hehee..left only RM60 cents aje wif me! hahahaha.. my dad get shocked! bt den,he's fine wif it laa~ *botak bpk gue!* hehee.. ;-p k lah,nk rest.. i miss my dearie frens,fans all~ hahaha ^going on a date soon.nt 1 bt 2! Weeee! ;-p
Saturday, December 16, 2006
hey gals! jus landed safely~ wee! so EXHAUSTED! da lah tdo mcm sardin in e trip e whole day~ haizzz~ bt its ok~im njoying shopping myself in here..cool! its darn cheap! trust me! bebas cukai! wee~~! i bought a lot of tings 4 myself till i 4gt 2 put aside $ 4 KL trip later on. hehe.. ;-)
i received a sms frm some1..hmm..wow~ tanks 4 all ur concern. im doing fine. n yah! i miss u too! like hell! i heart u both! ;-) eeii~ hw greedy am i hah? heehee..singlehood mahh now..so i can bitch/date around wif whom i like ahh ehk,kPO! hahaha~ well, i haf only left a few minutes b4 e cybercafe closed. till here den. update soon aite~ *wana wake up early 2molo at abt 6!cos we are heading 2 e CHOCOLATE FACTORY!! weeeee! bye gfs!bye bfs! miss ya! ;-))
Friday, December 15, 2006
wee! finally its fri,15/12/06! weeee! holidays holidays! arrgghhh!!!!!!! e day ive been waiting for~ ;-)
goin to langkawi frm 15-19th Dec 06! wif paternal sides~ hmm.... wondering hws e trip gonna be like wif a tourguide& all~ hmm.... bored?xhausted? hmm..shall wait & c~ tanks 2 yani&fit..came all e way dwn jus to pass me e bag i wanted 2 borrow. how sweet~ altho ders sum chnges of e plans actually..sori lerr..hee! ;-) farewell! hmm..i'm blessed 2 haf my gfs &frens surround me! dey make my day! dey haf been supporting me tru thick&thins 2gather..shall nvr 4get dat! ;-) tanks. & yess! everyone gonna miss me! esp my parents. (dey sacrifice their time nt to work jus to sent me 2 yewtee & say farewell) my frens! ya ampon! (kip reminding me 2 tc of myself & so on!) miss u gals! &.......guys! hee! ;-) ok la,everyting prepared. nk siap-ing ni. take cr family,gfs,sweethearts,loves&foes~~ boo! outs soon~ oh yes! wana share dis lyric of song title - LONELY SEPTEMBER sang by THE PLAIN WHITE TSHIT ika recommend me dis song! freakin' nice! ;-) tanks. I'm sittin' here all by myself just tryin' to think of something to do Tryin' to think of something, anything just to keep me from thinking of you But you know it's not working out' cause you're all that's on my mind One thought of you is all it takes to leave the rest of the world behind [Chorus]Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did And you didn't mean to love me back, but I know you did I'm sittin' here tryin' to convince myself that you're not the one for me But the more I think, the less I believe it and the more I want you here with me You know the holidays are coming upI don't want to spend them aloneMemories of Christmas time with you will just kill me if I'm on my own [Chorus]Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did And you didn't mean to love me back I know it's not the smartest thing to dowe just can't seem to get it right But what I wouldn't give to have one more chance tonight One more chance tonight I'm sittin' here tryin' to entertain myself with this old guitar But with all my inspiration gone it's not getting me very far I look around my room and everything I see reminds me of you Oh please, baby won't you take my hand we've got nothing left to prove [Chorus]Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did And you didn't mean to love me back, but I know you did And I didn't mean to meet you then we were just kids And I didn't mean to give you chills the way that I kissAnd I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did And you didn't mean to love me back but I know you did Don't say you didn't love me back 'cause you know you did No, you didn't mean to love me back But you did
Thursday, December 14, 2006
its wed! weee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fri coming! & u guys r gonna be missing me! e cute,yet lovely me! WAKAKKA! CAM PHM! hahahaha! ok den,gt sumting dat i wana share wif u guys in here~ if u tink dat i forget u.. NO,i'm still here.. i may not always be der 2 get in touch wif u, but u'r always on my Mind, kept in my Heart, Marked in my Soul..
Monday, December 11, 2006
mon! oh no! tired! aching everywhr! pnt smlm nya smlm sume lom ilang lagik! haizz~ as usual,nari sume tak g SW.standard chartered laaa! haha..afta skul,went to IMM to buy food n window shop 4 a while den went to fit's hse to finish up our project..its raining heavily..haiz~ n dunno wat happen to all my gfs nari..sume mood sendrik2 nya sey nari..ade sedih,ade bget,ade geram,ade penat,ade fickle-minded~haizz.
HURT. 'someday i feel broke inside,but i wont admit' - dats it. like i use to say.let him be & do wat he wants..haiz~ i remember wat u use to say boy.. U said dat u dunwan to get into any realtionship. ckp bsar. den sape skrg yg cpt da de pengganti??! bbual konek sak!! arrrghh!!! i dunno wat to say/feel right nw. its like it can be bothered animore.bt my hearts tell me not to forget him! arrgghh! PEACE LA.PEACE LA! argh!~~ i get to knw by myself dat he's attached. mcm phm! ni ar jantan! tk knl erti beruntung! dulu ye ye oh ckp tak suke minah2 yg kai aju shoulder off (baju mentel gituk,yg jatoh kt bahu).. beh skrg ON plak tu..mepek! nahh~ its ok.. U ARE IRREPLACEABLE,Boy! haha.. bdk2 ITE ni bkn bdh..dey r smart-thinkers..nt like those Poly students yg tak tahu fikit mane kaca&permata~ sume otak gong gong~ haha.bt seriusly,bab blja2 ni,Poly students mmg pandai..bab pikir2 psl relationships n to tink of wich one is rite/wrg decisions in rlthships,drg mmg bodoh! haha~ its TRUE! FuckiNG tRUE! chows~ esk, cabots skool. g bugis wif .......
Sunday, December 10, 2006
pheww~ came bck frm chalet oreadi.. had fun?? not so la, ok-ok laa..im e one making a fool of myself. biase laa aku ngn gile2 aku.. im jus hapi e way i am nw..hehehe..hapi sey mit all my cuzzins eventho ader satu family ni bastard,tak dtg! WAKAKA! ;-p hmm.. smpai chalet je 1st day,mkn ringan2 den g parkway parade to shop 4 bbq stuffs wif cik ari,ucu,aidil,asrap..fun lah~ mlm2 jln g sane..altho da pukol 9.kite leh jln lenggang lenggok lagik! mcm lah Giant @ parkway parade tu tugu kite! hahaha.. den tgh jln otw to der, fad kol me. hmm..~ tu pon tak lyn cos kad da low mah~ hee! reaching Giant,aleh2 kepala berat gituk! haiz! mayb bcos ptg tu aku byk tawe kot! haha~ shop till drop @ Giant,we head bck to chalet.ok la..get all stuffs ready 4 bbq n den aku kene jadi security guard! yah ampon! tugu ucu n gang dia alik..mak ai..luckily,i gt adrad to accompany me on e fone. bbual lame jgk ar..abt 2-3 hours like dat! hahaha~ ;-)
2nd day~ 8 am sharp! wah lao wei~!! peh bget! all my cuzz hps alarm clock ringing! wnna knw abt wat? drg ni sume kemarok nk mandi laut! yah ampon!! bget aku! terkejot tau! den left me alone wif nenek je in e chalet.ucu & cik ari go n buy sum bbq stuffs yg tak cukop.den, my parents cam n luckily i gt a hp charger! ni sume adrad nye psl arr! hee!decorate e chalet wif balloons sume..hehe..cute rite? ;-p den 1 by 1 came all e family members & ucu's frens..ok lah,get to sabo-ing him! haha! n den we rent a bike 4 overnite use 4 only $10! dats CHEAP! wee! went riding wif cuzz..total ders 7 of us! WEE! ;-))we went to end-end..mcm phm..xplore e whole ecp! hahahaha..~ n yes!!!!!!! everyone went to bed @ 3+! haha..mangkok! cos evryone is complaining their upper n lower body started to 'krek..krek..' starts to aching evrwhr~ hahahaha.. tu laa..nk jadi mat rempit pn ader,jadi peserta nk g DOHA pn ader~ hahahaha..kekek! bt i had fun even tho went im sleeping,i cn feel my body aching! it terrible! haizz~!!! 3rd day~ hmm..went i wake up,pheew~! my whole body like robot! saket sgt2! argh! went to mc 2 buy breakfast! (psst,tu pon bgn tdo,trus g..w/o having any bath or wat..i even didnt wash up my face!) hahahaha! bacin sey aku! hehee..afta eating breakfast..~ chat,dancing n making a fool of myself again~! i went up dancing gile2,yg mepek2 lah sgt..feelin2 uat vdioklip sendrik ar gituk.i wen out laughing pai saket perot..ucu & e rest did too. play 'donkey' cards..'bum-pak-yeh','UNO', 'Simon says' & mor la~ sad one~@3pm..ders ambulance, police car & chaos! everyone is in dazed! omg! ders someone drowning!!!! rite infront of my chalet!!! so,i & my cuzz, aunts,uncles,grannies all went out to chk out wat happen. a 45 yr old man drowned afta saving his own son from drowning~ oh my! evryone at ecp came to chkout wat happen~ rescuers,lifeguards.....all was der! @ 4+..e body found! a small boy shouted! wen he saw his body floating~ all dashed towards e pt 2 knw wat happen! & i saw sum ppl are in tears.. he's 50-50 alive..bt den tv showed dat he's gone once reaching e hosp~ haizz.. innalilahh~ aftadat, sume badi taknk mandi laut lgik..haiz~ n yah..i myself did learnt a lesson frm dis. den,at arnd 8+,we went back home! finally! to JLN TECK WHYE! weeeee! nw,i cn sleep comfortably on my bed & so on! wee! ok lor~ skul tomolo! 9tes!
Friday, December 08, 2006
holidaess! yippeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaa... xcited sak! woohoo!! nt much to write! im siap2 nk g umah fit abis kn pojek den head to chalet!woo! 4 3 days ok! guess wat?nari bday ucu! ape lgik??? sabo ar!wee! cant wait sia! arghh.. ok den,update nnt.. girls,tc aite! 4.30 pm hey..nw at umah fit..haizz..everyting done! settled! jus to get e report to type out n print dats all. wee! hmm..kenyang sgt2 at umah fit..wooh! mak dia uat nasi grg,ayam grg,nuget n guess wat?!!MUFFINS!!! yah ampon!!tanks cik! hee! gamat deh! ni drg tgh tgk cite 'my heart'..argh~ mcm phm.. eeeii... igt kn cite nya ok..skali tak ok lah! eeii..geli semcm tgk cite tu.. ckit2 tawe.da tawe2,nangis..pastu peluk n cium! eeeii..gelik guek! yucks! hahahaha...sori guys,i knw sum of u did njoy e movie. hehee.. ;-) cant wait 4 2 mit everyone in e chalet nnt~ wee! tapi mendak nya arr~ hahaha..ok lor.running out of time..nk mit my ucu n adeq @ jp to go to ecp.. wee! bubbye!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
eyy~ jus came bck frm skul..doin nutink..chat,chk frenster..standard laa kn..nutink 2 do actually~ life's getting bored,bored each day! i jus cant wait 4 holidaes 2 cum sey~ whr i can haf a peace on my mind later on..pheew! well,pojek lum abis, mcm phm arr nk hldys ni sume! nabuu!! hahaha! well,nari bday ulfah! yg ke 1yrs old! cute sgt2 anak sdare aku yg ini! argghh~gerrraamm! nt much 2 do actually..laidback aje aku ni at umah srg2..adik aku g mane nth ngn c tamby aidil tu~ (Ina's bro)..hmm.. smlm uat pojek,mate gue da laa tak larat..bbual konek ar kirekn aku smlm~ haha! pastu,wen IMM wif yani..she bought a pant! @esprit! cool kn!!! murah tau!its only 4 29.90$~~ hmm..nga save $ ni..nk g hldys nnt! haizzz~ pastu da lps alik IMM,igt kn leh alik umah tdo n rest! standrad arr kn~ i jus haf 2 mit mambang yg bernama ........... (bpk ko!) hahaha~ meppppeekkk! argh~!!
kk laa..end here.esk cont~ mendak arr.. wee~!!!!!!!!! 11.15pm well,jus receive a kol frm ain^syam..shared probs & so on..~ i duno lah y i still cant 4get abt him easily..move on tu sng,bt den, sumtimes wen im in skul or anywhr i jus tinking abt him.. wonder if he's doin well or nt? da mkn lom? hws life? bt den,after-all i knw he hates me.bt,who cares ar mat~ aku takde nk benci2 ko sume~ ko nya sluadlm ar skrg nk accident termereng kanan ke kiri..main ngn pompan ke ape ke..~ a lyrics on song 'Marah-marah sayang' -Sad Version Bibir ku mengucapkan perasaan hati yang silih berganti hati sering bertanya apa kah benar ucapan kata walau bibir melafaz marah hati membisu merindu sayang andai bibir dan hati seiring terjalinlah rasa marah-marah sayang kini bibir dan hati membisik ucapan kau lah yang ku nanti mari kita menuju bersama hapuskan lah rasa marah-marah sayang *guys tend to leave someone who loves them 4 someone they like. dun be surprised if one day someone they like will leave 4 someone they love. good night.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
weee!!!!!!!!!!! went to bugis & bumped onto unexpected ppl! ive bumped onto ijad,my x. abg mamat,my neighbour. & amy, kwn nisa+yani.. cool kan!? fooo!!den wen to esplanade lepak wif nurul n adek all...ok laa..single life..~happy sgt2! hmm..cant wait 4 holidaes! to langkawi! nurul n i plan so many tings oreadi..hmm... k lor,tired ar.. ngntoks n nk mkn nie.. update lgik arr eh bsk.. errmm~~~ i miss sumone badly actually! bt,who cares! hahaha! ok boo! nites! ;-)
Friday, December 01, 2006
pHEeeww~!! tiring day 4 me~ jus came back frm ecp cos gt dat skate tingey~ ok lah..tired,sleepy,aching.... sumore, i jus tot dat boy wearing red shirt, yg gd lookin' tu my fren! fuadd! yess! confirm its him! haizz~~ hehee! haha.. tired ya amat! wake up at 7am jus to wake up call irni..phew~ dat girl i tell u..tdo mati gaknya! haha! bt,luckily dia bgn~ hehe..kalo tak, haf 2 py 25 bucks xia! hee.. den waited 4 e O'scents nya clan sampai~ kiri kanan kiri kanan! hahaha..part ni kite smgt~ kalo dtg skola,ader je tunjuk muke masam laa~ngntok la~ ini itu la~ haha..bt my frens are great! mane satu2 nya pe'el. haha..den dlm bus yani bekal kn kite sume nasi grg! TAnks to MAK dia! & yani too! wee~! ape lgik,bedal arr! haha!den pai sane,mcm2 kerenah.. e rollerblades, gloves & knee pad all stinks! yucks! irni & i almost vomit! yucks! afta dat,we take a shower & 1 by 1 make their own move.some gt date wif bf,bf's mum,x bf's sis & wrk..aku je siak~! ina buih arr! cibai ko! babi! haizz~ dlm bus 67,aku tdo shokk! & cont sleeping at hm till 7 den i wake up.haha.. ngntoks sgt~ k lor..esk ade date! ngn makciK aku! HAHA! pSL langkawi tingey..nk g agent nya tmpt 2 update ape ntah~ ikot aje laa kn~ single life pe skrg! HAHAHA! chows Babas! ;-)