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Saturday, March 31, 2007

so bored................................am tired!!! *argh!!!
& yes,since start wrk eh,i really dun haf enuf sleep sey..i duno y..i miss my weekends outings wrif frens on saturday...i miss skooling...(dats wat & how many times ive told my parents!), i miss all those family outing 2gatha! argh*
tired,tired,tired..................... & yes,i haf to wrk on sat somore..1.45-10pm! mangkok siots! haizz~~~ okok la..at least ders sumting 4 me to do rather den sitting at hm doin nuting...hmm...
9te all!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

hmm..today afternoon shift. wrk time starts wif yani.. at 1.45! hopefully break togatha! haha! & yah,yani on-job-training at my wrkplace too! VC! but she kena Chomel..bt its ok..we r under one roof aniwe gal! haha..ystdy was not so tiring..i duno y..bt was a sleepy day..fit did fetched me frm wrk! hehe...tanks..cos she misses me & yani i gues! haha! ;-) i miss IRNI!!! she's been M.I.A sak! whr e hell she gone too??mayb she's bz wrking i guess! argh*! wana mit zimah n odah soon laa...i miss dem! 4 apr..results released..i & yani took off..hopefully can la.. cos we wana mit uo de girls! haiz...ok ok..gona get ready 4 wrk..

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

e hyper,siow ting-tong khai..
????wtf boy??????
i tink dey r perfect..do u tink so??hee!
acting cute.
matured ladies??hehe
hmm... khai & me
aww...love me,honey??hahaha!

off day!! n den went to sign e form tingey @ office jus now..mit up wif yani afta her training..chilling,eating wif dat khai belo...hahaha.. ;-) den went to far east.. standard...jus window shopping altho some shops are orady closed! hahaha!

den,cam whoring sessions at outside far east...khai did alot!!! hehe..n den,sent yani to her bustop..n left me & khai..den wait e bus..so long..den came,all packed xia..argh..so khai insisted of taking e train..so we take train hm lor.. hmm.........~ n as usual..ehem! ehem! !

Sunday, March 25, 2007

weaahoooooooooo!!! 2moro my off day! finally!!! bt den, still haf to go to office to sign letter/contract i guess..hehe..sumting like dat la..at 1st,i tot if i cant stand it..i wana stop half way..dats on my mind..bt den,as days passed..e xcitement of goin to wrk,meeting new frens,all sorts of customers & all are great xperience.really!!! hehe..e great ting is dat,u knw how xactly e business is doin.. ok la..i find my job interesting..best..mayb bcos its all nEW i guess! haha.. i find it ok..i can cope..its jus dat haf to doll up to wrk lah,whr else...if nt, lily will scold..scold meh??nvr been scolded..only been reminded alot of tymes by her.. wear lipstick more la..wear eyeshadow more la..GOODNESS!!! da cam SIA!!! wakaka! & yeah,i really like e uniform..cheongsam! shall take a pic 4 dat..& my wrkplace everyone MUST bun their hair up or do French-twist! ITS A MUST!!! da cam CINONE sesat! lol..yani had seen me in uniform & e bun..hehe.. shuttup u! i knw i look funny but cute hor! hehe..
ok den, 2moro yani's training..hopefully u'r doin good hor gal! all e best!
since its my off day tomoro,im gona mit Zimah @ her wrkplace..mayb drop by Oda's wrkplace..Khai.....n yani!!! hehe..
i miss my frens!

phew..well people..u can find me at MBVCC! hehe.new shop,new environment, new people,new stuffs & lots new new tings! i like! everyting is great..managed to boost up sales jus nw..ive sold more den 8 items today..hehe..cool rite???
& i'm e 1st one who managed to get the 1st sale 4 2day! wee! skaligus, 3 Jade items n earrings plak tu! best! i like! den bracelets,stuffs all..lina put me on e Glassbeads area..bagos la! i can managed wif those accessories..not e clothes! i'm nt so confidence wif those clothes actually...hehe..n yeah,si lily tu cant stop smiling,doin thumb-ups to me,say 'good'..'good'..ckp skali suda lah..mcm paisey gituk..hahaha..ok ok.tell u guys wat..everyting is fine..cume i dunno wat gona happen nxt lah hor..
tanks yani for ThaiExpress treat! yipeeeee! wee!
9te,tomolo work! work! & yah,mayb sumone wana fetch me..hehe..bye!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

hmm..ok..4 2days training..4 me its fine..bt den..haiz......im nt use to be frens wif 'sorts' of diff types of people..hehe.. duno y la.. hopefully,everytings fine 4 2mrw.cos 2mrw on-job-training starts orady.. muz be at 2pm at e office itself.. briefing den dey will gif us e place whr we haf to start wrk..haiz....hopefully.... everyting turns out fine 2morow..
thanks Khai for e accompany me after job training jus nw..hee!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

ok..wana share good news! went to Shaw Centre in de morn wif yani.. 4 a interview..nervous lah of coz! cos dis is my 1st tyme full-tyme job interview. usually kn part tyme job..hehe..went in to lift,press 25th floor..my hart beats more & more & more faster sey! hehe..& so is yani..
enter e room,fillin e forms was ok..bt the not ok part is to wait for e interviewer! hahaha! butterfly in my stomach man!* hehe.. den,afta fillin e forms,w/o further any tyme..i went to e counter itself & a lady ask me to sit n wait..so,i wait lor..n chitchat wif yani 4 a while..NERVOUS sak!!!!
den a mly lady called my name..n she's e one interview me! thx god. ;-)
phew~ den she ask me all sorts of qns exactly like how bibik test me e night b4 interview..hehe...luckily,i managed to answer it la..she did ask me 'wats ur strengths & weaknesses?' 'tell me abt urself..sell urself to me..' hehe..part tu,i was smiling widely...cos i knew dis is usually e common qns dey will ask..as usual, i answer it in my own manner way lah hor! hehe..n yeah,she's fun sey..can click sey... a few min,she ask 4 my i/c..so i was like 'huh?'..
den a few min she came back wif my i/c..she told me to cum down 2moro at 2pm,all black attire 4 training..am so happppppppppppy!!!
a few moment,yani's turn..she get it too... ;-) ..she oso muz come dwn der 4 training tomoro sey..beh aleh2 kena postpone to nx wk..hmm...sad sey..n ill b alone sey tomoro..bt,i dun mind la..tkkn nk 24/7 wif her kn??hehee..independant laa sikit yana!! hehe.. & yah,tanks 4 e pants yani! will pay back on tues, dun cha worry! thanks again babe! wee!
tanks to bibik too..4 all e interview tips! hehe..
did bumped onto shahirah j..cute la she! goodness! n yeah,she did join me wif my frens! happy sgt siots terjumpe die! hahaha
for real,its unxpected laa eh..hehe..hopefully,everyting goes on smoothly 2moro~ peace.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

a few mor mins the clock strikes 12midnight! its mum's bday! well, i feel bad cos cant get her anyting cos i'm broke! totally am.... haiz.... wait till i get a job la mum..n den,i can buy u loads of new stuffs! oh my...its been so a yr/yrs & mths ive been not working..i miss those $!! hehehe

well mum..HAPPY BDAY! may u'r blessed wif gd health ya! & stay HAppy wif us,de 3 devils* hehe..luv ya!

Monday, March 19, 2007

addicted to dis song! esp Akon doing e 'woo-who..yee-who!' haha!

chk dat out!!!

yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! finally my blog is OK!! Thank God! weeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok ok...wat shuld i do eh????i wana find a job la..bt den,i olways wake up late! argh!!! bad bad habit!!! argh* 2morow..odah planned to mit up de girls..she miss me i guess! hehe..nah,jus mit up..chilling at our playground..whr else!??! clementi lahh!! haha..she wana go der buy 'usual' stuffs at central..yeah! hopefully jadi arr gal...wee.......! cant wait..
& yes,ive gt a bad migraine dis few days..& its a common prob lah..cos of due to my long,thick,heavy black hair! slalu gini tau! kalo da lebat,berat plak...confirm saket kepale! betta get trimmed ar lata! wen gt $..hehe..

Friday, March 16, 2007

hey..a few more hour left im going to 'sumwhr'!!! nightlife i muz say! woohooo!!!! goin to hmm...ade laa..no nid to mention here..hahaha....now waitin 4 suriani's arrival..she gona sleep-over my hse 2night or shuld i say morn?? hahaha...
ok people..lets groove to e music bebeh!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

yeah..my stomach is full wif all sorts of food 2day! 1stly,met aunty nor @ LOT1 to accompany her buy sumting.. head to PIZZA HUT! wee! yum2..fully indeed! kenyang dok! senak perut gue!haha! den go DELIFRANCE..ate Chicken Fuelitte..(is it spell correctly?) hmm..den went back hm..
at 8pm,off to Pasar mlm @ bkt pjg..i ate 'Tutu Kueh', one of my fav..yum2.. bought some fish otahs..proceed to McDonalds..n i bumped onto Nisa!!!! weee!!! da lame tk jumpe die! kecohs! & we chit-chat a few mins..weee!!;-) join in e queue 2 buy caca's meal..mc wings..i ate 1 of it..den had my drink filled wif grape shot + sprite! favorite! ;-)
afta dat..wen back hm....stomach pain! wakaka! padan muke aku! haha!
ok den...thanks to Aunty Nor 4 e Pizza Hut's treat..
*Friday coming people!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

went out wif my girls..wif a kiddo..eat at Gelare @ suntec.. & Romeo, sorry! der's no more left 4 ya! haha..& yes, mayb i wana grab dat grey top @ Zara! mayb 4 my bday present i guess?!? haha..i miss those shopping spree moments! wana wrk laa!! hehe!

baked waffles,whipped cream, cookies & cream

hmm...yum2..eh Romeo..dun jealous! :-p

its all done with a minute!

me & kiddo

janji diana*
cool la..i like dis pic!

Monday, March 12, 2007

*p/s: its gona be long peeps..
yESSSSSSAAAAAAAAAA!!! school's life over mummy!! weee!!!! now, waiting 4 results..POM paper was oK..i managed to do it in a nice & fun way ;-) cos i did revision hor! so kinda of easy lah hor..ok ok la..hehe..
as usual,afta paper..me & my girls ate mi soto for e very last tyme n den goodbye to ITE CLEMENTI CAMPUS!! yeahh!! & i'm gona miss makcik sue..n yah,she gona miss me too hah! lols! ;-)
went to take pics in skool..get those class photo signed..sad lah of cos! almost in tears lah hor!hehe..laugh & flashback those wonderful memories i had in skool wif my girls..haiz.. gona miss those tyme wif annie,aaron tang,samsons...tong..& all la.. thx teachers! ;-)
altho they keep nag & nag..dey left bhind wonderful memories..hee!
afta skool..we went to clementi central to haf our last SWEETALK & proceed to bkt pjg plaza..chilling..frm der..to odah's hse..n den to pasar malam..chilling under e void decks..toking abt sum personal stuffs & all la..*ive learnt new things..*experience new things indeed..hahaha! den went back hm..
njoy at e photos! shall update e class photo aite!
foreva~ mcm phm..SKL..wooo...nice.. hehe
last pose in e skool..
ms sharon lee..
last call 4 e bus 2gather.. otw to chill @ bkt pjg plaza
yani..wat happened??odah mentel..me?? step cute hor..
*whisper to odah* haiz..gona miss skooling..
usual bitches

pose outside e lift! pathetic..
happy bt sad indeed..
fit stressed up! haha! yani stressed up
e girls
wee! class photo!
zimah & ir

Sunday, March 11, 2007

heylos peep!
2 morow my last paper..n last day of my ITE life..gonna miss my ITE frens & all those shitty & unforgettable memories!
hope i can do e paper tomolo! ;-)
good luck kuncu-kuncu ku!!!

me & yani started to like dis video by AVRIL - GIRLFRIEND

hahaha! esp those lyrics!

Hey! Hey! You! You!
I don't like your girlfriend!
No way! No way!
I think you need a new one
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I could be your girlfriend

Hey! Hey! You! You!
I know that you like me
No way! No way!
No it's not a secret
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I want to be your girlfriend

[Verse 1]
You're so fine
I want you mine
You're so delicious
I think about ya all the time
You're so addictive
Don't you know what I could do to make you feel alright?
Don't pretend I think you know I'm damn precious
Hell yeah
I'm the motherfucking princess
I can tell you like me too and you know I'm right

She's like so whatever
You could do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about!

Friday, March 09, 2007

woah..today..tiring bt fun indeed! odah came to my place jus to finished up her frontpage as ms sharon said she cnt open her saved work..hmm..hoping mine no problemo hor! den came yani..& so kecohs la! tot of studying..bt its ok..wif dem around at my place,i cant concentrate any of those notes..hehe..lepak-ing, listening to music & laughing moments are unforgettable ones tho! gonna miss dem hor! at 6.30,went to pasar mlm at bkt pjg wif yani..odah couldnt join us cos mitting acit..i bought 'tutu kueh' & burger ramly 4 myself..dun mind me,am so having a bad craving over these things! hehe!
afta those 'hunting' for food tyme..we went to mc donalds & bought ourself a medium sized drink at bkp pjg plaza..cos its free-flow mah!! hehe! as usual, me & yani had our cup filled wif sprite+grape flavour shot! ok la! rase grape! at e same time,can taste e sprite! haha! ;-) den head to e playgrnd level..n eat our burger! yum2..n tok shit...hehe..den came along odah & acit..& we proceed to Starbucks..yani's treat!!! tanx!!
& i tell u guys,dis fellow(acit) quite irritating joker jgk laa! hehehe..non-stop make us laugh like hell! n yeah...my jaws are jus tired of those laughing sessions wif odah,acit & yani! kekek la..acit pon bole tahan arr org nye..loyar burok gilerr! & i jus get 2 knw dat his bday is on 20 may..patot laa aku leh click ngn die..same bintang..haha! asking him stupid qns like 'wat is ur strength & weaknesses eh,acit?' ask him alot of annoying qns too tho..pecah perut di buatnyer..nk alik,me & yani burst into laughter once again cos of odah's wrg pronounciation of 'Mary J.Blije' to 'Mary J. Black'!!! LOLS!! ko mepek girl!! wakakaka!! den da tu takpe..while i & yani was laughing out loud, odah still stubborn to get her words rite..dis tyme round, she pronounce as 'MARY J. BLEACH'!!! wakakakakakakakakaka!!!!
der it goes,trus member salam me & yani..den walk hm! hahaha!
okok..stop those laughter..wana study!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

e snacks!
gona miss those highlighting moments! hehe!
POM! haiz...gona trow it away soon... hehe!
'if i wrote u a love note...' hahaha! nah,its sum piece of notes ive folded..
jus finished revising POM..(Principles of Marketing)..gt nuting to do in btwn my study-break time,i snapped some pics..mepek.....haha..stress actually..da lahh kepale sakit..

ok bye! c ya @ nite!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

well,wake up early jus nw..altho i feel so sleeppppyyyy.....chatting over e fone ystdy for hours! goodness sake! luckily nvr skool.. who else? wif dat Romeo Remy Ultraman! haha..a new nickname 4 him.. frm 12.20 midnight to 5.10 am in e morn! mangkok...talk about 'stuffs', 'politics', & 'all'!! hyper jgk tau ni mamat..haha..

& i cant sleep well tho..my backbone like lenguh gituk..tak tahu nape..wake up at 10+..mkn..play comp..tot of studying..bt cant..hee.. i cant study during e day. i can only concentrate during e night. a peaceful environment indeed. ;-)

ok den..till here..wanna do some revision on dat Annie's sub -POM!!!!POM!!! KEBABOOOMMM!!! haha.. lame.. ok! bye!

*gals,study hard! shall mit dis fri...proceed to PM @ BKT PJG! yeahh!
burger ramly, yana dtg!!! haha!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

jus reached..
bday girl concentrating her meal!

my meal!

asl ni?? nt satisfied is it??
me & bday girl!

The girls..suwwett! ;-)

left unattended... zimah's.fit's.MINE.yani's

da cam al-qaeda..hehe!

cute kn! bday girl being blind folded!

be patient zimah..force her to!

fuh..mcm paham..b4 blind folded..

attitude sak girls! igt...da 20 hor!!!

yani's bday gift...kinda expensive hor..

kylie muke pepek! lols!

@ al-majlis..


ok ppl! above are e pics of 2day...celeb yani's bday!
its yani's bday today! & wat we haf planned all turn out well!hahaha! we got her blind folded from parco bugis junction to al-majlis @ arab st sane.... hahahaha!!! kakakakaka! ;-) sounds bad arr..bt we haf to..surprise! 4 her..hehe..sorry hor yani..hehe!

we loveeee doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lols! ;-)