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Thursday, August 30, 2007

tired arrhhh..

tummy full liao today.
Thanks eh Dear 4 evryting... =)

haf u guys heard abt the moon tingey? bulan gerhana..hmm...jus nw i went ecp 4 awhile to catch a breeze..skali ternampak! cool tau..de moon is so~ round..& reddish orangey colour.snap it. bt doesnt clear enuf..
ape maksud eh bulan gerhana?? hmm..tkpe2. nnt gue uat research sendrik. haha.

nari aku kenyang giler..............................hurgh.mor pics,proceed to multiply.. Thanks.ahakz.

Dear,happy 1mthsarry.
like u said,we still on our 'honeymoon' period.
Thanks alot for evryting. shall remember dat...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

teacher's day coming!
i tot of going back to ITE CLEMENTI wif my gals to mit ms.sharon..bt,dey r bz working.
so,i guess mayb i'm going back wif kak tot lor...
& yes,e whole day stuck in de house cos raining heavily...
i drool till 12.20 den i wake up! haha. fit mor worst..1.30pm sumore! haha.
dear went to work a bit late.all bcos of de cosy weather dis morning. heh!

& yeah,2mrw mayb wana mit up Dear 4 awhile.accompany him to suntec to sign his kompang contract tingey..so e active laa he! hahs. since we r at suntec tomorow..so i guess we r heading to DONUT FACTORY!!! YAY! die pon da addicted. hahas.
& i did tell him dat im craving GELARE! my fav!! sumor mcm da lame tk mkn..haha. (padahal nk kater kn,kerap jgk mkn GELARE!!) haha. ni sume die nye psl arr. heehehe. & he did replied 'ok..esk kite gi Gelare..' yay! tersenyum lebarrr aku kt c ni..even tho die tk nmpk tp aku tahu confirm die tahu~! yay yay!

ANNOUNCEMENT: ehem ehem.. gue da de multiply!

2 more days to. . . . . .

der we mit again. e 4 of us. like i use to say..last minute outing mesti menjadi..we chill & laugh till like no one cares dat its orady at night!~ haha. Hope Bonnie's fine wif her's.. & as usual.. we took crappy pics! =)

we are der..
we are der being in e rain or sunshine.
'wen e sun shine,we shine togather.told u i'll be here 4eva..
dat i olwas be ur fren..ella ella ella eh.eh.eh.'

i shuld end my post wif dis quote tonight.

"Men always want to be a woman's first love
women like to be a man's last romance.
When one is in love, one always begins by deceiving oneself,
and one always ends by deceiving others.
That is what the world calls a romance."

I tink dat he knows.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

today,go tampines. gt a weeding function to attend to. COngrats to Dear's fren! Marliyana & Reza.. yana jugak sey..hehe..& i manage to captured some pics only..paisey sey nk amek byk2. cos i dunno her.tp ok la..once i reached der wif Dear & Azhar(his colleague), trus amek gmbr kt pelamin! cool~ hahaha. org pakse,amek lor..hehe. =)

Saturday,slept over at Hougang.& my niece is sooo~~ big orady! cerdik.

moto besar. sebagai hadiah i guess! cool kn?
it belongs to e bride!!!
Dear was talking to e Bride,his colleague.
Dear told dem dat i bumped onto my aunt&uncle at her wedding.my auntie & her(bride) are sepupu.so aku rase aku sdare jauh die lah kn!!! hahaha. small world!
@ Starbucks,PS. i paste dis stickers onto e soviet dat i wrapped my drink wif.
so dat e soviet will not fall off. & guess wat Dear say?!?
he said: 'sumtymes,u amaze me.& u simply amuse me.'
Saturday outs wif family.eat at NASI PENYET RIA!
yum yum! the soto.
my fav!! ayam penyetttttt!!!!
so fast! de food all gone!
i get the chance to shoppp!!!!
THX to mum & dad!
in lurvve wif MCcafe's darn choc brownie~
GOD knws hw i feel at dat moment..

& wat he said abt HE mayb get the chance to work abroad,Doha make me scaAAREDD!
i dun wana to be apart frm him. its like 2yrs. omg! not a short period of tyme sayang..its freakinggg long..wat if dey wans u to wrk for dem a few yrs more??hw am i goin to wait?!! & he did ask me jus now in a serious way,wat if he really get the offer? do i wana follow him? & i said ' YES! OF COS LAA!'
HE smiled. bt for me, it all depends on e situation of who is he to me lah hor in future. erm.. i'm stuck in de middle! hurgh~

Thursday, August 23, 2007

jus nw mit my gerls. only 3 available! including me,4!
da naik ckit..heh! cos dat tyme national day,2 org je leh make it. yay! =)
as usual,da lame tk jumpe..start ahh sume bbual mepek! nt 1 ppl,bt i mus say all of US!
zimah,yani,odah!!! hahahaha. last minit outing..tetap berjalan dgn lancar.. amin.
sume bbual n tawe2 tk pernah nk pelan2. dr tyme skola sampai ke peringkat dewasa!
ceeyyy! hahahaha. we r full wif craps & shits! hah. bt, i do love their company. w/o frens,
ur world gona be lonely..btol! tk caya? buat arr taik kt kwn ko..pastu kwn ko tgl kn ko..
& ko 4 sure fil so lonely bas3rd!!! hahahahahahahahaha.

esk gue de interview!
wish me luck people..at smrt hq.

hope evryting goes on smoothly!


vainity shows it all
jumpe mesti nk quarell,tp rindu!
ni pon same. slalu main geng tk geng.
chilling..miss dem! 2 missin! fit & irnitk sah kalo amek gmbr drg,muke aku tkde.
nmpk makin putih kn? haha.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


MLS+STRESS pikir psl keje ni..
meh aku tunjuk korg pics2 of myself tyme kecik2 dulu.

mths old. sblum cukur rambot.
duno y. bt mum told me aku suke pose gini dulu.
mentel kn? haha
my childhood frens!
tgk tu..hold hands!
& lastly... me!
da besaww dah anak mak!
chows!update again lata!


too tired to go interviews orady.. all like no hope. heh.
ystdy jus went 4 an interview.gt hope. bt dis company haf to liase wif batam ppl. & IF,
lets say..IF one of my colleague or who so ever can go batam accompany those of our
customers, I,MYSELF & I kena go...it all DEPENDS on whether i haf to stay der 4 a
to gif a tour for our customers on our resort. its a GOLF resort like dat laahh hor..
so,e interview wen smoothly ystdy.. frm 2pm - 2.40pm. imagine dat! so long rite?! haha.

& yes,dis morning,e GM called me up.saying dat dey are willing to haf me working der!

here are some tots i had in mind..

1st impression: yahoo!yay!..thx god. i get e job. & e pay nt bad at all!
2nd: can i commit wif dis kind of job?
3rd: wat IF i haf to go batam? alone sumore..aku ni penakot! sorg sia..
4th: e working hours is bad! nid to report office at 6am in de morn! pukol brp yg
aku nk kene bgn!?! bt go hm at 1pm.. depend on e shift given la..latest at 6pm aru go hm!
5th: majority is mly.. problem jgk tu..
6th: weekends nk kene keje! arhh~ hurgh.
7th: mum,bf/frens worried abt me goin into for dis kinda job.
8th: elder bro force me to accept e offer
9th: dad nt happy i get e job. bt he says i can gif it a try tho.
10th:aku pikirannnnnnnnnnn!!!


Monday, August 20, 2007


fit...ur dream is SUPERB-menajubkan!


& yes,my dream too.
dream abt HE kissing HIS EX GF on a plane to DUNO WHERE ARHH!!
hurgh.& i still remember dat once he turn his face bhind,i gaf a punch on his face!!!
exactly right onto the nose part area...hahahahaha. padan muke!

bt den, i woke up...its jus a dream..~ haish. pheww..selamat...
straight away gif him a call jus now..hahahahahha.. WAT A DREAM!!
frm der,aku takot sendrik..haha.tkot sey..mane leh tk takot.. hehe.

& 2day! i had LONTONG!!! wif bagadil at BANQUET jrg pt! yum yum!!!!!
da lame sey tk mkn my fav. food.........................hehe. tersenyum lebawww aku tadi!

so....jus end here..
nk drooolllllll~~
ne tahu mimpi yg lain pulakkkkk!




am currently addicted to Timbaland's song!


lets dance & grind!!!!

da lame tk g eh...?hmm..g ane???hahaha..pegi tu..(joget..joget..) hehe.

ystdy's fireworks are great! lawa2 dok! besaw2! color2! its jus dat i duno wich one to snap e pics of e fireworks! haha.

& yes, b4 resting our butts @ marina sq nye tangga tinggi,Dear plan to haf donuts 1st at suntec.mak aii.......~ queue peh pjg....& WE,GIF

Den,we walk..walk..walk..wana go marina sq lor..since
Dear tot e fireworks starts at 8pm! hell no!! it starts at 9.15pm! idiot. Dear was sooo.....hungry i guess..heh.& decided to queue up 4 a small bites like nuggets/fries @ mcdonalds. alangkah tekejot nye saye!!! ramai org siollll!! its like mcm nari/besok mcdonalds seluruh spore nk tutop!!! KIASU SEYYY!!!long.....~queue pai pt lua hoi! pissed of sekejap. & HE DECIDED TO GIF IT A PASS TOO!

da jln towards go tangga tinggi tu..pantat~ ramai sak org..mcm semot..den we wen Starbucks to buy drink since Starbucks aje laa yg tk ramai org! hahaa. nasib baik tk 'gif it a pass' too...if nt, pai bile2 aku tk minum airrrr!! hahaha.

butt hurts.

afta fireworks event,i had my prata cheese @ jalan kayu coffeeshop! yum yum! da lapar dok.. dua-dua keping prata cheese aku rembat..Dear tekejot kot aku mkn byk! haha. =) TQ hor. & went hm shivering...cos sejuk mahh! embun2 nye trase..udara mlm sumore...... Dear drop by my place.chit chat wif abg & left at 2am.

sempat pose

good nite!

Friday, August 17, 2007

as i was bored to death de whole afternoon......i flip tru dos old photo albums.. kentalsss sey! & of cos,i do look cute tho. hah! menyampah. hehehe.. =)

de whole day,Dear pon tk kol..haish. sibuk lah tu..confirm mcm kuda giler.lari sane,lari sini.kesian si abg kecik nie! haha..da la mum nt cooking 2day..so nid to survive sendrik at hm. bt its ok. & ya, today & tomoro gt firewrks! hurgh~ nk tgk arhh..bt ade jempotan.hurgh* hell!

& yah,wana take a ride on a cable car so badly sia.....~ huurghh. & yah! i'm in love wif de dress @Sheer Romance,Far East Plaza! hurgh! lawa tau! floral2! & sumore,i'm addicted to online-shopping. frm bloggers online.cool stuffs dey had! woohoo. bt nid to bugdet argh!

& sumore...i was wondering...

Dear had a dream last few nights.






cum,ask me.

i'll promise i wont tell u guys.


sengau.sengau.dan bertambah sengau.

hahaha. =) am laughing to my own voice. so..ysdty,was such a blast! last minute outing wif Dear! & guess whr we went to?~!!

KARAOKE!!!! hehe.

OK.both of us were sitting,chilling @esplanade afta we had our lunch at marina sq.. den duno somehw,Dear plan it all...semangatttt!!!
at 1st,i say to him la.

'tk payah laa..suare da sengau gini.' den he said 'ala..ok per.since we gt nuting to do here.'

so i jus kept quiet & pikir2 alik...hmm..y nt ehh??! lagik2 one of my fav hobby afterall..
hehe. so,we walk back to esplanade carpark whr he parked his bike der..

unbelievable! karaoke session ystdy only involved e 2 of us!!!! hahahaha. so kecohs. den sms my bro who is working nearby to cum dwn. a few minits, he joined us.suke arhh die dpt nyanyi kejap altho tgh tyme keje! haha. *curi tulang* hehs. =)

& afta karaoke...we went back hm..Dear shag orady..nmpk sah..dr 5.30am tk tdo..hehe.
sorry,bt u insisted to mit me hor. haha. (me too,actually!)

Dear reached hm around 12.20 tgh mlm..den lepak! ZzzZzZ...........................

i wonder wen. . . . . . . .

ape-ape jerk tau pose die!
mkn sikit punyer lembab!
& sumore i tink he's looking at 'patrick,spongebob'

good nite!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

ok. haf been sengau 4 dis few days. & thx to Dear arhh. die yg bwk penyakit ni dulu..!
so,wats e plan nari?? haisshh. as usual... nid to go grandma's hs 4 a while..kalo aku tk mls nari.
heh.b4 tu,accompany Dear go mkn @ town since he end wrk @1.30..frm morn 5.30am...
imagine dat!? ppl shok2 tdo,he go wrk..haha.bt wat to do.his responsibility. =)

& i dreamt abt a fren of mine mlm tadi. i duno hw Tash can interframe into my dream!!!
haha.lols! stoopid dream! okok. actually i duno hw dis dream happened.
i dreamt abt him buying a scrambler bike,wear all brown all! den,he mit me at sumwhr.
cant recall whr e place is as it was only a d.r.e.a.m~ bt i rememeber all e looks & all!
den,tgh syok2 mimpi,Dear call me up.DUH! MY MORNING CALL!!!! hugrh! kacau!!
hahahahahahaha...heyy! bkn ape tau..cos i stil wana kwn whr my dream end seyy..
potong jln jer!
den i get to sms Tash,telling him wat ive been dreaming earlier on..
hahaha..kekek arhh!
bt ok..i'm fine wif it. ini sume hanya gurauan tdo.
mayb i miss my frens alot i gues..

ok.i admit dis.

i miss my bfs.i mean i miss hanging out wif dem.
miss those phonecalls,laughter........

haha.dis is Tash.
miss ya Angah..haha

dis is Khai.
e irritating one.

ok den.
write again later!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

acchooooo......! haiyah. kip sneezing jerk sey nari.
haiyah..2day do nuting at hm..as usual..mkn,tdo..main comp..sneeze..
da la Dear mit kwn die de whole day....senyap semcm..tp takpe..ade ruang ckit utk aku chill & relax myself.. heheh =)

ystdy......wen to watch Rush HOur 3!! gerek sey!! penat aku tawe dlm panggung wayang..kecohs sak..esp Dear..die nye peh ketawe,mak ai~ kuat siots! hahahaha. fun tho.
den headed to Labrador Park.He plan it all. as usual.. Thx to him. i gt to xplore to such new & yet interesting places..COOL! Next, he plan to watch The Borne Ultimate ke hape nth arr....so semangat u knw! heheh.

& yes,i do love my shorty-cutie boyfren.

sshhoooo... go away!!!

btw,psst...AKON hands0me! hee...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

& yah..odah did came to my hse for lepak-ing.....cos she miss me badly! aww~ so sweet. haha. here are the pix...pix yg tk senonoh during at my hse... cool!! =)

Friday, August 10, 2007

as it is National Day ystdy..goin out wif my Loved ones & esp wif 2 out of my 6 gfs available!! dat is Zimah & Fit.. den came e 'Heroes'-- Dear & Remy joined us lata. Here are e pix taken.

Den we went to Suntec as Zimah & Fit wannabuy Doughnuts. semangat!!

as we walk passed,we saw dis...dey r ready to march orady liao~!
MAKAN time! x-hausted! while waiting 4 food.

i look sux. damn tired orady.
ok den. till here.