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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

ok.im sick.
mcm2 penyakit.
i realized scratches or its like biji2 coming out on my right elbow.
den,i realized one of me feet,gatal2..now its like turning blue black.bengkak.
gataaalllllllllllllll giler.
itchy mans!! hurgh.
den now,running nose & slight fever.haizz.
hw i wish i culd rest at hm. no work! heh.
bt i nid to go la..mc didnt count for dis temp job of mine.. boring~
dearest Bf oso sick. heheehhe.
i must eat well,sleep well i guess.

how i wish im on my bed now..snoring....drooling away~

work! work!!

i miss my bf.

Monday, October 29, 2007


okok. lets update abt raya outing wif ITE CLEM plus yani's oldmates on last Sat 27/10/07.
great,fun,happy & enjoyed e outing very much!
e last minute plan,e last minute decision,e last minute calling up peeps to join us.
& den hw many peeps we had?? almost 10. ok. 9 plus najip.bt afta dat left us only.
dat is me-ariff-zimah-remy-yani-odah! ahakz. supposingly, its only me,yani odah & nita jerk.saje2 je..4 e fun of it.since fit,ir,zimah n remy cant join us. den camne all like come at a go!
baskkett. hehe. kecohs ah dat day. =)
we ended up at e last hse at Remy's. FUUHH~ tiring liao.
laugh non-stop hits babe! ahakz.
bcos of wat?? bcos of PEARL.
HAHAHAHA. u knw i knw laa guys! hehehehehe.
thx to ariff. he start it 1st! lols.

& yah,sunday..wen to angah's open hse.
congrats on ur new hommie! =)
congrats to AL-HAFIDZ on ur engagement!
den went back hm to chge clothes.
ariff wana go town window shopping & i,did my shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaweeeeeeeee~!!! =)
i'm happy.
mayb bcos da lame siots tk shop.
& yeah,mit up wif ariff's fren at starbucks wheelock & chill..
gossips abt 'kenangan terindah' abt me & ariff.
dey cant stop teasing us. malu laa~ hee.
& den knock off at 10pm..cos we getting on public ystdy!
cool shit huh. da lame tk go public wif him.
indeed,i love my boifey!

yea yea.
looking forward jln raya wif his gang on e 3rd nov nie.!
i knw we're late for jln raya! bt who cares! 1 bulan mah!!!?

click on e left hand side 'my multiply' to browse on last Saturday pix. Thx.

ok la..
goodie nite my Pearlz.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

ytdy BF fetched me frm work den proceed to Vivocity..went to watch Superbad.
as Bf wanted to catch a movie so bad..e reason bcos its been long tyme both of us watch a movie 2gatha.
last was wen we catch Ratatouille.(ra-ta-too-ee).
ok la..its about high school students wanting to haf sex.
aiyo..u knw,for dem its like a tradition to haf or had a sex during high school.
if nt,like 'kental' like dat..
ok la..M18 movie..wat u xpect..those 'light' scenes only..& e language used.
so e vulgar! hahaha.
& BF did summarized to me e movie b4 it starts.
he said its abt Justin Timberlake dance movie!
kpale otak die!
we went to catch e wrg movie! wakakakaka.
bt hell,its ok.. =)

today thursday.
tomorow? pay day!!!! $$$$$$

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

wey! long tyme tk blog.
well,nuting much happen in my life.

as usual...work Sux. heheh. bt now,slowly2 i can do work independantly..

hurm~ raya? well,dis yr do visits only to few hses only..due to bz-ness & tired-ness. weekends jus spent on raya outings.not enuf rest sey like dat.! ok la.
Monday bf fetched me frm wrk to haf dinner togather.
guess whr we went to??~!!
its SERANGOON RD!!! hahahaks. ate thosai & i duno wats Bf had. its like big round-like a ball shape laa.. yummmmmmmmyy!! & e tandoori chicken kicks! =)

wawawee~ Deepavali lights!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

i'm simply upset wif small tings past few days.
periods are over,bt i jus duno wats goin on here..!?!
hello hello.wake me up pls..
agitated,frustrated,disappointed & all laarhs.
i duno y.
if u guys were in my shoes now,haizz.susah ah nk xplain.
its like we are drifting apart.
wen im nt bz,he's e one bz.
wen he came hm,i sleep orady.
wen i came hm,he sleep orady.
& i understand dat he easily get sick easily due to some walking here & der while working.
bt den its like evrytime aku yg carik die.
im e one who msged & make a call on him 1st.dan seterusnyer.
kalo aku senyap,die senyap.
aleh2 je balik nk bbual kt fone,due2 penat & nk tdo.
& akan blame each other ah sape yg tdo dulu & stuffs.
ok lah,seriously im a bit sensitif ar dis few days. & i duno y.
serious shit.
& i duno wat will happen next.
ni aku tgh update blog,member tgh jolly happily wof his frens at tamp mall or watsoeva.
look.keje dr kul 5.30 pagi,till now ngn uniform lom balik2.
i did msged & call him jus now. ok la..i admit to him dat he's like hurriedly wana hang up e fone bab da jumper members mah.padahal aku lom abis bbual sak ngn die kt fone.
& tell me how long haf we been tolking on e fone rite nw? siak ah.
only 5-10 min aje ok.
& yah,i did msged him at 10 jus nw.he still wif his frens,jolly ass out & lom balik2.
jgn sampai aku nga tdo,die nk bbual ngn aku sua pat fone.
tu part mls ar nk lyn.
y ehkkk???!!!! hurgh. dey simply dun understand us,e gals' feelings.
aku yg keje 9.30-5.30 da trase penat.tkkn die tk pnt???!
ohh.lupe ah..da jumpe members,mane de penat knnn?
if u happen to read dis entry.GOOD.
memang im angry wif u.& abt ysdty too.
'jgn tambah bara aku yg tersimpan ah.'
got it?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

wey wey!
its not too late to wish all muslims selamat hari raya rite?
i gt lots of collectionz! heh.

well,nmpk2 nye dis yr tk jln raya wif 6 jahanam.haiyo.sume bz.bile lgik ehk?
hmm..~ bt its ok..raya ke tk raya pon,kite sume tetap mit satu hari nnt..
oh yah,abt my work? hmm~ day by day..aku ni bukan makin lama makin cepat dan pandai!hahahaha.makin lambat dan blurr..bukan ape,aku nk uat keje wif hati2.insurance beb.cannot anihow hentam.haha.bt ok la..OOOOOOOOOOOOOOkkkkkkkkkkkkkk laa.......~ hahaha.

jus nid to find new job i gues. i tink sooooooo laa...hehe.confused.
Bf is asking me whether i wana take up private course in Tourism or nt.cos i told him once bt tu cita2 aku yg tk kesampaian aje sey. wo mehyo cien. haiz. den i tink its e best way for me to mit him personally to settle dis 'stuffs'. hurgh.
its jus dat i dun wana be tooo depending on him.
haiyahh..due to some personal reasons la ehk.
& i dun wana to struggle wif tings. i mean both tings. my full time job & study.
hurgh. tk paham jgk? meh,dtg c ni..aku bilang ko personally. hehe.

ok laa gang,wana go wrk..im late. issit? hahaha.
tak kuasa nk dtg wrk siang2..


BF, pls mit me.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dear bloggy diary,

i jus nid to save up some $ for some good reasons.
i nid new job for some good reasons.
i nid those hugs again for some good reasons.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

ok..finally Zimah's celebration ended.
hope she's happy wif e presents & all laa ysdty aite, GF?
happy 20th bday Bonnie..hehehe..
had fun obviously.. =) tummy so full ystdy..yummy.
celeb her advance 20th bday @ swensens.
den proceed to AL-TAZAAQ..sheesa-ing..
BF happy i must say.. =)

more pics,pls click on e left hand side aite. all in my multiply. TQ.

& wat i did e whole day today??
well,like e usual raya evry yr...springcleaning!! wif e radio on! raya's songs on air!
make me so ga-ga-ga semangattt doing springcleaning! hehehe.
all cookies & baking moments STOP. all done.
left a few more days to HARI RAYA!!!
i jus cant wait..!! =)
i took 2 days off on Hari Raya's eve(Friday) & Monday itself..hehe.
bukan ape..i jus afraid dat i cant get up to wrk on e Monday itself. lagik2 tgh mood raya..
3rd day raya sumore..hahahaha.
& ya..as 4 BF, he's working on Hari Raya.Giler rite!!! bt,mayb he take MC..
stoopid company.
yg cinone dpt off day..yg bangsa kite ni plak kene keje on Hari Raya!! mati urh gini mcm!
mcm gini,ari raya cine..yg malayu cuti ahh..ape prasaan drg ehk?!? babi..babi..gerrraammm aku.......!

btw,BF bz baking cookies..shocked. =)
proud to haf u,BF..hahaha.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

eya eya! eya eyo!
nenek rambot putih,datok janggut merah.
emak jgn meleter,bapak jgn marah.

jgn masok kolong,hari ini hari raya!!!!

wee..raya is few more days onli..i've yet tidied up the house & my room!
its sux man! da bkn cam raya lgik..all bz wrking & i knw mum bz baking cookies all.
cant depend all on her..pity.

so,today...i finally break fast at Lucky Plaza.had e chance to eat Nasi ayam penyet @Ojolali. dis tyme round,wif ina (cuzz). treat her & mit her cos long tyme nvr mit her.
sound dat she nids a listening ear.. pity.
ok,i get my shoes done. cheap2 one. sape nk g layan beli mahal2?? hehe.
no new handbags for me. budget.
contact lens - done. jus nid to buy some makeups. all tenonet orady.
mayb fri/sat den wana go buy..jus now,no tyme. & i'm shag orady...
& yah,mum bz baking cookies! yay!
dis year,anione who visit my hse will say 'woah..cool & nice cookies!' hahaha.
cos u knw y?? mum & me came an idea whr we change some colours of e usual cookies.
hahahaha. for eg, kuih dahlia..we make it in pinkish2 colour..e taste more like strawberry.
so? do come & chk out my colourful cookies during HARI RAYA!

e makcik siput! hehe
yum yum!
oh my...........................i miss dis foooooddd again!