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Dad's Precious Gem. Mum's Precious Diamond. ![]() My friendster. My Multiply.
November 2006
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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Monday, December 31, 2007
yay! few more hours its 2008.!
& yeah,i'm gona start wrk 2morow?? believe it or not.? haha. public holiday rite? so,its gona pay day babeh!! =) my new resolution: 1st: help family on those basic financial services. 2nd: work work work like nobody business to earn ab x-tra x-tra income for future. 3rd: gona avoid bad tings in life. & wana begin a new chap in life. 4th: be happy,happy,happy. 5th: chge for the betta. surprise!!! as im turning 21 soon dis 5th may 2008! =) 6th: some personals stuffs haf to be kept in my heart. cnnot tell! hehe. ........... ........... ........... ...........................................& more! we would like to wish everyone A VERY PROSPEROUS neww yeaarrr! ![]() ![]() Thanks for e surprise eyy,BF! didnt xpect it tho. bt i like it on red. =) ride safely,Dearest Bf! ![]() werever my gfs are,i hope u guys had fun!
miss u guys badly...
Sunday, December 30, 2007
happy 5th monthsary! specially for my Dearest,beloved Bf. Muhd Ariff! ![]() its gona be 2008 soon. gona cherish all those sweet memories we had togatha so far dis yr. "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." *Heart u many manys!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
ysdty outing wif BF's colleagues was fun.
dinner at Sakura,Downtown East wif almost 20 of dem althogata. fuh! e bill?? total all was $4++! haha. worth it laa i must say.. Bf mkn byk sey! till his fren came near me telling me wat u knw? 'eyy,ask him to lost wgt ah' haha. y issit so?? cos he's e only 1 is boncet!! haaaa. he cant sit still sey at Sakura. walk here to-fro take all kinds of food served der. tk pdn kecik! haha. & me?? yah,i did ate alot too. last i ate was at 3+ in e afternoon. tu pon skatat CURRY'O frm OCK.HMPF. imagine i tahan frm eating habits till 8pm dinner time?? mangkoksssssss! hehe. & ya,sory not so much pics taken cos bz eating! nyahaha.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
![]() ![]() i did cut my hair! my ok la..simple cut only. met wif odah at LOT1 jus now.. to please my heart. hehe. & yah,odah seems to b so happy wif her life now. alhamdulilah. jeng jeng jeng,,,, gona mit up bf tomorow. hope evytings is fine altho i had some stiff wif him. hmm...~ gd nite. i love my Ariff.
office job??? nah,no for me. sales job??? i can. mayb its jsu suits me & interest. good news. my gfs are all crazy in love! esp yani,odah & fit! hahaha. happy for dem! =) congrats mate! congrats JOY! Congrats kak Oat! Congrats KAk tot! bf,i miss u.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
i'm away for holidays. will be back soon. dun stop missing me! ahakz. miss u,Bf -Ariff miss u,Gfs - Yani,Irni,Fit,Zimah& Odah
Friday, December 21, 2007
few more hours,i'm gona be away...............
bf,gfs,im gona miss u all like hell! duh! jus met bf jus nw. konon nyer nk bid farewell laa kn..ahakz. had breakfast wif him @ serangoon. had my thosai. den sent him off to tampines. konon nyer nk sent him go wrk till airport. den wen reached at TAMP Mall,i fil like woah...nnt aku nk alik peh jauh! hahahaha. & he did pity me too. ahakz. ape lagi,afta sent him at bustop..i wen window shopping @ tamp mall! mak oi! ramai siots org! da la aku sorg! & its all new look orady! more shops! & den,i sent myself HOME! AHAKZ. havent even pack my bag.lecehsssss. dis is wat i hate abt goin on a holiday.hmpf. tadaaaaaaaaaaa.~ i'm so obsessed wif my bro's psp. wana play diner dash. e game i used to play in claz during OA,Ms sharon lee's lessons! kwang2. I MISS MY GIRLS!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
22nd of Dec 07... holidays!!! holidays!!! jus a neighborhood country only.. KL. wana shop till drop! cos its Malaysian end yr sale!!!! yay!! yay!! ive orady plan wat i wana buy! ive planned it orady! wawaweeeeee~! good news. adik bought psp orady. quite cheap larhs. & me?? i wana Nintendo DS Lite!!!! Dearest Bf,if u r reading dis, plssssss do make it cum true! if nt, dat Gucci watch plsssssss! (u jgk yg nk beli kn i jam tu kn tuari??) nyahahahahahaha! ok! wana pack my bag!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
![]() 2morow Hari Raya Aidiladha. baa baa black sheep!! e pakciks waiting for ya at e mosque tomorow.. hehe. r u ready?? ahakz. few days afta dat,its X-mas. followed by New Year!!! 2008 is coming.. so wats ur plans? or new resolution? well,mine? i jus kip it inside my heart.. hush hush. nid not to tell people. hehehe. i'm gona be on a holiday people.. went KL wif family,aunty nor & nenek yan & atok. & dad is planning to go Batam afta came bck frm KL trip. cool rite? yeehaww~! i'm so like a super-duper happy. happy happy jgk, pocket bocor beb! nyahaha. it haunts me.
again. him.him.him. yani knws abt it. haiyo. kecohrable. *help............................!!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
i knw someone pissed wif me.
cant deny dat im pissed wif dat someone too. boohoos. say wat u wana say. hate me a lil bit,hate. bt boohoo! e way u tok to me mcm mls nk lyn. mls nk lyn,ckp. senang je keje nye. hung up e fone!*pap!* i admit wen tings go wrg btwn u & me, i easily get addicted to hung up e fone jus like dat. 4 wat? 2 ease myself. bt wen i gif it a tyme break..btwn 1hr & get to kol u back,u did it back to me. revenge? ohh ok. bagos ah. perangai masing2 da terserlah. come 'on ah. i'm a consolable type of person. walaupon tkde org pujok or wat,i can ezily forget dat stuffs n u knw, try make tings betta & i did apologize. ok urh,i admit ar i did put a harsh words on u bt i did apologize straite away. cos wen ppl get angry,dey tend to over-shot those words frm their mouth rite? bingo! i did it. sorry, i said. n u showed me like 'ohh..' ok laa.. frm now,im gona treat u like hw i treat my 'pasts' & no one cud stop me. change for betta? u jugde ah. aku peduli ape. aku tetap aku. & yes,dun forcing me to make decisions. its all abt me,myself & i. gd nite.
Monday, December 17, 2007
very 1ST ASIAN IDOL Winner!! ![]() be proud! Hardy Mirza won e 1ST ASIAN IDOL beating up other Asian countries such as Indonesia,Philippines,India,Malaysia & Vietnam! unexpected. all of us tot dat MIKE frm indo & Mau frm Philip win dat nite. bt woooohoo! HADY MIRZA won dat nite! oh goodness. oops,i heard many parties are nt satisfied wif his winning. bt too bad,dey haf e right to VOTE for their very OWN idol rite? yeahs. & Singaporeans & non-singaporeans all did VOTE him mayb bcos HADY MIRZA is their ver own idol. wow! HE MAKE ME PROUD. & SO ARE E FELLOW SINGAPOREANS.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
ALVIN & THE CHIPMUNKS! Damn funny,cute,hilarious movie! esp e chipmunks! i jus love dem singing n dancing.. cute larhhs. n yes, ders 3 chipmunks. ALVIN,THEODORE,SIMON. Rating: 9/10 CUTE RITE?? HAHA. SHULD LISTEN TO THEIR SONGS!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
rainy day still. & yah,holidays! shake legs & shake my ass out of it! BF gona be killing me.. hehe. so,eat,sleep n relax one corner.... boohoos! come & see hw much i score on dis. ahakz. Special Tanks to kak tot, ya! i olwas feel dat im SEXY tho. hurm..i jus like my butt/waistline area.. & yes,i admit my butt is like *ehem ehem*..ader laa..tk yah blg.. haha. till buddy(Khai Botak) & BF cant resist talking abt my butt! hahaha. ade die kat pantat aku mcm 'pantat mak org' kind of ting??? knn ccb!* dey say 'geram ahh tgk pantat u..mcm nk gigit /smack jerk!' ewah..suke2 ati je..ahakz. hahaha. lau org lain,aku tk bagi pegang lor. if BF,YES, U MAY! hahaha. too bad Khai,dream on to touch those of my beautiful assets! hahahaha. A soul from Venus with a sexual appeal 8.7 of 10.
Guys hold your breath...
Monday, December 10, 2007
Thanks for e shirt. u owe me another ting,rite? ahakz. chows. ![]() at times,u make me angry..
bt i do still love u.. till den,good nite.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
penat ar gang.
& guess wat.? ive found it somewhr... girl sreaming out loud on e fone. quarelling wif her bf wif vulgars words..oh my... click & view it. p/s: girls, please ehh. control lah sikit. *embarrassing...*
Friday, December 07, 2007
rain rain go away..
come again another day.. please go away........ i wana spent my quality time on e beach 2morow.. please.please.please. lemme haf a break wif wearing those bikinis,pleaseee..... ahakz. rain today. hope not 4 tomorow. 'yipee ya ya yipee yippe yaa...'
Dear Diary..
odah's leaving spore tomorow morning..shuld be 2day in fact?(cos its orady fri)? ahakz. rite? hope u had a greaatt time y,GF? =)stoopidd. went 4 a short getaway..good 4 her. so dat she can ease her mind on some stuffs. ohh..i cant wait 4 my turn 4 holidays! yihaw!* its ina 2 weeks tyme. super duper.! & yah,haf i updated abt my gona-be-let-me-see trip tingey wif BF? BF haf told me to save up $..to whr???????~! guess. guess. STAR CRUISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but now in consideration & under-construction*. ahakz.*YIHAW!* mayb a Yes 4 me,mayb a No frm someone? haha. u will knw who. cant imagine wat life wuld be wif only u & me on e cruise!? aww~ bt like i said, under consideration...... heehee. haf yet to congratulates my dearest msn fren. HASYER UMAR. ![]() he's in thai 4 e asean games. e silat team of Singapore. well fren, all e best ya. GO! GO! FIGHT! FIGHT! i knw ive orady wish u in msn..bt who cares.? im proud to announce dat u r my fren afterall. oh uh..my bday partner! ahakz. we share e same bday dates. dat is 5th may! yiihawww! 2008 hope can celeb togatha, ya? & 1 mor ting, his gal is my sec skul junior.. small small world... =) a few more weeks, 2008 is here people!! so wake up!!! *singing*.. wake up call caught u in e morning wif another man in my bed dont u care abt me animore u care abt me? i dun tink so...... by: MAROON5. ahakz. wow..2007 will past soon people. & yah,hope dos 2007 dreams came true yah! & me, dreams came true afterall. yipeeee. so,ape azam baru utk 2008? mari sama sama kita nanti kn, ok? hehe. chows.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
*singing....* Bagaimana harus aku Menahan rasa rindu ku Bila kau tiada di sisi Tak dapat ku membayangkan Ku menyayangi mu Ku mengharapkan mu Aku cinta aku rindu
its orady midnight. *sigh*yawn...
i duno wat im awake at dis hr.. haiz..& sumor ders sumting for me to attend to in e morn. BF is having his reservist 4 3 wks. & yah,he's planning to spend e quality tyme wif me at Sentosa dis weekend!! yeeeeehaaaww!* bt it all depends on wat tyme he's waking up lorr..cos i knw he might very tired cos jus book out frm camp.~ hmm..upon hearing of his experiences & stories in NS life as a policeman(coast guard) mcm best plak..too bad girls ae not required for NS. haha. 50% LUCKY,50% BORING jgk laa cos we dont get to experience hw e guys did.. =) wat did BF did today? hurmm.. as wat he told me dat e whole morning till lunch tyme,dey had dis shooting session going on..its like Team by Team la..wen his Team are over,dey get back to bunk & rest while waiting 4 e other Teams to settled. suke laa die..Team die abis siang.. bleh tdo & rest sakan! hee. =) he said he wana bring me to some interesting places* der.. let me guess...hurm..~ cable car? luge? yeeeehawwwww~* dat will b nice. bt whr to seyy?? hurm~.. psst, how do u feel wen ur love one gets so mushy on u.. get close & hug u tightly from ur back & whisper to u dat he loves u alot,nt wanting to let u go.?? am gasped,shocked & oh,wats wrg boy?* look on my face.. cos he often do dis ting to me. Aww~ so sweet,rite? i jus smiled & nod my head telling him dat i knw wat he feel dwn der & yes, im nt gona lose a special person in my life again. i dun wana mingle & mit new crushers & get to knw again & again..... i jus hope dis culd lasts 4eva. like u did said once.* shall remember dat in my Heart.Hearts u many-many. Many-many lOVES.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
suatu ketika dahulu ku tersesat dalam hidup sehingga muncul menjelma rasa sayang kepadamu rupanya inilah cinta nikmatnya baru ku rasa tak terbayang bagaimana hidup jika kau tiada jika kau tiada pada siapakanku dendang syair cinta dan dakapan mana harus ku bersandar meraih kasih yang ku perlu jika kau tiada wajah siapa harus ku tenung bila mencari ketenangan arakian suara siapakah kan membisikkan kata -kata cinta takku kenal cinta sebelum kau hadir tak ku tahu erti rindu kini doa ku termakbul.. ku tagih cinta mu selalu walau ramai ku kenali tiada seikhlasmu kasih jika kau tiada hilanglah bintang dilangit yang berkelip memelita malam yang hiba hilanglah keajaiban didunia jika kau tiada sentuhan siapa yang mampu menyembuh luka dihatiku lantarannya tawar naluri hati untuk jatuh cinta lagi.. jikalau ku termampu memiliki dunia pastinya ku kan sengsara oh jika kau tiada
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Happy Sunday! met Bf jus now to pass him e Keys dat left in my bag ysdty. aiyah. dinner @AL-AMeen.. ate Roti john.bf had his prata ice-cream.. ok la..not bad. ARGH. Bf reservist. i'm a Happy girl! a Happy Sunday! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
annoyed wif bf few days ago. bt i guess,i'm a easy to 4get abt sum small tings la.. heeee~ *period coming soon i guess,* ysdty was such a happy weekend 4 both of us. Standard chartered. catch a movie @Lido. watched Hitman. 4 him,gerek.4 me, No. i did had my few mins sleep in e cinema itself. ahakz. vry bad huh... den wen around Orchard Rd...ramai sungguh org! al maklum la..Christmas yet to come & its school holiday orady..full wif ang mohs & all.. Bf wanted to get his niece his bday present. a 4yr old kiddo is blessed to haf an uncle like him.(Bf) ~Sungguh!! bought e kiddo a set of clothes frm Junior-Giordano. at 1st,he wanted damn much to buy frm United Colours of Benetton & Oshkosh Bgosh.. bt den i told him kids getting bigger & tk syg ke $?? unless its for Ours, OK LAA kan?? ahakz. den he agreed. touring around Orchard Rd AT 10+..den i told Bf dat my stomach is grumbling again. bt die uat tk endah.bgetss seyy. bt den,he look at my sulking face, Bf wave a cab & guess whr we head to.?? AL-Azhar! Supper.! yummy. both had kway teow+mi hoon mamak! wif lychee & longan. oh my.....jus love my Bf damn much! tanks love. |