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Friday, February 29, 2008

im back.
dun wanna elaborate more on my eye.

news news news abt Mas Selamat here n der...................
scary ahh. im scared.n so r e fellow Singaporeans.............
was wondering WHY WHY WHY & HOW HOW HOW can he run frm Whitley prison?
e major qns is WHY & HOW??! GOSH.
all i knw, past yrs.Singapore is e TOP listed country wif those high security bla bla bla..
skali,jadi gini mcm plak..hmmm~
its orady past 48 hrs, n i tink he's gone missing wif his 'magical powers'.
or..der's 'sumone' in e prison itself helping his escape 'marathon'.
he's limped. i dun tink he's been swimming across e shore or wat hor.
mesti ade laa manusia2 yg berkomplot dengannya.
naik bget plak psl die.
naik takot plak psl die.

den.jus nw watched berita at Suria channel, a man get caught by calling e hotline 999 informing e cops dat he is MAS SELAMAT. a prank call. ape ni??
nuting betta to do issit.?? tkde psl, carik psl..da satu hal police baik2 nk concentrate ni case, kene settle kn case ni. it all happen at a public phone @ Haig Rd.

other stories for now.
bestie is counting down e days for her 21st bday!


woke up at 8am jus to msg dad n ask him e family doctor open wat time.
he replied 8.30am..so i cont sleeping laa..n my eyes cannot open animore!
both wif alots of 'discharge' meaning..taik mata! eeeeeeeeeeee~!
quickly ran to e toilet,bath n dressed up go c doctor.
thank God,e doctor is nt full wif other patients. dats wat i love most abt my family doctor.
approach e recep counter,she smiled & said ..' hi..morning Marzieanna..wif ur mum?'
see??? she knws me! popular gitu kn!?! haha.
no nid to show IC cos she orady knw i haf tonnes of medical records der.
nt even 1 min,doc calls up my name n smiled..
w/o telling him wat im into today,he orady knew dat my 'usual sickness' -SORE EYES.
guess wat he said??

doc: hmm..frm wat i c in my records here,u olwas get sore eyes ah rather den fever..tell u wat..i'll gif u MC & if its still nt ok by 2mrw, come n see me again. gif u MC again.

me: ok.sure..no problem..


i luv to be on MC!

evrywhr at my block area.......his poster..glam ar dekni!


makin tak selamat sume dibuat nye..

& nw,im at hm..i cant stop munching on junk foods.
ate chipsmore,3 in 1 Nestum..ate paru...


it hurts again.

till den!

Thursday, February 28, 2008




I knw i look sux in all e pics above.
my eyes are swollen underneath.
. . .pain. . .
NO make-ups on.
bacin face!

im off.
wake up morning jus nw,my eyes were damn red!
& i cant force it to open.&....tk leh tgk matahari..silau..pain..! aduii!
sore eyes nyah~...
bt afta putting some drops of eye mo,trase kegatalannyer tu makin menjadi..
feel like to rub it tru..gerammm~gatal~

ok,afta troughout e whole~ tinking abt wat nenek yan & mum said...
its rite ah.
bt berserah je laa kan.
antara AKU,KAU & DIA.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

oh no!

e Spore JI leader get ESCAPED frm Whitley Road in SPORE.




suppose to b ysdty..
temper + funny la...
i wake up, iron clothes,get dressed up & off to Airport.
jus to surprise! my BF at wrk...
went out frm hse @ 12.50..reached der @ xactly 2.30pm..
& i rememberd Bf said he ends werk @ 2.30pm..
skali wen i was at T1 orady,BF called & asked me whr am i.
my heart was pounding fast like hell n perspire..
skali wen i asked him 'whr r u??'
he said 'im at hm..baru jerk sampai umah..whr r u?'

me,wif my kecewa yg teramat sgt mcm sedih gile babi punyer plus jiwe retak dan segale2 rasa yg ade pon replied n melenting ahh!

i said 'huh?? i kt airport tau! i tot u alik 2.30??! jgn bedek ahh..!!!!'
den he sumpah tingeyy...den btol laa siall!
member da pai umah! n aku ni uat penat & buang tambang g Airport.
cibai sggtttttt!!!
den he told me to mit at town!
duh! tknk ahh siak!
to tink back,aku mcm selfish laa pulak...
sorry Dear..i knw u'r mad.& so am i.
so,he told me to wait...& so i do e waiting..
guess whr im heading to while waiting 4 him??
dpt aku mkn tangkap steam sendrik sorg2 sambil tgk Popeye!

after his arrival,we went to bugis. Bf did his shopping..& chill out..

today,im e happiest girl.
i accidentally splurge on dis.
oh oh.
hw can it be??
i fell in love wif u,baby.
good nite!

Monday, February 25, 2008

ok.lets talk.

1stly,Azimah...Im nt angry wif u animore.
only dat day jerk..

im sorry too hor.

2ndly,Kak Tot......
pls save ur $........................
dun bother abt buying a lappie 4 urself..
blessed dat u orady gt 2 comps at ur hse rite now..
lgik-lgik kamu ade 1 comp dlm bilik tidur kamu..
simpan $ ok..lg pon,ko kate nk save $ 4 ur own FUTURE.
bukan aku sibuk2 menghalang..bt its true..
i jus wan u to be ready cos u r nt getting younger..
aku pon nk tgk ko cpt2 married & haf kids!
hoho. ;)
STOP MC ok...
lau ko asik MC jerk..
nnt bad reputation ko at new wrkplace..
sume keje mesti laa ade ups n dwns nye jgk..
jgn kat ofis line..sales line lg rabak..lgik2 berdepn ngn mcm2 org..
bt all e best ya!

3rdly, Uyah tersayang............
so sorry hor.
aku harap ko phm situasi aku skrg...
wen i heard dat,aku pon no mood to wrk bt wat to do..
tkkn nk cabots kan??
hmm...bt wateva it is,kite leh mit on ur bday itself..
ok ok gf?
abt ur prezzieee.............................................
lets stop here.

pls do ur own shopping can or nt?!!
nnt complain ckp i didnt gif u time to shop.
asal jumpe jer,g mkn...camne tk gemok? u tell me.
ceyy! mcm phm.
(aku pn same jgk..!)
BOIFEY,pls tell e uncle to open e shop laaaaaaaaa!
am craving ban mien 4 quite longg tymee orady hor!
itu apek mintak kene rembat arh!

bget sndrik nmpk??

gd 9te!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

work is ok.
i mean evryday is ok..jus dat get pissed off easily over some1..duh!
bdh peh jantan.ari2 ckp same bende! cibye!

today bf fetched me frm wrk..
bumped onto Odah & Rusdi..
den..........jeng jeng jeng!
i bumped on my x..3yrs wif him sia last time..
its ijad!!!!
i was going dwn e escalator..n he's goin dwn..bt i can see dat he's shocked to bumped on me..
aku mcm biase..chill jer..
no heartbeating.no feel..absolutely NOTHING.
am surprised by myself oso.
meaning im orady moving on, rite?
& yah....
wow. its nearly 2 mths orady ive joined e Robinsons group.
fun laa..friendly,helpful...make my day...

maroon 5 is coming! bt i tink i cant watch dem live!!! argh!
tp tkpe..insya-ALLAH siti nurhaliza punyer, im comingggggggggg!!!!


Saturday, February 23, 2008


im soooooooo fell in love wif With You song by Chris Brown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



shopping mood*!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

minus e early wake up call 4 dat interview, met grandma & my niece @ Lot1.
grandma was abt to sent her off to her own house bt i told her nt to cos i long tyme nvr mit my beloved niece. Ulfah Shahirah.
she's getting naughtier laa seyy. run here & der..am so tired. bt kids will olwas a kid tho.
she'e e main attraction in my maternal side rite now..hehe.
cute larhs. love e baby-talk & evryting..sumtime,e kids reactions do make e adults laugh & happy. cant deny dat seyy...
reason bcos mayb im too tired & rarely spent time wif family..hmm..
wen to kiddy palace to bought some stuffs 4 her..
e baby clothes look damn cute sia..
okok.no further comment ah..cos am nt married & being preggy rite now..
wait long long...

ouh well,wat i did today?
morning interview at 11am.
as i mentioned earlier,mum accompanied me.
lucky hor.
if nt aku sesat.
e interview was fine & fun.
nt doing serious talking much,crack jokes ader laa..
oh well,i get dis job!
bt e place ive to wrk is soon to be confirmed.

blessed. much blessed.

yani's 21st bday is coming soon. & ive yet to receive my pay$..woah lao..cant tahan orady sia!
hmpf. haf to settle lots of stuffs..
hope i can manage.

oraite,time check 11.23pm..
good nite bloggers!

good morning..
1stly,am OFF today.

i nid to go 4 an interview wif Goldlion as dey offer me a fulltime job at their boutiques.
so i guess i jus grab e offer since ive orady get pissed off wif all resumes' ive sent online.
no response.all nuting.
some gt response,go interview orady..bt still no contact. bahh!
all those r office jobs ok,people.
nw,difficult laa to find office-kinda jobs.
all dey want is experience laa..can speak mandarin laa..n bla bla...
bt its ok la..
dis is call 'Luck'.

ok den,gtg!

mum gona accompany me for my interview.
thx mum!

wish me luck!


Monday, February 18, 2008

met up wif my girls jus nw..
celeb irni's 21st bday at Rice table restaurant @ International Plaza..
chill @ starbucks wheelock...

had fun!

took pictures,laughed our ass out..gossiping..chilling..laze around!
superb fun!
hope u like e bday gifts, irni!

will upload pics soon..frm kak tot.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

rest assured.
evrytings fine.
pretty fine.

work was damn fun today.duno y..too many manpower.esp Byford. haha.
like reunion la..hehe. wrk oso like play2 mood.
make my dayy!
end work at 6pm & wen to airport 2 haf dinner wif him since he gt his break at 8.30-10pm..
so,am travel der lor..
aww~ am i a sweet gf? ;)
yes! i am!
at last,i had my popeyes' whipped potato.! wee!
met bestie Yani at airport too.cos she's in mid9te shift.
cool liao wrking at airport.
went hm alone & bf haf to get back 2 wrk..

ok den,2mrw gt event!
he's e patient one.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

if love was olwas said to be blind.
if promise will olwas meant to be broken.
if love is not worth ur tears.
love is nt sweet all e time.
we r not perfect too.
sympathy is nt wat olwas ppl ask for.
people do appreciate sincerity.

let gif some time to heal.
guess ders much betta way den it.
to be or nt to be will olways being e qns in my head.

shuld i lie to u if i were to say 'i love u' all e tyme?
shuld i lie to u if i were to say 'i miss u' all e tyme?
shuld i lie to u if i were to say 'i miss ur hugs' all e tyme?
all of those come out naturally frm my heart & my heart telling me 'oh,i tink i miss him so badly.'
so wat r u tinking?
if u were to tell me wat u gaf so far is nt enuf 4 me?
i didnt ask 4 it,mind u?
dun eva tell me wat u did 4 me is to make me happy & bla bla all shits coming up........
its nt frm ur heart.
u r nt sincere.

4get it.

no mit ups.
no nutings.
a moment of silence is wat i nid.

i may 4give bt i wont 4get abt it.

Friday, February 15, 2008


vday outing wif yani was fun.i had a greatttt day ysdty.
tanks to e MAHA PENCIPTA..e weather was superb fine.
e beach,e sand & all..i had e great tyme showing off my swimming skills to yani.
suppose to mit at 11am at harbourfrnt..bt 'janji melayu' olwas tk ditepati..
reached vivo at arnd 11+..bought donuts & had my bkini 'repaired'...
headed dwn to 7-11..bought e drinks..
den....w/o wasting any further tyme,q up n bought tix..took monorail.

upon reaching der,take spot @ pahlawan beach..
we sat around e bushes area..near to e bridge.
apply lotions,crack jokes,chnge up to our swimming attire....
ystdy was like a dae wif yani! haha.
so called,smlm bgets jgk ah..
frnt,back,left & right..all couples! carrying flowers & hug sane hug sini..hoho.
well,me & yani only can say 'aww..let dem be...its vday..their day..'
bole jadi crite! lols

1 by 1 my gfs called us up.
zimah & fit.
kecohs madness.
da tahu korg dua tk keje,tknk ckp siang2 tau..
kn da bole join us! hmpf.
zimah & fit mcm da berjanji gituk ehk.amek leave/ sick leave/ mc ah gituk kan.

e funny part is wen i was swimming wif yani...tok abt probs n stuffs.
gt 3 mly guys came near us.
ape lagik..baik2 shades atas kpale,both of us kai shades!
so tk laa malu sgt laa kn nk tgk muke drg!
1 of dem approach us.
he said 'xcuse me,u malay?'
yani gasped.& dun wana reply.
so i did reply him la..
i said 'yup.y?'
he said 'u 2 person only?care wana join us?'
so i shake my head n said 'no..thks.'

trus member jln..da paisey!!
so yani n me was like so kecoh laa seyy.
n ask each other 'eh,kite ni tk nmpk cam mlyu ke?????'
wow! yg satu cam hindustan..yg satu lg mcm korea mane nth...!
den dey came again..bt jus walk pass us & look at us.
bt we jus turn our heads to another side.
part drg dtg dr kiri,kite toleh kanan..
haha.mcm siak.

after dat,wen to mit kak reen & kak tot.
dinner @ thai xpress.
& bf haf been so quiet e whole day.
menyampah lah sey.
balik,tdo mcm nk mampos aku.
luckily keje ptg..lols.

ok la..
nk mamam!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

ello diary..

dearest Bf,tq so much 4 being wif me troughout e past few months.
all i can say is ....

im crazy in luv wif u
im dangerously in luv wif u
im mad abt u
im deeply deeply fall for u
im missing u evry moment
im yearning for ur touch evry moment here & der.
im yearning for those kisses on my forehead & cheeks
im yearning for ur huggable tightly hugs
all i can say is dat
no matter a distance apart,u still in my Heart.

tq 4 loving me.

semakin rindu semakin asyik*

as u knw,tmr is V-day! Valentines' day! bt too bad,am nt gona celeb it like dos peeps carrying flowers n all! nah..we,muslim cant celeb it oso rite?so,i gt my own plan. wif dearest Yani. (:
bf is 'enjoying' moments at wrk..nt so much communication on e fone wif him for e past few days.
like i said he 'enjoyed' his job so much. hurhur. bluek.

wrking was getting fun by day by day...was it all bcos of e environment?
i guess so. if e environment sucks,i tink am nt goin to wrk der..haha.
duno y,bt i jus feell so comfortable wrking der..altho ders sum flirt guys arnd.. bt wen evryday u mit dem n mingle wif dem,dey r great 'kakis'..ade bbual mepek pongs kdg2 u tend to laugh n nt get angry..reason being,dey joke arnd wif u to cheer up ur day & definitely their day cos if u nvr communicate wif dem,ko akan rasa boring at wrk! tu sebab drg bbual mepek,aku slalu join! hahaha.
for eg, e guys will olwas like to disturb gals..tgk gals butt n all nonsense..
guys will olwas b guys,rite? so jus join dem je ketawe.. fun indeed.
frm e single guy to e tunang guy...name it.. perangai satu2 mintak kene sepak sak.
haha.bt am ok wif dem la..
i knw i gt BF.
aku sedar ok.

& i hate e part wen some of my colleagues tot im Chinese! hmpf.
am Malay ok!
dats e reason y some malay peeps nvr tok to me...slame ni drg igt aku chinese!
some said i do look like filipino..! gosh! u must be blind or wat??! lols.
e malay guys,ape laagi...dey knw im orady malay,dey cant stop toking to me like ders no job to do..bgets sak.
tp aku lyn jerk.

e best part,aku dpt hangbaos!
frm company,colleagues!
cool kan...wow....i cant remember e total amoutn i get.cos each tyme receive hangbao,aku go mkn wif dat $..hahaha.
cibai sak aku.

cant wait tmrw.

mit me up soon,will ya?

i miss u; Bf

Monday, February 11, 2008

much much updates.

its irni's 21st bday today!
had wished her via sms early morn..bt no response.. mayb she's still drooling.. confirm nari member party!!! hoho. cant wait to mit her.

& yes,ytsdy was BEN&JERRY'S wif Bf. tanks so much. senang kan nk tgk pompan happy.. hurhur.
ystdy was marked e day i wore a long sleeve shirt utk suke2! haha.
nvr i did dat in my life. only if its raining & cold,aru pakai.. & its nt raining ystdy.. its bloody HOT sunday...bt im blessed to try sumting new in life. (:
gundu me.
altho i kip complaining to BF dat im HOT.. '
hot laa dear kai long sleeves..tk pnh2 tau seyy i kai gini wen kua...'

u knw wat BF reply me? 'hmm..biase2 kan la.......' hoho.
dlm hati die confirm ckp padan muke kt aku kan!?!

back to updates.
v-day! 14 feb!
plan to take off & chill out wif yani a e beach.
i duno y.. i jus tink we nid to chill 2gata.
on e fone tk cukop okies!
& i can sense dat..
cuma die slalu igt aku 24/7 ngn Bf tau.
hey.altho aku ni asik mia,aku tetap igt ko tau.
i was so anxious to knw abt ur life & all shits laaaaaaa! hahaha.
bkn ape,aku tk lupe ko tau.
so,i gues its gona be a v-date 4 me n u!
BF aku pongs wrk..
& we dont celeb it of cos.
evry day is valentines day...aww~
aku jumpe ko,nk korek rahsia dlm2 lgik.. tk cukop! nt enuf! hoho.

gd nite

Saturday, February 09, 2008


eve of CNY - wrk bt fun tho. shop closed @6pm.
CNY - SENTOSA wif fam,pak teh's fam & pak long's fam.. arrived late.
bt i did had fun.
lepaskn geram mandi laut! at last! too damn many banglas! hate it.

CNY PH - shop open. wrk so sian. nt lots of ppl.
stocks alot no more orady liao! how eh? senior aku tkde...balik mlysia!
i tink 2mrw pelan2 kayuh carik stocks ah gang...hehe.
get to mit yani & khai..at last! dpt mit korg berdua! hoho.
BF joined us too starbucks OG.
i started to fall in love wif dat spot! heh. =)

so happy. altho aint celeb CNY, nancy,ai fang & dolly gif me hangbao & treats.
received 2 red packets frm nancy & dolly. woohoo..!
received a treat frm ai fang ystdy for lunch!
TQ dear frens.!
i wont 4get all of u.
happy CNY!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

i fell sick.

duno i get e virus frm who..
ysdty,at wrk was so fine....................bt wen otw hm in e bus,i feel someting is wrg wif me.
im so cold...................!
sumor e bus is so damn packed wif lots of ppl coming back frm wrk.argh!
& me,wif those menses cramps in e stomach,feeling cold, backaches haf to stand all e way till hm.
duh!! feel like to drop by sumwhr n take cab hm. bt i cant. i dun haf enuf cash wif me! *argh!

babi btol.

reach hm,i quickly put all my tings & papp!! i lay on my bed wif my uniforms on!!
cant tahan orady.dats e ting.
woke up at 8.30pm,get mum to massage my leg & my back.
am soooooooooooooooooo crankyyy wen i fall sick.
mum get pissed off liao.haha.
so den,i chnge my uniform to a 'proper' sleeping dress.
hoho. i wana haf a bath bt e water like so cold!!!!!! mcm ice! duh!
put on my socks,sweater & doze off again.
i hate medicines. so dun forcing me to eat 1.
bf haf been koling me u to chk on me.
bt,too bad...am so cranky,dun bother to tok to me.

not wrking today.
am nt feeling betta.

Bf,i nid a hug!

Sunday, February 03, 2008


i saw my EX'S GF!
ist umi kalsom.
ahakz.yeah,i knw e name sounds funny.bt its my ex's gf's name.
saw her at TTSH wen i was visiting my uncle der.
ooh..ko keje c ni ruper nye eh, minah drummer? lols.
stop it sak aku.
gasped at 1st.
member tgk aku pk die mcm pnh nmpk aku sumwhr ah.
mayb in her dreams or watsova la eh.
i caught her trying to view my frensta profile many times b4.
bt BOOHOO! its private limited ok!
at last,jus nw u saw me in person orady wat.! duh!
okok.enuff said.

well,im xcited abt few tings.
ssh..ade laa..
4 me to knw,4 u to find out!


Saturday, February 02, 2008

Notti Monkey.
oh well,Towning was like so boring orady..
its like almost evryday wen der for some business..haha.
work laa of cos,idiots..huhur.
chi new yr is coming people..!
put on ur RED & GREEN clotehs on yah! oopsie, RED & GREEN undies too!
for LUCK. serius shit.
nt joking manss. dis is wat i knw laa frm my chi frens @ wrk.

as usual,Saturday.....end wrk at 6 bt end up abt 6.10pm as BF fetched me 2day.
wah lao..~ so like sian orady...duno go whr..
so Bf plan to haf our dinner @ lucky plaza. ate Ojolali.
den chill at Starbucks @ Wheelock ..shake legs & rest our bumps.
disappointed. cos i didnt get enuf of 'wasting' my $ on my own spree~
Bf told me to stop & save $.
of cos la,its true. i dun wana get bankrupt dat fast as i jus got my pay last 2 days.
tanks for e reminder hor.
its betta for me to leave my ATM card at hm.
hmpf. wat to do.~~~~

beau sandals frm C&K.
2nd choice. how? nice or nt?
gd nite!

Friday, February 01, 2008

yeahooo! $ka-ching$...
wen out shopping wif bf.had fun. went bugis to buy e shoes day ive olwas wanted. bought long sleeve,earrings & BF bought me a ...................................
GUESS watch!!
arghhhhhhhhh!! least expected sia..
Tanks alot. =)
den,my treat to Swensens. altho is orady 9.45pm.

am a happy girl. (: