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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sneak Preview.
& yah,i will not gona be online for few days.
shall update afta evryting ya.?
cant wait!

si dekni sibuk posing..
his ting..black & white theme
Kenneth Cole!!!!

dats all~


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

went to watch Congkak..oh my..tk scary sgt ah..byk suspense.
as Bf said Indiana Jones boring..pdhl die yg semangat sey nk tgk cite tu at e 1st place.
& so,my makeup artist confirmed e tyme she wana come on 31st may..woo~ so excited!!
& she knw dat im so freking excited..haha.dulu aku yg nervous..heee.

Thanks to all frens who haf been so semangat counting dwn e day wif me.
makin tk sabar laa nyah~

well,overall its all a new chapter & new beginning for me & dearest Bf.
he oso nervous. can see dat..hee.
i nvr ask for much. only a blessings dat we can be togata to start a next chapter in life,new family.
mum, dad..both of u are e happiest people rite??

i love u both..i love my both brothers.& i love my Bf.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

yeah,tomorow off!! yessa!
its been 2 days straight im done wif e foolshift.
tomoro gona be a tiring day for me.
im gona be outs early morn for breakfast wif mum..den headed to mak andam's place at Tampines for appointment. & finalize e outfit & etc..
wee! oh my! i simply cant wait..
afta dat,wana mit bf..for some important ting to solved wif....
mum mayb follow us..i knw she's gona be happy tooo... ;)

& yeah,haf u guys listened abt e song CANTIK by Altimet ft Fabulous Cats?
must listen hor..nice song,creative lyrics done.
its abt a guy non-stop praising his Gf hw pretty she was wif all her natural assets..& he appreciate hw e Gf look like wen dey r old orady..dats wen they r married wif kids.
e guy who orady a husband to her non-stop praising dat she's beau even tho she's getting old.
aww~ so sweettt.

Bf said dis part of e lyrics is for me..ahakz..
it says sumting like dis...

'kau bersama kawan-kawan muda yang nyata
kau paling menyerlah di antara mereka
rambut hitam warna cokelat anak mata
membuat aku kurang fasih bila bicara'

haha! & den i ask him y he seems to like dis part?
den he said dis part like recall e past of on hw we met each other & fall for each other!
yah lor..quite true laa..
i was chilling wif my gfs @ starbux..my hair was damn black china doll alike.
wif brown contact lenses.
& he run towards me as i walk so far orady frm dem..& den he came to me to gif me e soviet wif his hp number on it & i cant hear wat he said to me dat day..cant get wat he meant properly..he was so nervous & perspired dat moment! can see dat!!! hahaha!

oh! wat a love story! peggy dahhhhhhh~!!! confirm org lain meluat or menyampah ehk!? hahaha. nah,bt i jus share e moment on hw i met my dearest Bf. dats it.
pk2 alik,klaka laa seyy! hehehe. malu pon ade wen we walk pass Starbuz Wheelock...hehe.
dats wat he meant by e lyrics laa..

ok den,chows!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


everywhere is SALES! SALES! SALES!

yestdy was supposed to be Indiana Jones..but..not our luck laa hor..we tried to do bookings on e timings we wanted..& ders no more orady..bo liao.~
bf was very xcited to watch dat movie. end up,he's a bit disappointed.
actually,we can get e tix at The Cathay..but e seats available is e 1st row to e screen. sape nk g layan sey mendongak! hmpf.
so,i told him y nt we gif it a pass then? save $..we go & haf dinner & walk2 lah k?
urm..& yes,he agreed.mayb other day afta 31st......hehe.

headed to Plaza Sing..fuh! MPhosis sales is on! long queue outside e shop & ders crowd in e shop too...urm~ & yeah,GSS dtg slh tyme kali ni..buat aku! hehe. pdn ngn muke aku! haha.
i only haf e chance to window-shopping, admire e tings i wanted & wait 4 my payday! really soon bebeh!! hehe.

& so, i cant wait for june! hehe.
we haf really2 serius ting to do.
between me,bf & our family.
Insya-Allah..hopefully,we'll get wat we've wished & dreams for so far.

tick tock tick tock.....

Thursday, May 22, 2008

time check..gona be 12 midnight soon.
& im gona complain dat im HUNGRY! its so bad of me laa sey.
a habit dat i cant resist. i had chicken/fried chicken wings wif some rice frm last thurs till yesterday!! oh my god..
help me.im getting bloated,bonch..& gendut.!
help!!!! if only someone culd sponsor lustreslim shaping gel for me rite now. to burn all e stubborn fats i had! hurgh!!

& yeah,bf haf been sleeping frm 7.30 afta magrib tyme till now! fuh! break record!!
w/o any single calls or msgs frm him. e only ting i did was to gif him a call jus nw arnd 9+..
& he's still snoring away..hehehe.well,babyboy..i knw how tired u are..furthermore ur morning shift starts at 5.30am!!! till 4.30pm! fuh! its like e whole day orady..
bt wat to do...hurmm~

ok loves,countdown starts frm now!!!

DAVID COOK is e winner of dis year AMERICAN IDOL season!
& i knew dat he's gona win over DA..
yess! i love him! i love him! i love him vry3 much!
ARGH~!!! i jus love his sexy-rocky voice!
i looveeeeeeeeeeeeee him~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

woo..bday boy (my bro) make crappy dancing steps!


Happy 26th bday, BRO!!!
Muhd Khanafie.
well, thx for being der whr i nid u during e ups & downs.
u r e 1st one in e fam dat i turn to to share my sorrows.
u r e one who can tolerate my nonsense,craps & laughter throughout e years.
evryone did mistake in their lives,& im glad dat somehow wen we did had a light quarel or wat, it only takes a few hours to rejoice & laugh abt togata again.
u r e ONLY abang i had in my life & im happy e way u are,e way u smile..
Once again,thx for all e sweetness in u. i knw sumtime u didnt realize wat are e sweet tings u had done for me so far. bt i did sense it.
  • ! Thank you for all e kisses u gaf me during my bdays! YA-ALLAH!
peh geli wen u kissed me..on each every of my bday plak tu..& he purposely kiss me cos he knw dat i HATE being kissed by my own abang! hehe
  • Thank u so much for ur fully support on my Engagement.
  • Thank u so much again for sponsoring e Engagement invitation cards.
  • Thank you ALLAH for giving me e BEST ABANG.
i'm blessed.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

look at ur calendar now.or perhaps jus look at my blogheader-date!
countdown bebey!!
today its orady 20th..
to be exact..i left wif 11 more days to 31st.
XCITED! plus.....nerve-ous!

well,some ppl or 'jantan k.po' lahh i mus say..haf asked me..u ready to get engaged??y so fast??
u gt enuf money?? & etc...etc...
mind u,he's a guy...haha.

ok..here are e answers peeps.

i ADMIT dat me & dearest BF been in a relationship for only 9 mths to be exact.& dis end of mth..wich is on 31st May-Our engagement day is our 10mths anniversary togata..& im very2 happy,delighted & surprised too wen bf proposed to me on my 21st bday,dat is on e 5th May 08.
seriusly,i myself get shocked too. & so are my dear family & frens. ;)
if some of u were wondering y so fast i wana get engaged..well, i haf my OWN plans & future.
ive planned it quite long tyme ago & yeah,e older ppl says 'settle down earlier is e good thing..' mayb dats e older ppl tink laa..& i kinda believe dem. & e reason being im gona be married in 2yrs tyme,wen im 23 yrs old..is bcos ive made up my mind to haf kids of my own b4 i turn 28 or 30. Insya-Allah. thus,i nid to tink of my dearest bf too. mind u? & yeah,he wana settle down wen he's 27yrs old. & i tink he made e right choice & planning. ;)

cute to hear some old ppl said.. 'dah jodoh die..biarkan la..jgn halang...'

oh! abt money wise...
ppl ask 'u gt enuf money?'
wat a qn..??!
work ..work..& work..& den save..save..save laa~ SAVINGS!
if ur nt working hw u wana get dos money frm? hw to make savings?? aiyoyo.
if i can do my OWN savings jus for e sake for my Engagement Day,y cant i save more $ on my big day lata? urm~ for me,if i wana get someting done for a gd reason,i shall do it all along..work for money & $ for savings is important list for me right now.

i hope ive answered all ur qns,Mister *&*%#.

cant wait for e day to come!

Saturday, May 17, 2008


everyting settled. only my hse is not settled. my room indeed! hurgh~
hw am i suppose to do e chores?? i only gt 1 day off per week laa seyy..im nt wrking in an office kinda jobs. bleargh~
i hope my mum will help me to. i hope she willing to help me,rite?

urm~ getting settle dwn is not vry easy if u dun haf any $... ah hah~ luckily i gt savings to help me up..if nt,my parents WOULD KILL ME! damn. ive made a calculations on all items dat gona be used for my big day..urm~ altho e planning is to make as simple as can be..bt simple2 pon, $ fly very fasssttttttttt too....heee. so,in total including e buffet tingey wich can include 100-120 pax itself costs 8++ bucks - 900 bucks. e gifts,e dulang tingey all orady costs me 100$.tp tu sume bli kat jb laa kan! haha. bt oso money seyy..urm..so,total i tink ive waste 1k plus over dis smlal occasion. hehe. overall,sape tknk majlis nye berjln ngn lancar & sempurna kn?
i dun wan ppl come over my hse & left w/o any gifts frm us too. & e food..i cant stop ppl frm enjoying e food too rite? hee. so generous! ahakz.

& so,ystdy was a fone call planning wif Bf on hw to make savings in future...urm~ ok la..i admit dat he haf to be very very more careful n conscious wen on spending rite now.cos die lgik teruk! cos he dun wana trouble his fam..im proud of dat. =)
& as for me,ive made up my mind..if my wrk e pay is still like dis,im gona look out for a new job.
i cant be wrking der wif dis type of salary any more.unless dey wana increase it a bit lor. hehe.
bt its all depends hor.

& yes,2morow off!!!
woohooo! sebab ape aku OFF?? well,aku nk g jempotan punye psl! long tyme sey nvr g..sumore my close relative..& im closer to her..!
congrats kak suhaida & bro izat!

Friday, May 16, 2008


once again,thx for all e well wishes ya frens. =)

ysdty was doing relief at OUB CENTRE...mak ko~ no one laa siak! e place is all surrounded wif office buildings & my boutique plak tkde org frm e tyme i came in till i went hm. e best ting to wrk at OUB CENTRE..is bcos of e timing..e opening hrs of all shops followed e timing patterns of office hrs. cool kan! lunch crowd can see many people wearing office garments. afta dat,no more! lepak sak keje! lau transfer sana pon best jgk sey! saturday -1/2day work! cool! sunday-CLOSED! meaning permanent OFFDAY!! lagikkkkkk COOOOOOLLLLLL!!!
ok tu ok ahh..bt i cant ah..e shop is big..hehehe..

& so,during break tyme..i saw sasha -odah's fren...
kecoh sak dektu..hehehe. n i get to knw she wrk at e coffee bean jus bhind my building ysdty!
shits.leh mintak free mocha! hehe.
n she said 'dgr2 org tu nk tunang..........' mak ai~ cpt nye cite melayang kt die...hehehe. odah ah ni informer die..hehe. =)

afta wrk,headed to marina square..bought Bf's gift. e gift his wanting for..KENNETH COLE!
i likkkkkkkkeeee!!! bumped onto Bryant -my x colleague @ CP....shocked to bumped on him..
hehe. he said 'congratulations.....' haha.. i feel like so ape seyy..u knw...haha..bt ok la.. thx for e wishes altho at e same tyme i felt nervous too.. =)
bought dat gift, e salesman ask 'its for engagement isit?dis is nice..'
woah lao! mcm tahu2 jerk!! den Bf ask him hw he knw?? den he said 'can see laa....hehe..'
n dat salesman is so helpful..
n wish all congrats n gd luck n stuffs. =)
sampai warranty card die stated our big date!! hehe.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

alhamdulillah..at last,kak diella confirmed my order..wee! cant wait to c it..i promised her on 30th i go & collect dat ting...since i took 1/2 day leave. & yes,im gona be travelling alone to Yishun-her house & i dun wana waste my tyme on my dilly dally walk2 here & der. ive planned evryting on 30th. to buy fresh flowers for deco & oso sum of e tings dat mum haf left out.
mane laa thu kn..saat2 akhir mesti sume panicked! hehe.
cant wait 4 my Gfs to overnite at my hse on 30th.! weee~

am so freaking bz wif my tight schedule for right now.
fuuhh~ tp ape nk uat kn..kate kerje...
n here r e details of wat im gona be doing dis few days.....

15th- do relief at Goldlion Boutique @OUB..start wrk at 11.30-7.30pm. afta dat,date Bf to buy some gifts dat we haf planned to buy. look out for e very NECESSARY needed.

18th- offday.cuzz getting married & ive orady took off day request since last mth!

22th- offday.settled some tings dat shuld b done at hm. housekeeping & stuffs.
dis one very IMPORTANT.

26th- offday.appointment wif kak rohaya,my planner..to finalized & e fitting of my outfit & stuffs b4 e big day. weeeee~! =)
date wif Bf for e very last day to go n look out for any last minute tings to buy or nt..
& HOPEFULLY, by dis date..my house is so clean & neat orady liao~ hehehe.

30th- 1/2day.as mentioned above,to get my ordered stuffs frm kak diella @ Yishun & look, search for any last minute tingey to buy..on dis day,i HOPE MY BRAINS IS WORKING~!!



ok den,dats all for update.

shall upload pics of e preparation.

bedroom decor,outfit,cameraman- settled.
. . . . . . .any more missing?
urm...haf yet to chk on my list.!

& oh ya! meanwhile,wait for e postman,ya!

Monday, May 12, 2008

woo.. im so bored..n yeah,i did some funny surveys online..quite true oso..hehehe. bt its all for fun aite. =)

& yah,my throat getting beta..so,i must cont consume e medicines. i wana recover fast! cos my Bf miss my real voice! haha.

He Loves You For You

When it comes to your body, your guy hardly notices

It's nothing to do with the way you look...

He's just has really fallen for you

But make sure to stay sexy - keep the chemistry going strong!

Taurus - Your Love Profile
Your positive traits:

You tend to stick with relationships - through the good and the bad.
You are a great listener and tend to give valuable advice.
Cautious and careful, you never jump in recklessly... saving yourself from heartbreak.

Your negative traits:

Money is very important to you, so much so that it's a cause of arguments in relationships.
If your lover isn't loyal or attentive enough to you, your eyes start to wander...
You tend to keep things inside - so your partner may not know when or why you're upset.

Your ideal partner:

Is stable, serious, and ready to be committed to you.
Is successful and able to provide you with the lifestyle you crave.
A true romantic, who is willing to express their desire for your heart.

Your dating style:

Comfortable and traditional. You'd love to have a nice meal at a cozy restaurant.

Your seduction style:

Love comes first for you before you'd even think of intimacy.
Traditional: you're not a cold fish - but you're not into kink either.
Pleasing... you always make sure that your partner is having a good time.

Tips for the future:

Be willing to change your mind. Who you think is the love of your life may be very wrong for you.
Try listening to your mate. While your stubborn streak is hard to break, sometimes your partner knows best.
Lighten up! The first months of a relationship should be about fun, not intentions.

Best color to attract mate: Pale blue

Best day for a date: Friday

Sunday, May 11, 2008

well,im sick! n took MC jus for a day..
as usual.wen i fall sick,i olways haf to suffer wif dis notorious sore throat.
cant eat well..cant talk well..& hw am i suppose to talk n serve my customers??
hehehehe, ok jgk eh..relax one corner..tk yah bbual..hehehe.
urm~ mayb im so allergic to dust ah. bab tu cont sneezing..non-stop n running nose all over cont wif e sore throat! aiyo.
see a doctor wich costs me 46bucks!!!
& luckily,e medicine turn out well..e doc advised me to take dis panadol once. confirm my slight fever gone. hehe! n its true!! n he oso advised me to take dis small pill for my throat n nose..he said try having once or twice..n it will gone soon.infact,its fcking true!!! now,abit2 ok je la..
only my voice so in e sexy-rocker tone type of voice.hahahaha.
mcm suare bapok pon ade tau~! hahaha.

& yes,wat i did e whole day??
well,currently on MC,so i headed to geylang serai to look out for some items dat ive missed.
all settled,& i can gif a small relief to myself. haizz~
left for some small items dat mum wana buy at jb..as its e only place dat gt sell e color theme dat im interested wif.wich is............black & white!
hehe. dun ask me y i chose dat color..bt to me,its so kinda simple n elegance. didnt believe?
well,chk out my pics pretty soon...cos im so over xcited to share dis happy moments in my life wif u ppl rite now..

can wait...!

urm...18-19 more days? cooollllll!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

as a few of u who orady knw abt ............
im so freaking nervous! & bz 4 preparation till i feel like i dun wana go wrk!

my parents are overjoyed n delighted.
& so r e few closed frens of mine.

counting down e days.


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

!!!! WA KE NA BEB !!!!





MUCH MORE HAPPIERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bf,u so good at keeping secrets ah?? he actually reserved/book online on 26th March 08!
oh goodness! dat is 2mths back??! haaa!
dreams came true at last! goodness.im so blessed & speechless!
i luv u!!!

happy nye aku yg tk terhingga!
frm family..lee hwa white gold earrings!
otw! cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its so big & only its e 2 of us in here!

wooo! so high orady!!!

ok done, more pics..pls proceed to e right hand corner of my navigations.
on My Multiply.

Monday, May 05, 2008

here's a story of yesterday advanced celebration on my 21st bday!
kk,i tink i gt e strong sense whereby i knw wat their plans all. ahakz.
firstly,i was so gundu ystday..i was all dressed up in my clothes & bring 2 shoes n slippers to wrk..4 wat?? oh well, kononyer nnt afta wrk nk pilih laa mane satu nk pakai nnt mit e girls.
skali aku peh belo..i forget dat ive orady gt a pair of shoes n slippers @ wrkplace itself. chet!
tergendeh2 aku bwk plastic bag besaw pagi2 buta! lols.

dah tu tkpe..e plan dat ive orady make to bf is dat we mit up under my block at arnd 7 cos i nid to put e big presents i had frm my colleague,Mei Ling...cos afta dat he fetched me den go mit gfs sumwhr. & surprisingly,Bf msged me like os hinting..& den yani bestie msged me while i was in a cab..saying 'kecik,if u r under ur void deck,pls call me.urgent!' & i was wondering y eh she ask me to kol her?? & my heart & my instincts are RIGHT! Gfs were under my void deck jumping & shouting HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me!! HAHAHHA. & yeah, i was RIGHT! in e cab,i told myself skali dey all at my void deck t suprise me sey...urm...den wen i paid my fare,i went out frm e cab...di part i knw sumting was wrg...frm far i culd hear dem laughing! hahahahaha. i went near n say 'oit...' den dey all say SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hahahaha. tanks ah eh. cukop tyme aku expect it pon! hehehe.

GFs settled at my crib while waiting me to siap2! no one at hse as dey all go jb. siap-ing..den bf arrived at my crib..cey..ngn semangatnyer..tot nk naik motor.i grab along laa my helmet. cukop tyme bwh blk aku kene blindfolded! tanks ah eh! dulu aku uat yani bestie..& its my turn! hurghh! tp ok gak ah..tkde org. tp paisey laaaaaa & penat siots aku dikeje kan! destinasi da lah salah..uat pnt je bwk helmet.cukop tyme naik zimah's car! hmpf! WAKENABEB! LOLS.
seriusly,i was so tired + happy + overjoyed laaa..altho im abit shag.anytime i can fall asleep...& i knw i can be so hyper & active wen come to MY OWN BDAY EVENT! im so happy giler! TQ GFs & Bf! in e car,i nontsop singing,talking craps wif e bandana on my eyes! chet! rimas!

reached e destination,i duno whr they r bringing me to..cos im blindfolded mah. n serius shit,i was like so paisey & embarassing moment 4 me. cos odah & zimah was like holding my hands & dey said if they were to be, they oso paisey! & i knw i was in a big shopping mall wif lots of ppl looking at me. i tink!!!!! ahaha. cibai sak tu part!!!!!! i accidentally touched a stranger in e lift! oh no! paisey!!!

so fun indeed! wen reach e place,dey open e bandana,& i was at MINDS CAFE!!!! sial laaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! peh malu laa..& i cant imagine hw e reaction & ive walked so far laa sial wif bandana on my eyes!!!! aku maluuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tp fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cibye sak tu!!!! hahahahaha
& i did loveeeeeeee my brownie cake! & e presents! i love e games we played too!
meanwhile,jus browse tru e pics of my presents first.

im waiting 4 all e pics taken frm yani bestie's camera & kak tot camera!

i luv u gals!

to azimah,tanks 4 e ride!

Zimah. stop it. wif e NASI AMBENG $1.50 BOX wich contains a long sleeve Levi's Strausse.
frm odah & bestie yani. a bag frm CK & Guess Wallet.
no nid to mention more. its obviously frm Zimah! siak btol!
mum ask me to kip it under my bed as a remembrance of my 21st bday gift!
haha. e blue bottle n e coffee cup box is frm my colleague! so cute. its so tiny!

& yes,tq Gfs. I LOVE THE PREZZIES!

waiting frm Bf.


Thank you for all e sweet & lovely bday wishes guys/girls. doesnt matter in frensta,smses or msn. shall update lata again soon ok!

i cant wait e surprises frm my dearest BF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

ok..few minutes....& 1 day more im gona turning 21st sooon!!!
super sweet 21.........! ahakz. duncha jealous. now can watch RA21. lols.
dah tgk pongs. tk yah nk tugu 21! hahahahaha. kecik2 da tgk....tyme dulu2 ah. tk yah elaborate kies? hahahaha.

GFs,mane korg nk jumpe? & celeb kat mane?? semua tkde msg aku pongs e venue & stuffs.
ahakz. skali korg buih ehh. tu da cam pek! sey..! hahahaha.
too bad,irni cant join us tomolo.bt its ok. we r jus bz adults afterall. aku phm.
all of us now are independant adults wif great minds. work ur ass out babe! money couldnt drop frm e air jus like dat. & irni, she is so workaholic. salute her. miss her lots too. :)

ok chows,2moro morn shift & den mit e gals!

cant wait for my prezzieesss!

afta work,BF fetched me & headed to Newton. well,pics do e talking.
burp.~ im soo full.!

the happy belly/tummy.Bf used to call me Bonch.
as in Bon-chet. bt who cares.
petite, but wif BIG appetite!
fried buns + sambal belachan + sugar cane.
amaziinggggg uss hah. petite bt BIG-EATER!
ni pompan jgn ckp ah..bedal jerk ape yg die mkn as long nt seafood.

ok laa..cant wait.!!
to be xact, 2 more days to my bday!!!
!1 day to my advance bday celebration wif my GFs!
cpt sikitttttt..................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aku nk off! bdn sakit2 laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!

Friday, May 02, 2008

sesungguhnya aku penat sangat2..

imagine da i work for 8 days straight non-stop. & i cant wait for monday. OFF DAY.
yeah,OFF DAY. meaning i chnage my off day to my birthdate so dat i can rest.if nt ah,my off day is on e 2nd wk of may. pantat! mepek kn supervisor aku uat schedule? bodoh.
luckily dpt ah.bt no, tk leh rest. am goin out celeb birthday wif Bf. urm. shuld i took PH replacement offday? cos we still entitled to take another off day to pay back e PH labour day...or shuld i throw away e PH off day & earn extra income?? aku penaaaaatttttttttttttttttt arh...... my both hands are aching, & so are my both legs. e whole body laa senang kata!!

enuf of blabbering.

let me present to u my newborn nephew.


babyboy,u cant wait to see e world issit? u come out on e 30th April 08. ape dahh~ ppl expecting u to come out on e 1st wk of May laa...hehe. bt wateva it is,u look more like ur dad.(my cuzz). e features esp e nose are e alike! hehe. such a fat boy ah u..i bet u consume more food den ur mum in der hah? hee. i cant wait to see u like chubb boy..aunty here very bz wif wrk. 1 day,i shall visit u ok? n wait 4 prezzies ok..? wat u wan? an army tank car? aeroplane controller? Barbie?? oops. u still so small to ask for prezzies. hehe. nvm,aunty will buy u sumting dat is cute otay?? meanwhile,let e ppl around u pinching & kissing u non-stop!! ;P

