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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunday. at last,gt e chance to go out wif my siblings. its been longg tyme laa seyy...
headed to Bugis..as Big bro wana survey2 his ring for his upcoming engagement ceremony......
wich is...soon.....i guesss... wooots! so many ppl in e family been tied down! im so excited...
looking forward it.. ;)

browse tru Goldheart..Lee Hwa..Soo Kee...& i really prefer Goldheart among others..urm..
duno y ehk..cos its suits e youngster taste nowadays ah..as 4 me laa..hehe. & furthermore,im a certified GOLDHEART member..ive owned a VIP/Membership Card..gereksss kape....hehehe.
so,Fiance...can i actually upgrade to a slightly bigger diamond?? nyahaha. slap me if u want to.
haha.okok.shall put dat aside..mayb for our future wedding rings,perhaps?? uh uh. hopefully..

& & ....Big Bro suddenly wana gif a treat to Swensens. ape lagik!? terus queue up & join e queue!
Thx Abg..

the Lee Hwa & Soo Kee promoter
im growing ubberly chubby ah..hurgh!!
i really like dis...
e ice cream cakes..
e tubs ice cream~
mine...breaded chicken meuniere
Abg spaghetti aglio alio..
wat a dish name! haha
adeq & me

Good nite!


dinner at Newton ystdy..wif his colleagues! i had fun!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

very bloody HAWT weather!
& im stuck at home on Saturday!
bt NO....
going out soon...
after soooo many days for interviews,wana take a break.
a shorrttt break.....

cant wait for tonight bebey!

here goes my smallie,petite(like me) Fiance.
Towning on Thursday..cos i went for an interview & he accompanied me to return my previous employer's uniform. cos, he knw e rd so well..Thx to e internet laa of cos! haha.

wat actually we did ystdy?? oh.. we played a mini-go-around chasing each other to actually stepped on each other shoes! fun! dah lame tk main pijak2 kasot..its my fault laa at 1st to step on his white,cleaned Nike shoes..for fun ajer..hehe. & i tot he wud be angry...& NOT!! he did stepped on my newly Crocs! maha pijak plak tu..mine was only a sliggghhht step je seyy..hehe.bt fun tho.
frm Wisma to Cineleisure..we kept playing dis 'stupid' kinda of game! hahahahaha.
yg satu da 21...yg lg satu tu..tk yah laa blg ehh..hahahahaha.

and then...
watched Wanted at Cineleisure..Angelina Jolie....urm....
ok laa kan..nt bad.

he wana join e gals so much~
he's being himself. a 2_ yr old him acted dis way in public.
im nt shame of it. i knw he's being himself. & so am i..e irritating one.
heh! ;P

Dearest Fiance,u've put on weight!
oh ya oh ya..me too..
argh~* bt im happy.... la la la la la la la la.........

interviews again on Monday.
Pray hard.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

i'm missin' my grandparents now. dey r in Dubai..& ive get to knw all of dem fell sick due to e HOT freaking weather..urm~
oko,interview was okayyy. pwetty much okayyy laah kan. & i did HATE interviews sumtime.
blearghhh~ & yeah,2morow interview again! yessa!!
dis one,ive been waiting for..must go! must go!!

INTERVIEW AT 9.30AM, & im still awake!
ohh.Wish me luck,ya!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

afternoon,i msged him & told him im craving for popeyes.infact,ystdy nite i was like forcing him to mit me..& he said 'No.' so i guessed ok lor.4get it. to my suprised,i msged him like i was such a desperado for popeyes & he finally said 'ye lah..yelahh..bt mit me sumwhr k..' wooohoo! yay! so happy indeed! so,i quickly get ready & outs frm hse straight away.. ;)

reached Marina Sq..I plan to grab a last minute mini gift for him..as a special date for us. wee! ;)
bought him a smiley Cookie @FAMOUS AMOS. cheapos. & a mini card. cheapos too. ;)
he called me 'whr u?i da sampai..im at outside 7-11 orady...'
i replied 'oh..nk turun ah ni escalator..' padahl..padahal! hehehe.

to my surprised too!!! he orady dressed up in his outfit. so,dlm diam ah ni..die bwk baju xtra to wrk! i really tot he wif his uniform!!! bleargh. 'Surprise' die laa tu konon nye utk aku..hahaha.

ate Popeyes....Dearest Fiance bought for me CROCS sandals dat ive aimed for...yay! TQ! & YES!!!! DONT MESS WIF THE ZOHAN IS SO DAMN FUNNY!!!!!!!!! MUST WATCH!!!!!

good nite!!!

msged dearest Fiance dat im craving for popeyes!!!

i cant stand it orady!!! mayb bcos my its gona end of mth sooooooooonn!!!


so,popeyes!! here i come again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

minah bunga. aka Flower girl.
hehehe. im so obsessed wif colourful flowers around me rite now? a sudden change?? oh well..nature ah tu..haha. ;)

jus get back hm frm angah's & kak su's 1st son(my nephew) cukur jambol.

Md Ezra Anaqi..im jus looveee his cheeks! look! & i cant stop myself frm kissing all over his chubb face!!!!! ;P

dats all,& ya! esk my last day of wrk!!! chows!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

oh..salam sejahtera.. =)
bz browsing tru e multiply & yeah,i 4got to upload e sweetos cupcakes made by Kak Diella.. Im sooo craving over dis thang..popeyes..gelare...roti john.. (padahal..tuesday aru dpt..) hehe. ayam penyet..& more la~ hurgh.

urm..someone telling me to put on diet.bt how to?any idea??? urm..well, shall tink abt it den.
my BMI is ok per. moderate.

well...tomoro is saturday~! im left wif sunday people! & sunday adalah hari yg sesungguhnye bermakne.. NOT im jobless by then.
tomoro - angah's baby cukur rambot. mesti cute eh si anaqi ni..
& &....saat2 yg dinantikan adalah esk..cos all my dad's side haf nt seen or met my dearest Fiance b4..so,tomoro is e day lor..im happy...lau 'korg' tk happy,'korg' nye psl..! hah~

awww~ i miss emyliyana saphrudin...full name sak aku type..hehehe.
knw dis gal tru frensta quite sumtime ago..frenly n slumber..i like..& i duno i can actually stix wif her..like my sista orady..padahal,same age as me..altho we very rarely & seldom get contacted wif each other's life & schedule..(well,she's an air stewardess..) bt,i cant resist to kip calling her cellphone for numerous of tymes if i started to feel & thinking abt her.. ;)
well,kdg2 kwn yg kite slalu rapat pon,kite tetap terigt kn..ape tah lagik,kwn ni susah nk jumpe..

i was kinda touched by her late presence during my engagement day dat day..yes,ive invited her..& she didnt reply aniting..surprisingly,she called me up & asked me whether she still can come dwn or nt as she jus landed SG! oh my..she did came dwn my hse..wif her heavy makeup & havent been sleeping for hours! Tq for making e effort to come by & stay up until 11pm,Emy... & for ur info evryone,i only met her twice! & she drive me crazzzzyyy~!! *hugs*

Nasrul (her fren) coincidenlty my big bro's ITE mate..
small world..

so,wen are we mitting up again?? my wedding day??? ahhh!!! NOOO!! dats lonng laa babe!!

a small conversation within my fam jus now..to chose a rite date for my wedding in 2yrs tyme..
urrm....bt haf yet to b confirmed once again...~ weee! & ya, Dearest Fiance giving me such a sweet2 msg ystday.. expressing to me all of his feelings & such.. (malu ahh nk blg..!)hehehe.
aww~ so sweet of u dearie... *hugs*
more & more suprises to come, ya!
& well,nenek & atok is having fun at Dubai UAE rite now. look at dem..so happy...bile plak nk balik SG??? hehehe. bt wateva it is,let dem stay der longer as dey want..dis is e only time opportunity for both of dem. happy me!! to see dem so happy!! ;)
hope u guys are adapting wif e weather & lifetsyle der,ya? ;)

my lil baby cuzz @ Dubai UAE. Irfan Haqeem & Maya Asyura
e newborn.. Faatin Hana ;)
Haq celebs his bday recently..5 yrs old i tink.. ;)
cheeky one...Maya..i jus missin' her even more!!!!

ta ta for now..
im countdown starts frm now!!!