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Thursday, July 31, 2008
its 1yr orady we tied e knot together. time past so fast ya..? i do still remember e day u chase me wif Starbux soviet jus to gif me ur hp number..i do still hw our 1st date look like last yr.. very enjoying one,for me. as most of e dates i had,most of dem i culdnt be bothered & not interested. heh. i remember e day u actually came up my hse to sent me hm rite infront of my doorstep. dat wasnt e starting part of our relationship yet. such a honest boy ive known/dated. i remember our 1st kiss togatha ..e proposal u gaf me wen we are only 10mths old in our relationship? sweet surprises frm u..i didnt even knw dat u bought dat ring b4 u left for Hong Kong trip wif ur colleagues. oh my! shocking! not even my bestie & my parents knew abt it! chet! i remember those tyme wen u wana propose me at Singapore Flyer on my 21st Bday.. we haf to go thru e scanning security tingey.. i did put my tings on e ting itself & waited for u to empty ur pockets punye laa susah... & u hide dat secret frm me so easily eh..hahaha. well,he actually told dat lady in charge dat he got a ring for me in his pocket..& he cant take it off frm e pocket..surprise.. no wonder dat lady kip on smiling to me & i was like 'eh,ko da knp senyum2 kt aku?? aku tk knl ko sak..' hahaha. i do still remember all those words frm ur mouth wanting me so much to be someone in ur life.ur mate.ur other half. i was gasped & shocked. no words can describe e feeling on dat moment. feel like jumping down frm e Singapore Flyer sey! ahakz. fuh~ e feeling is so greatt! especialy wen on our engagement day. oh god!u actually feel dat ur belong to someone soon... wif e ring..wich simbolise dat u'r actually reserved/taken tingey makes u feel so secured..at last,u gt someone to hold onto for e rest of ur life. im gona cherished every single moment of my life now,e great sense of feeling wich undescribable,unexpected.. wanting so much for dis big ting to happen in my life and i or shuld i say We, simply cant wait for our big day to come.. soon.sooner.soonest.. Insya-Allah. To Dearest Fiance; im a average gal.. im a ITE graduate. i dont earn much,im nt perfect in many ways.im nt really focus on religious tingey..bt wat i can say dat..TQ for accepting me to be ur other half,a newcomer to ur family. i hope wat we've been dreaming & waiting for will come soon.. Im blessed to haf u here now & olwaz.. TQ Md Ariff. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
sunny sunny day~ GOSH. im eating MR BEAN cheese pancake & MR BEAN soya bean drink rite now. yummy! dats my bad habit.
Last Saturday was JB wif family..full strength..& pak teh's family..full strength oso..total of 10 ppl altogether..collection of our raya clothings~ weee! shopping,cam whoring,bowling had fun! ;) Sunday..was a mit up cum fetch Fiance at his wrkplace..as usual.. he text me early morning jus to tell me wats e motive of me fetching him lata..aiyo...his plan was 'jln2 cari mkn..' & i was so ubberly super excited laa kan..reached Airport,he said 'Popeyes?' & keep on smiling.. yeah yeah,i knw its my fav tingey..bt aleh2 jer..imnt craving for it seyy..urm..bt..as usual, to his surprise,i did finish up evryting..no leftovers. hehe! sesungguhnya..aku pelahap! haha. shopped at CHARLES & KEITH..cos dey r having a big sale!! sale!! called up his frens & make our way to Cashbox. Ming Arcade. yipee!! woohoo!! great mind tinks alike sey! i was telling Fiance hw much i missed karaoke-ing..den,it came true! Tq! reached quite late,n off to bed! oraite baby! gtg!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
its Adik's 16th bday!! SUPER SWEET 6TEEN. ;) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Tuesday was Thosai @ Tekka..YUMMY!! burp~ ![]() ![]() Have a nice day!
Monday, July 21, 2008
''seorang WANITA umpama, sekuntum bunga ditaman, segar mewangi dipelosok dunia, setulus kasih sesuci embun. lembut WANITA kerana tutur katanya, patuh WANITA kerana setianya, cekal WANITA kerana beraninya, sabar WANITA kerana imannya. kasih WANITA kerana belaiannya, lemah WANITA kerana air matanya, ikhlas WANITA kerana simpatinya, dendam WANITA kerana cemburunya, sayang WANITA kerana sifat keibuannya, dan...tanpa WANITA lelaki lemah kerana WANITA lelaki kalah..''
![]() ![]() * i miss him. fuh!! dis month itself i gt a few weddings to attend. i wonder who im gona tagged along...Fiance is soo bz wrking rite now. heh! ;) & im so~ looking forward for my free facial classes worth $200 over dollars..ka-ching! its a complimentary..& Fiance deserve it too...bt am nt pretty sure wen r we gona do it..as it lasts till end of dis mth..oh no!! its such a waste if we didnt go rite?? hmm~ mum & dad is now bz looking for some caterer for my big day..& e dais too.. ive nvr been so fickle minded u noe. e only fickle minded person whom i knw..is my gf..Azimah. ahaha. oops. hehe. bt wen come to dis kind of decision,i simply cant make up my mind.. somehow im afraid other party wud get so pissed off wif me. nah.hopefully,i knw wats best for me..Insya-Allah. in matter of tyme,i hope ive set my mind on a particular ting. hehehe. good nite lovelies! Sneak Preview! i kinda like dis.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() am so excited over a few tings! 1stly,ive orady been bz get liase wif my wedding planner..cant wait to see e overcome of everyting..! yahoooooo!!! today went out to pay a visit to e shop wif my family as Fiance is working.. i learnt abt new tings in life. e preparation itself make me soooo crazyyyy~ & fickle minded abt e gowns i need to choose! omg! im getting married pretty sooon!! am i dreaming???! haha. nah,im not dreaming. ;) Eileen, my planner..is so cute! early morning she wake me up tru e cellphone asking me whether im coming dwn to e shop or nt?cos she wana show me some of e beautifully cinderella gowns to me..aww~ cant wait. received e call,changed & hurriedly n anxiously waiting for her to show my dream gown! & yes! finally!! am soooo~ cant wait siaa!! cant wait to haf wear own Cinderella Gown!! argh!!! i did sign up for a make up class wif her on December..e class dat ive been wanting to join so much..& e price is affordable,dats y i intended to join. heh! ;) wee!~ Eileen,my planner..she's e boss of e bridal shop & im nt suprised if i were to recommend some of my frens/relatives to her..good package & so much worth e money. spent der almost 5 hrs in e shop browsing e gown album & i cant wait for e photoshoot session babey! its gona be fun! as for now,im counting e months & days for e 'big' day! (altho is at 2010,bt time flies so fast!) im looking forward for e free facial treatment by Eileen..(cos she said she sayang me!) haa.. photoshoot,e big day event....& those upcoming surprises~ FIANCE! mum! dad! i cant wait for my BIG DAY!
Monday, July 14, 2008
1st day.. was ok-ok laa.. bt i duno if i can really survive longer.. shall update again 2morow. 9tez!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
im so nervous.
tomorow my 1st day of work. ive to wake up at 5.15am & wet out frm e hse at 6am.. i duno wat shall happen tomorow. im scared dat i might lost my way @ Tuas itself. im soooooooooooo scared rite now. im not a confident person. some stoopid tings haf been playing through in my mind... duno whether wana go or nt..meaning,i dun wana work der.! so~ e fickle minded me! how ehh??? nvm,i shall go & see how issit tomoro.. gd luck & all e best to me ya. Allah,please be wif me.Amin.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
MY BESTIE, YANI & ME ARE COUSINS!!! SO CALLED COUSINS!!! HAHAHA! SHOCKED & SPEECHLESS!! SOMEHOW, HER MUM KNOW MY DAD AS IN DULU SAME KAMPONG! PULAU BRANI! HER MUM KNOW EACH OF EVERY SINGLE MEMBERS IN MY DAD'S FAMILY! WOOOOOHOOOOOOO!! first,she knw pak long..my uncle..den she knw my cuzz..(kak long) of hw many time she married..hahaha! Hot Stuffs kape! hahaha. & e best part & e shocking part of it, her mum knws dat my cuzz is getting married on National Day ni..oh!!! pdhl,i did invite BESTIE only..as she coincidently knw my cuzz(kak long) who use to wrk at aiport last tyme. sekali,i get to knw mayb BESTIE'S PARENTS are coming dwn to e wedding reception dis National Day. OMG!!! SMALL WORLD laaaaa siakkkkkkkkkk!!! its like BESTIE's mum knw my grandma & all...so exciting babeh!!!!! cant wait for e day to come & see all e kecohrables goin on lata!! haha. BESTIE,u betta take day off ah on National Day! haha. & yeah,as i was typing dis entry,im so~ overjoyed & still surprised. UH UH! BESTIE SURIANI,U NO MORE LONGER MY BESTIE! BUT, U R MY CUZZ!!!! hahahaha. we've been close for so~ many years togata..more like a buddy to me laa sey!!! & end up we get to knw dat we're related! YA ALLAH! ASTAFIRULLAHALAZIM.YA RABBI... peace yaw! for once,im so freaking & fcuking xcited abt dis!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
here it goes for today checkup.
well,i need to go for e medical body checkup for my new job. woke up at 10am & reach JP at 11.00am..& yes..e whole checkup ends at 1pm..2hrs! urine test,x-ray,eyesight & etc... fuhh! luckily mum was wif me all e time. Thx ya. enjoy her company..during waiting for e queue..we chit-chat abt wats e wedding wud be like later on..wats my future dreams & bla bla bla..tok abt cooking!! wakakaka. altho i only knw e basics cookings,i really nid to learnt more recipes..gravies & etc. once,i ask Fiance.. wat does he tink if im gona take up baking class afta marriage? he agreed. & he did gif me e full support & encouragement. Thx Dear! ;) abt cooking,for now..i only knw to cook my fav dish & stuffs. hehe. i nid to learnt other tings such as Fiance's fav dish too,rite? hee. well,put dat aside..im sooo~ scared abt 1st day of my new job on Monday. pikiran sak.. urm~ argh! i nid to go der alone.i nid to woke up at 5.30am & off frm home at 6am! gosh!! ARGH! pape laa kan. i dun wana tink much abt it ah. wateva it is,my grandparents are coming back to SG soon. probably dey will touch dwn Changi Airport @ around 8am..gosh.so e pagi.. hehe. i miss dem so much..~ ;) & yeah,im so free...i did dis..hehe
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
9/07/08,Wednesday. & &...i did received a good news, btw! not only me..bt oso my dearest Fiance...!! at 1pm..sumone called & i get e job offer..at Keppel Shipyard. Yessa!! at 3plus in e afternoon, my Fiance's cellphone rang...& yes,his dream job too coming e way! PSA,as bla bla bla..wich i dun wana mention here.. ;) both of us was like 'woah..today is our lucky day laa..both get jobs e 1 we've been waiting for..!' WOOHOOOOOOOO!!! IM SO HAPPY LIKE MAD NOW! & SO IS HIM! YA ALLAH,doa terkabul.. & its true on wat my aunt said.. 'insya-Allah,rezki di mana-mana..lau kite niat baik nak uat sesuatu in future..Allah will help us..' frm wat she says,it really gif me an impact to wake up & realize...its kinda true. Alhamdulillah. Amin. dream job. here i come. Congrats to myself. Congrats to my Dearest Fiance. all e best yaw in e new environment! us otw..
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
so,hws my interview goin on? well,Tuas. so wta u expect huh? feel like goin JB laa sey! haha.
soooo~ many foreign workers & im so scared! ive never overcome e fearness of entering a quite district area of places b4 in my whole entire life wen goin 4 an interview. fuuhh! luckily mum was wif me..if not,as usual..i gif up..& hail a cab hm~ hehe. Keppel Shipyard. e well known company. i bet u guys heard abt dis company b4 rite? well,im trying my luck der as Marketing Assistant cum Cust Svc. 7.30-4.30 is e working hours,wif transport provided to & fro. & guess who is e receptionist at Keppel Shipyard? a girl frm ITE CLEMENTI. she was wif another clans bt we did said we knw each other by remember e face only. i remember she was during my Nitec time. heee. 2 interviewers. 1 chi..HR.. 1 mly.. if i were get e job,im assisting a mly lady..kak aisha.. e scary part is, wen both of dem wana test my computer skills using Excel! mangkok laa.. hehe. cos most of e tyme during lessons,i gt help frm my bestie who sits bside me & other frens. so now,padan ngn muke aku~ hahahaha. luckily she gif me e easy one..eg merging & bordering. fuuh~ sempat amek gmbr.. hahahahha. & yea,2 interviews i haf to attend to. at AMK..9.30am.. pasir panjang..anytime b4 5pm.. how ehk?? shall see hw my ezlink can cope... all e best to me. gd luck to me yaw!
Monday, July 07, 2008
interviews again. oh no. tomorow afternoon was at Tuas.Gul Road. Wednesday was at New Teck Park. at 9.30am. gosh.. luckily Fiance was off on dat day.. nid his help badly... grrrrrr.
yesterday pics uploaded.
more at my multiply yaw~! kak tot.ina.myself.