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Friday, October 31, 2008

its gona be like 1wk more to Anuar Zain concert @Esplanade!
yay!! i cant wait~!!

& dis November gona be a very bz month for me as my bro is getting engaged..
meanwhile,its gona be my babyboy, 2_th bday!

am sooo clueless on wat to buy for him..hmm~

okok,wana sleep..
am looking 4ward to CROCS WAEHOUSE SALE TOMOROW!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dear online diary..

for once, i tot im losing some weights..
mayb bcos of dos fasting mth..dats is only mayb..
for once,i felt dat im gaining weight back again..
mayb bcos of dos late night dinner dis few days..

for frens/family who haf been saying dat im getting slightly losing weight,bahhh!Thx a bunch!
i tink i mus show u guys my fats underneath my clothes! hahaha

& for frens/family who haf been saying dat im putting more weight,bahhh! Thx a bunch too!
Thx for those honest & sincerity compliments! hahaha

& yeah,Thx to MD ARIFF, e Fiance..for calling me all sorts of names..
eg like MOK..shortform of GEMOK.(fat) , JAPANESE TOURIST, KERMIT & etc..

Thx alot Dear..u've been my great kaki makan for now.

haiz..enufff of dos late nite dinner......
but i like!

finally,today..as on Wednesday,29th Oct 2008.
Fiance fetched me frm wrk..
headed to causway pt as bro wana buy his engagement ring..
& den headed off to Jln Kayu wif Fiance..
bole jd MAD! aku..haha.

Monday,27th Oct 2008..
as it is PH.. Dear plan to mit me once i reached spore frm Jb.
head down to Bugis,mini shopping..&....yes! E our day goes on wif full tummy!
had dinner at Bali Lane.
YASBIN/NASBIN wicheva it may call. like e place.
Thx Odah for recommending dat place. ;)

was on Sunday,26th Oct 2008
afta attending Yani(bestie) bro's wedding, we drop by Expo to survey on our wedding stuffs
& drop by Bedok Corner.

was on Thursday,23rd Oct 2008
dinner @popeyes afta wrk..
& was told dat my small Fiance wanting to haf his Apple Crumble @Swensens
sesungguhnya my great kaki makan partner (my Fiance) is going away for his 3wks reservist.

come'on baby! kip running to lose those fats on ya!
booohooo! neneh poo poo!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

e pending pics on e outing wif Gfs..18th oct.. raya!

lil Fazira..pose
as usual..us!
proud to be Charles&Keith ambassador.. ahakz
me&my dayang2..
group photo.. PERFECT!
while waiting for another car..
me& nurul..
i love dis pic very much! ;)
me& my bestie. :)
hang on! more on e way!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

lets see...

uh uh. counting e days to bestie yani bro's wedding day!
am sooo gona sleepover her hse. insya-allah. ;)

starting frm tomorow till fri..boss not arnd in e office..on Deepavali leave..
wooohoo! gerek kape gang! incl sat-mon..perhaps tues too,i took unpaid leave..
woah piang! gerek kape! hehehe
am sooo looking forward to sleep all day long!

& btw,odah's willbe turning 22nd nxt yr..or shuld i say a few mths to 2009??
by then,we haf to start a proper planning. a proper one. rite Dear?

uhuh. raya's ending soon..so fast rite?..urm~ i admit dat ders few houses dat ive been missed.
sowie hor.bz wrk laa dey. & weekends are gone jus like dat.. hehe

and oh! Anuar zain, im coming dis 8November2008 @Esplanade!
make sure u dress smart ok! im gona be der Darlinnngg!
ooohh...Anuar Zain,I like!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

many many pics to upload..ders still more on pending..

dis was on 18th..wif e gfs! ;)

laksa & mee siam at my hse.
ready for e surprise.
bday girl,Azimah..stoink face! hehe
Swensens cookies&cream frm us. Thx Mariah Pharell & Maisarah.
fazira & myself
dis was on e next day..19th Oct
wif e Panjy-ians & Jentayu
how sweet..Dearest Fiance ask me to wear white togatha wif him.
& yea,very rare to see us in those same color of shirt if u guys wana knw.
n dat day~ he make my day!
like dey said..
left is my 2nd hub..or my child..e blue one is my maid..

kaki ketawe,kaki pekik,kaki camera! monistiara&emy.. janah&lela..
we troop..oops,blurr laa
aww~so sweet
& dis...was e last pic taken. edited.

all e above..
ive gt diff kinds of look.& ppl kip asking y issit so?

shrugs. duno.


i better be a chameleon.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


ended wrk kinda early today..
reason being..i wana visit my lovely atok at hospital..
all were present....n i can see he's so happy wif our presence..we laughed,joke arnd jus to make him lively.. ;)
took funny pictures jus to be his 'clowns' for e day.. well atok,wen u get sick in e hospital..all u grandchildren will be der almost evryday,rite? hee.
its like our normal routine orady..duno y eh..wen dgr atok masok hospital jer,sume automatic lepak kt sane ramai2..
fed atok wif his drink n medicine..n some complaining dat i cant be a nurse! haha.
im soo an impatient nurse! hahaha. tahu tkpe! (betul betul betul!)

n yes,atok is asking abt ur tau dearest Ariff..hehe
n we, cuzz gather n joke abt dis ipin upin tingey..wateva crappy topics,we wuld imitate upin ipin voice n dialogue..(betul betul betul!) lols

n yes,2mrw my aunt gona be flying back to Dubai...

as u guys orady knw...
dis boys r ubberly cute!! i like!!
bt not as cute like my abg ANUAR ZAIN!! woohoo!
bought e tix orady for 8NOvember..WOOHOOO!




Friday, October 10, 2008

hey peeps! i tink im not too late to wish evryone of u a SELAMAT HARI RAYA!
IM SOOO SORRY if i didnt get to reply any of ur msgs yet..nid to update so many stuffs here.

so many tings happen during Syawal..work n such..
enjoy some of e pics ok..


e huge fan of PARIS HILTON. hehe
anaqi & abg
e kids frm dubai came!
my fav baju kebaya..
i look like in 'NO-MOOD-RAYA' kinda ting..
so~ simple.. ;)
part ni..kecohrable.. e whole lot of us.
otw to Dearest Fiance's house..
sempat amek pic self timer bwh blk..lols!
pengantin pasrah??
last hse. afta visiting wif his family..

shall update more of it!