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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Saturday, November 29, 2008
he turns 26th today!!!!!! tadaaaaa! happy bday, Sayang!! i hope i make u lil happy despite all e busy-ness u had at wrk ystdy.. ![]() ![]() altho u can be soooo vain and irritating at times,i still love u.. to haf u here..now.. future...till...... . . . . . surprised Fiza O called u ysdty?? haha i msged Fiza O at Ria 89.7fm ystdy..i asked her to sabo Fiance as e bday boy..i told her dat Fiance isssss soooooooooo nt gona celeb his bday today wif me..he's soooo wanting to wrk on his special day.. see? boring kan??? haha & im so suprised & shocked dat Fiza O actually granted my wish! :) cos she did mention she cant call animore cos ders sooo many ppl for her to sabo. den to my suprise, Fiza O said she'll be doing e last sabo call to someone..& i waited to listen to it. if nt my luck,its ok.. tup tup, i heard Fiance's voice on air!!! sukeeee aku!!!! hahah Fiza O ask him y dun wana celeb bday tomorow as im complaining laa..bla bla bla.. hahahaahaha Fiance on e other line was like so kanchiong! GOTCHA! NERVOUS hah?? den wen Fiza O asked him to gif some speech on air, he jus said 'Thanks' & Fiza O was like 'huh? thanks aje? boring nye..tk romantic langsung!' hehehe den Fiza O mentioned to him dat she want to make a 'BE MORE ROMANTIC' campaign for guys! haha kecoh sak smlm.. & yeah.. Fiza O rocks! Fiza O did sabo my gf Zimah oso on her bday..haha..& Zimah seems soooo happy!!! cos i knw she like Fiza O.. :) at least,a lil suprise did cheer dem up! for now, im bz for my bro's engagement preparation for tomorow.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
oh well. ystday...
on e dot at 6.35am...while walking to e lrt nearby... i saw a man standing n hiding behind some walls.1st tot in my mind was like 'wat is he doing here at dis hr? early in e morn n still dark plak tu..' as i walk closer to e station..getting nearer n nearer...a man..middle aged man..tall.. is busying ejaculating his penis n balls!!! (goncang...) NUISANCE ACT!!!! FCKER!!! i cant believe it at dat pt of time cos i tot ive seen it wrongly..bt not!!! his face was sooo in a 'syok & stim kodok' gituk sak!!!!!!! & of cos,i saw his penis n balls coming out!!! KNN CCB!!! a fluid coming out frm his penis laa sial!! pakal je sey aku da lmbt n nk kejar kn company transport,if nt...ko da kene ngn aku siots! cibai sak. pagi2 buta goncang at public. da laa mmg tkde org lalu lalang..as baru kul 6.35am siak. nabeyyyy~ n soo......now im sooooooooooooo be careful to walk der......................... eww!! man are jus sick!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
morning....i was so bored..& decided to forward jus a simple msges..
i cant remember to whom ive sent it to... almost e replied msgs, i only save 2 of it. 1 frm buddy Khai..sape lg?! die part2 msg gini..die suke...ahaha another frm _______ a fren of mine.. kk,shall type out wat Khai actually text to me k. e msg i forwarded to dem sounds like dis... dis is wat Khai's ans..: 3 Things u wont forget abt me: 1. hw short u are 2. hw ur butt looks 3. hw funny u are Name u wana call me: Pendek E best word dat describes me: Shorty but cute.. You wana be my?: i wana be urs? u mus be kidding...hahaha 2 things u regret not telling me?: i tink dis qn is for u..hehehe i leave it blank to u k..hahaha A secret u keep frm me?: hmm..im a gay..hahaha someting u wish u could steal frm me?: ur smile.... ok dats Khai's answers... & jeng jeng jeng... i received another aupicious yet sooooooooooo shocking answers frm some1! unxpected sia!!!! i dun wana name it here.. wana knw his answers??? 3 Things u wont forget abt me: 1. ur smile 2. ur laughter 3. ur kindness Name u wana call me: Baby E best word dat describes me: Shortie love U wana be my?: Bf 2 Things u regret not telling me?: 1. i love u 2. want u to be my gf a secret u keep frm me?: im a local bike racer.. sssssshhhhh!!!! something u wish u could steal frm me?: Ur smile...bt its too late,ur Engaged.. :D suke laa plak confess kt aku gini mcm!? aha..too bad..tooo lil tooo late........... wen i received dis msg,i burst out loud in e office..oh my! tetap setia pada tunangku. :)
luv him more den any1 did
Sunday, November 23, 2008
W350i maybe i shuld gif myself a treat to some gadgets instead of clothes!
hehehe on e other hand,ystday was on mitting my Dearest Fiance..while otw to Naim's & Lia's bday chalet at Costa Sands............. i tink eh my Fiance gt nuting betta to do..n he kip gif me all sorts of names. aku tahu laa aku kn da bonch-et...gem-ok.. he wud actually wana munched my cheeks n said dat i had a fishball stick within inside my mouth laa..tu psl i look chubby..& his sis said dat oso.. sesungguhnya,i cant do aniting wif my chubby cheeks, rite? camne nk kasi kurus?? hmm~ n he spotted my nose wich nt sooooo nice as him..n said my nose kemek laa..pipi ade fishball terselit,my ears like brownie nibblets laa n such. wateva eh u. hahahahahaha! & ystdy,afta eating e bbq stuffs at e chalet itself..Lia held out a plate of their bday cakes.. wich i loooovvvvvvveee it!! hehe Fiance knws abt me fancy over abt cakes now n then..n he look at me like 'oh oh..its here..i knw u wana haf it..' kinda look. haha step tknk kasi aku laa kononnye..ahaha bacin. den wen he pass me e plate,im so happy! cakes sia! sape tk suke! W/o me noticing,e bday boy bside me said.... Naim: i like u,u knw. me: ah. eh asl plak?? (shocking face) Naim: u'r small n u like to eat more. n i like dat. its gd. its gd.. me: ehk..cakes sey! i like! my fav! Hehe Naim: gd laa..dats wat i like abt u. bt i dun eat cakes. Fiance smiled n shaked his head..cant be bothered.. well, Fiance n Naim didnt like to eat cakes! wat a boreeeeeeeee....... ahahaha! see?? ppl like to see me eating!!! hahaha okok..betta still,im trying to control e habit.hehe BORDERS make me go crazy to see those books! sayang,u knw rite........... dun get mad if i haf a new collection of baking books rite now! ;) ps: mum,hopefully ur oven wont explode! pardon me*
Friday, November 21, 2008
menses cramp. hate it wen its on e 2nd day.hurts badly. no mood @ wrk jus now.
my mind was nt totally focusing on e task given. bt Alhamdulillah,i can make it through. Thx to Nurul & other colleagues who coached me through. back to menses cramp. pissed me off! hate it wen ur sitting dwn at ur own desk & e 'thang' kips flowing ... i knw u knw laa kn girls.. a minute,i stand cos i hate dat 'feeling' coming out. a minute again, i tried to sit back again cos i cant tahan e cramp. hurhur. my menses cycle is nt so fixed & accurate tho. hmm~ issit normal?? & during dis 'special' days...ive tend to eat alot of tings. am sure other gals too rite? uhuh. now? am craving for spagetti.. fresh sugarcane juice, stingray, roti john.. infact,i hate pasta in e 1st place!! lols! how weird!!? oh! wondering hws my grandfather doing rite now? hmm~ its been a mth plus he's been warded in e hospital. few operations he had gone through. we all tot it could gif a smile on our faces. bt not. we were told by e doctors dat dey nid to ............................. i'm just so pissed off wif some docs rite nw. i wonder r dey really3 eligible enuf to be a doc or wat??! fcuk.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
new job was ok.
Thx Nurul for teaching me. Thx to her for everyting she had done so far for me. i still remember i owe u a treat ah gf? hurhur.. :) tgif! yesssa!! fyi,Fiance met wif an accident ysdty..wif some minor injuries. tunggang dgn cermat,ingat lah org tersyg!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
pardon me for not being soooo hardworking to blog these days. jus came back frm mitting e gals..at jrg pt.. all except Zimah. sorry gf..we didnt invited u..hmm~ we jus wana u to haf a very2 gd rest. n peace of mind. dats all. chilled,talk abt each other dreams n all.. n yes,2008 ending sooon... a new resolutions heard frm my gfs. as days goes by.as yrs past... i realized me & my gfs haf lots to talk abt.. relationships,marriage,work,financial,family & etc.. im grateful to haf my frens arnd me. & im afraid to lose dem. & i hope we gona stay as wat we r now.. wanting to see our kids grew up togata.. hehehe. few mths,im gona be turning 22.. oh no.. jeng jeng jeng......... put dat aside... 1stly,my 3mths temporary job is done~ over. Alhamdullilah.. ended yesterday..HR & colleagues thanked me non-stop & HR did told me if ders aniting to help, dey r willing to help n wud wanting to see me wrking back der again... uh uh.i do still stand a chance ah? hehe wen HR inform me abt e remarks of me wrking wif dem for 3mths,i was like 'ohh..ok..serius??' hahaha.well,ive nvr been so serius in my job u see.. i prefer to be more chillaxed..nt stressed up.. ;) dats me. personally. e remarks - very good. excellent. :) wow. Gd job marzie.......ahakz! & tomorow..my 1st day in a new company. :) A big Thanks to Nurul.. will treat u,no problem GF!! & yup..dis is gona be my 1st and foremost, dis is e only permanent job (as in office) i've received so far..usually,ive olwas get on for contract/temporary basis.. Alhamdulillah.. am gona make e best for dis job. am gona wrk my ass out to help my Sayang 4 our wedding! *wink wink* dec...cant wait.... for sumting............more surprises coming up! i loveeeee suprises!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
looook!!!!!! wat ive found!!!
the NEW SATIN COACH WRISTLET!! its at $220!!! OH MYYY............ hw i wish to get dis one... hmmm..nvm... meanwhile,i cant wait for my bag to arrived! yipeeeeee!!!!! ![]()
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
well,e whole malaya knws abt e news of NORMAN HAKIM being caught..
as a woman,i pity his wife..ABBY ABADI.. here's a short clip of ABBY ABADI burst evryting out to her hubby during one of his shooting. wtf rite? NORMAN HAKIM had a scandal wif a 20yr old actress. oh come on! ur orady a dad to 3 beautiful yet innocent kids siak.. haiz....nt once he did...bt many2 times.. well, guys will always be guyz...1 wuld nvr gt enuf 4 u ya.. ive nvr failed to catch up their upcoming stories for now. very hot! wateva it is,ABBY made e right choice.. wich is....a DIVORCE.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
An evening wif Anuar Zain. 8November 2008! i cant get enuf of him...hurghhh!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() & e gals....ape lagik??! semangat shouting.. 'we want more! anuar zain! anuar zain!' hahaha again pls, Anuar Zain!! pls make a comeback!!
Friday, November 07, 2008
received a bad news in early morning.
salam takziah to my gf-Zimah..& her family. a loss of a father is sooooo heartbreaking & gifs a shock impact to u & ur family. i knw,perhaps we- including our other gfs too.. be it..Yani,Odah,Irni,Nurul,Fit,Seri,Mai do deeply feel hw u felt rite now. a big loss of a father of whom had watch u grow up,make u happy..& all those sweet & bad memories u had wif him..& now,at dis state..we cant do aniting else. bt haf to be stronger, healthier so dat u can actually look afta ur mum n others. dey nid u too. & so r we. moment wen i hugged u & u cried- i feel u. & we do. ur mum hugging & kissing each of us on e cheeks wif tears- i feel her. we do. ajal maut ditangan Tuhan. life haf to go on. semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkn disisi org2 yg beriman. Insya-ALLAH.Amin. we feel u,Zimah. we do. *hugs*
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
im on mc for today only.
finally! & yeah,my contract gona ended soon.. hmm~ oh well, im enuf of those 'peek a boo' tingey.. eh girl,if u wana knw hws ur x bf doing rite now?? he's been doing fine & great! & we've been making preparations for our wedding pon. first,it was at e friendster..oops! im on a private mode. got cha! 2ndly,it was a sms/calls u did to my Fiance. 3rdly,its somewhr hereeeeeeeee in e net.. well,ive been like sooo calm rite now.. & yea,dun till i bumped on u outside k..?? uhuh..u might be blessed & glad dat all dis while ive bumped onto ur siblings only aje tau girl. jeng jeng jeng. lets start e boiling points game,set??
Sunday, November 02, 2008
my Sunday was a joyous one!
early morning was breakfast wif Fiance at bkt timah McDonalds.. its been awhile we've having breakfast togatha.. Thanks to him.for being my alarm clock..at 7.35am..duh! cuckkoo cuckkoo.. met him at 8.30 under my blk n was like 'wahh...so fresh in e morning!' am superb xcited abt goin to e crocs warehse sale! ate & gobble e food as fast as we culd so dat we culd join e queue later.. headed off to Redhill at anrd 9.30..n we join e queue nearly 10am! woah piang!! e queue was okkk...still can maintain! haha..i was told dat ppl wuld actually start lining up arnd 8am! omg! tk mandi ke org2 gini! ishk ishk.. am sooo lucky..e queue was fast & enjoyable one indeed..as both of us were making a nuisance of ourself..like eg: he tied my hair in silly ways.sing along while listening to Ria89.7fm.. & den our turn was sooo like so fast! grab wat we've aimed n e sizes n offf to e cashier to make payment! ka-ching!!! i like warehouse sales!! Thanks for all those infos ya,fren!! weeeeee!! yay!!! we had our lunch at Clementi..ulu2 place der..jus bcos e Fiance wana haf his duck rice.. & yes,i had my hainanese chicken rice..yummy! &..dis is my new collection of Crocs. ![]() ![]() finally,got it in cheapppest price! yay! ![]() b4 heading to e sale,having breakfast at mc.. long time nvr breakfast wif dear.. hehe Thanks a million to dearest Fiance.. tot dun wana go as im nt feeling well..bt he actually did wana go.. so sweet of u waking me up jus to go to e warehouse sale.. i luv u many3.. bingo!
dis is wat happen wen u are working 1/2 day on Saturday...soo bored~
& ive taking e opportunity to did dis...... ahakz! |