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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Friday, January 30, 2009
above. video of e lion dance held ysdty at my co. itself. was on 1/2 day ysdty! weee! love e foood! dung dung cheng! & guess whr we heading to afta dat? well, KARAOKE!!! was fun! ive made a fool of myself by doing some 'gelek' maut wen kak ija's singing dangdut! well, who says i dun haf talent in dancing? must watch e video in my hp itself. worth laughing on it! & oh! i cant wait for tomolo! Oda's belated bday celebration! Cafe Del Mar! we'r herrrrrrrrreeeeee!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
today, is one of my gfs bday~
its odah's 22nd bday! cant wait for e celebration on Saturday! yay!!! btw... i'm happy for some reasons. alhamdullilah...HDB responded once again.. informing dat both of us get the $20k grant! we've checked e cpf acc..ders a topup in $10k! wooohoo!!!! u knw, we've been waiting wif all e patience we had.. e prayers... oh man. Tuhan saje yg tahu. berdegap degup jantung...tunggu the approval. & sooo...a blessful one. Alhamdulillah. Amin. so...wats next,again??? im sooo excited!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
i miss these kids. a part of hobby/habit.. Thx for e 1++ bucks of meal,dearest Fiance & family. hw cum i didnt knw such places still exists ehk? hee. last minute one actually. hurhur. it seems,it seems.. my tummy getting bloated & i weigh heavier each days.. thx for all sorts of names u given me,babyboy.. nvm,its ok..let u kol me wateva u wan..as i lovee e way i am now. boo! ;) yesh,for eg.. g-e-m-o-k..gemok..(fat) hahahaha! like i mentioned at e previous bloggy, Fiance had a great time fixing a 'new' nicknames for me. a new hobby, i assume.. hehehehe & i feel so satisfied on wat i consume each of evryday meals. ;) i nvr get tired or complaining of wat mum's cooking evryday tho. for me,mum's cookings will always be special. aww~ ;) as im typing dis entry,for a minute,im missing my grandparents @ hougang. i miss my grandfather who is so heartbroken now for missing his left leg due to diabetes. & i knw dat my grandmother haf dis difficulty of pushing him evry 3 days to dialysis & medical chkups. well,dats my strong grandmother i had now. Thx God,HE still gif her e strength now & then. urh!! i miss their laughter & advices! nvm,shall sleepover soon! Tonight: im a happy person. Thx sayang! ;)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
its Saturday! & im at hm! damn tired walking around the expo ystdy. uhuh. wedding fairs.wat else?. e Fiance is a much happier person as many ppl do commented dat he doesnt look like his age. duh!! of cos la my dear,its e height ok! haha. while im bz having my 15mins shoulder massage,& he bz wif his ear candling.. some1 actually asked him if he wana make his payment as he orady finish up earlier den mine. so he replied 'not yet..waiting for my fiancee.she's doing e massage' & dat lady wif a face 'ah?! u hw old?? u engaged orady?!' den wen e fiance replied e lady, dey giggled & e lady was so shocked. hahahaha! & sooo...wen mine's done,i went over him..n wana make payment.. eyes were looking...& so..he introduce me to some of e ppl der.. hah! oh manz,wen e moment saw him n didnt believe wats his age are..ape lg aku kn??! hahaha. i knw,i knw..wen i walked pass tru some of e pamerans ystdy,eyes were looking.. dey will be tinking.. 'ehh..kecik2 da nk kawin..' hahahaahahahahaha! ape tk,both of us very small size! hehehe. we both had a great laugh & discussions over the wedding for nxt yr. walked arnd e expo arnd 10+..& headed to haf late dinner at Ktm itself. as i cant take it..damn hungry.. 2 slices of prata on lunch time wasnt enuf liao!!! & & so...im sooo happy & excited abt a few tings! YAYYYY!!! To Whom It May Concerned: I bear no grudges.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
well, im on MC for 2 days!
hip hip hoooray! btw,im hooked on Britney new albums/songs! uhuh. not really fancy her bt im listening to all her songs rite now!!!! amazing Britney!!! u goooo girrrlllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
well,i tink ive started to fall sick again.
haiz~ cough,flu & sore throat...common thangs.. these are my 3 'top' fav. sickness! hahaha. & yea,i miss the Fiance by my side!!!!!! cant wait for tomolo weekend outing wif u,Boy! i dun wana my Sunday spent in noooot sooo goooo mooood!! ooh ohh! i betta eat my medicine! take cr bloggermates! HAPPY WEEKENDS!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
aku rindu banget sama kamu. uhuh.now im in e midst of wanting to paint e rm or nt. hehehe. soooooooo fickle minded.i knw. blueks! & sooooo....oopsie... 5 more days to Azeana's engagement day! yeah! welcome to e club babe! didnt knw she took kak rohaya for her engagement day~ hmm.. & den 14 days to e holidays! countdwn teruuuuuuusssssssssssss! okok. finally.i had my nails done afta wrk. sungguhcantik.com! sungguh! yahoooooo! finally, i had those tings cleared frm my mind. yahoooooo! was day dreaming at wrk jus nw..browse tru e calendar.. & yeah,i cant wait for e co. shut dwn period. 24th-29 jan? YESSA!! meaning no work!! yay!!!!*ballerina dance* im gona haf soooo much fun!! e important ting is dat,die-die i wana paint my room. makeover plss... dad,bros...help me.... hehehehe. holidays.holidays! ;) ooohh wells, karaoke wif e colleagues last fri was soo much fun! do it again ppl! but mayb.....gona go der again...only me & kak liza! hehehehe & dis boy, i feel like biting & eating u up!
yum yum!
Sunday, January 04, 2009
ok,its Hot Sunday..dont u tink so??
in a duration of 1 and a half yr time,im gona be somebody's wife. cant imagine dat time flies sooooo fast..& am i prepared for it? doubt so. hahahaha! gosh. sucks big time. hurgh! bt its ok..in a matter of time,im gona be soooo being a tai-tai.. ahaha! stop dreaming eh. gosh. wondering hw issit like wen u'r far frm e parents' residing at e West. while WE, I mean e Fiance & me..gona be residing to e enddddd of SG once we officially married! bleargh. Teck Whye to Punggol.. near or far? uhuh. e 1st time on my mind dat point of time at e HDB hub was 'ok..i agreed'. bt certain tings wake me up a lil bit. sigining all sorts of contracts & papers during e appt,i feel sooo alive. & omg,im an freaking adult. a house! wich ive nvr dream of it in e 1st place.. & so, now...im eager to knw wats e outcome of my beau & upcoming hse. hmm~ cant wait for everyting. can we skip e marriage? den proceed to e new hse?? hahahaha! fat hope!
Saturday, 3 Jan 09.. was picnic wif Fiance's dk frens..ya ampon!
took 3 times of skyride & luge package.. soooo gerekkkk!! uhuh. too many sensored pics to be upload..bt im choosing e best pics indeed! hilarious! didnt knw dat guys involved in playing Twister is sooo much fun! hahahaha. i had ubber fun! Thx guys.. ;) Hakim alwas get stuck in between..
Thursday, January 01, 2009
& yeah! FAREWELL 2008. HELLO 2009!! e sweet memories of 21st bday bashes. ;) January - siti raudah oops. bukan bday..tp suke ati aku lah nk letak kn! sweeettt~ alhamdulillah.. so girls,21st is over........ now lets welcome the 22nd bday soooon! my new resolution? hmm~ gona kip it to myself. 2008- im blessed over some sweet tings happening in my life. be it in loves,bdays,proposal,engagement & etc i luv my gals so much! & yeah.. e family too of coz! ;) aint cant find Ir bday pix~ & of cos,khas buat tunangku yg tersayang.. saya saaaaayaaaaaaangggg awak byk2! |