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Dad's Precious Gem. Mum's Precious Diamond. ![]() My friendster. My Multiply.
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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Sunday, February 22, 2009
![]() work was ok altho ders sumting dat i dun wana elaborate. as usual, e OFFICE-GOSSIPS. hehehehe. oops! bt who cares, not related in me or other ways.. e impt ting is, im comfortable mixing wif e ppl in der. ;) see, im good. heh! yesterday Sentosa outing is so much fun! wif e kiddos & colleagues. well, part2 e kids... leave it to me. i can handle dem. wif full care,concern,plays&build up sandcastles! hehe. dun blame me for being a grown up adult-kiddo eh ppl, jus dat e mum is so tired to entertain e kids! well, i LOVE KIDS! who dont, rite? dey r so adorable & innocent kids. yesterday was an unlucky day for us. esp e kids. Sentosa is raining heavily. poor kids. pity e kids. dey been wanting to play wif e sand & swim. hmm~ nvm.. ders still other day.. i wana mit Abby (kak rina's dotter) & Lyra (kak ija's niece) again! dey are pretty!! :) oh ok! its Sunday! im so tired. too -over active wif e kids laa ystdy.... byebye! & so boy, sesungguhnya....im older den u.. i dun entertain young guys.
sesungguhnya, im 1/2 married orady hor! boohoo! Sorry.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
![]() oh my! my blog is sooo dusty! long time didnt get e chance to update. oh wells, bestie... Congrats. u knw,i knw.. im soo happy giler babisss 4 u.. (well, aku slalu xcited utk org..n nt for myself.hehehe) Irni's 22nd bday celebration was held at Villa Bali.. will upload e pics sooon. hers over.. & now, its bestie Yani's turn.. lets crack e brains once again, dearie ladies...hahahaha! bt i knw wat to get 4 her la..so easy! its a small wiper 4 camera lens! ok tk nyah?? hahahaha. & so, March IS GONA BE A HELL OUT OF MONEY FOR ME!!! bestie Bday. Mum's 50sen bday.. so many jempotans to attend to. omg! Dk barat competition.. wich ive been so eager to go & watch. bt e answer mcm 'No' jer. *sigh*.. its all clashed sia.. ishk. im sooo pissed off laa...its been 1wk my nintendo ds kena hospitalised... bodoh! geram sakkk... & now...its all e answers to why i doze off to bed at 8pm... hehehehe NO DS, SLEEPING IS MY NEXT 'TOP' LIST! ahakz!
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
freaking excited & nervous at e same time for tomorrow.
ON LEAVE. reason being, we are gona be signing on some agreement wif e HDB. as we are eligible for our own new home orady! yay!!! God knws hw happy are now! ;) & yeash, if u guys are wondering whr am i residing to wen im married? dats rite.... PUNGGOL! COME,LET ME TAKE U GUYS TO MY UPCOMING HOME.. ![]() Yellow represent the Indians community. Green - Malays Red - Chinese. Look e diff among all! nvm, dun mind e colors, tho.. hehe ![]() bt who cares, my blk is circled below in e middle of other blks too. luckily...*phew* ![]() ![]() ![]() yay! yay! *dancing dancing..* & so....i cant wait helplessly... i cant sleep peacefully tonight....
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
e pics ive promised to upload.
its finally here.. Thx babes! reached..
Sunday, February 01, 2009
hi everyone!
hws ur weekends!? wooohoo!! i had superb-fantabulous nite ystdy! went to celeb Gf-Oda's 22nd Bday @ KM8.. went to Vivocity to grab her a las minute bday gift. wich i duno & sooo blank ystdy..duno of wat to buy for her. finally,i do found one. =) Thx for e accompany,dearest Fiance. met up Irni at Vivocity since she oso looking out for e last minute bday gift! hahaha! kecohs laa sials. afterwich,we laughed out loud as Irni whailed a Suzuki Swift wich she tot it was Gf-Zimah's Suzuki Swift! kecoh kape!?! nasib baik dat mly guy driver didnt stop by us! hahahaha. initially,i told her 'hey, dey r coming dwn frm e carpark..lets whail e car....' b4 i finished up my last sentence of by saying 'tp...jgn slh whail sey!' Gf-Irni orady whailed sooo semangat-tingly! hahahaha! kecohs sials. a bit paisey sials. lols! Irni..Irni..pls let me finished e last sentence ok next time? lols! & so...get in e rite car afterall, wif all e hyper hyenas laughing out loud due to e incident earlier on! kecoh sak smlm. yea,its been so long siaa ive nvr met up wif e gals. lg2 sume complete ah ysdty! oh gosh! till i gif a few remarks to dem on hw tired am i wen mitting dem..heee. KM8! cosy place. & i lovvveeeeeee e way we dressed up ysdty! dresses. & im sooooo cant wait for e pics to be uploaded by Gf-Fit & Bestie Yani. cpt sikit dong! hehe. i lovvvvvvvvveeee e bubbles n snow spray! i lovveeeeeeeee evryting abt ystdy..... i loveeeeeeeeeeee e pics of us sey! like kampong girls! so colourful. woohoo! Gf-Irni turning 22nd dis 11 Feb.oh gosh! time is running out! & again,i haf to tink wat to buy for her.. besides a green-freak gifts. heh! chows! sooo longggggg.... 5th Feb! im on leave! YIHAW!