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Dad's Precious Gem. Mum's Precious Diamond. ![]() My friendster. My Multiply.
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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Monday, March 23, 2009
mum turned 50!!!
she's 1 happy lady. Happy 50th, Ibu. no matter hw hard it takes for u to bring us up altho w/o full education, we still appreciate every lil tings u've done for us. baik frm Sarapan,lunch & dinner. u make us feel complete evryday. tu sebab i bring food evryday to wrk! hehe. semoga dipjgkn umor,dimurahkan rezki dan semoga sihat selalu. i knw u've been workaholic these days. pls take gd care of urself. we still need u! muaacks! left- a Bonia Purse frm Big Bro. aku stress dokong baby yg se-kecik gini.. till den! Goood Nite... Al Fatihah to Daddy Nasir.. (my uncle..Amalina-my cuzz's dad) Ina, i knw life's challenge for u rite now.. be strong. we are here. or i mus say..im here if u need help frm me. i hope u get a job soon & start to tink far for evryone in ur hse rite now.esp ur adik & mum. i feel u too, dearest cuzz.. i knw u nt good at keeping secrets frm me. dr kecik till da besar skrg.. his lost affected us too. semoga roh nye dicucuri rahmat. Al fatihah. Amin.
Friday, March 20, 2009
well, as a few whom orady knw abt dis...
my co. is organizing a trip to HongKong! yes,HongKong!! *sooo over e moon now* 8-12apr.. So,meaning... its nxt mth! bt me & otha colleagues been waiting for e final subsidised! haiz.. i wana go badly sey.. mcmane nk kawin mcm gini.. hehehe. i wana go Walt Disney!bt.. yea... still waiting.. haiz.. too many tings in my mind dis yr..cobaannnn~ ok la, for now... i jus realized dat me & my girls are turning 5 dis yr~ 5yrs of frenship frm higher nitec to wat we are now! 2005-2009.. wow!!! girls! kite da besar!!! da leh g skul! ahakz! i really appreciate my frens. like dey said.. u wont get e same frens like u did in ITE. i had 5closed frens wif me now. or perhaps, more den dat! im blessed. Blessed dat dey r still wif me now, here... luv u girls! culdnt ask for more! *hugs* o Suriani,Azimah,Irni,Raudah,Fit: HAPPY 5YRS Anny(Frenship)! love u girls! ![]() ![]() ![]() till old ya! Insya-Allah.Amin.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
![]() SHE'S COMING TO SINGAPORE ON 9MAY2009!!! LIVE AT ESPLANADE!!!!! & YEAH,WHO AM I GONA TAGGED ALONG EH?? LEMME SEE......... FIT-no....... AZRINA- aku really sanggup byr 1/2 price for e $1++ tix for u 1st darla!! hehehehe! weeeeeeeeee!!! im bugging e Fiance dat i wana to see her live at esplanade itself as my 22nd gift treat!! pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............i knw u love me, rite??!?! bt if u aint gona buy for me, its ok... i STILL GO!! LALALALALALA~ again, im in cloud 9!!! Anuar Zain -Done. KD- SOooooooon. Rossa- bile ni die nk dtg?!? OMG!!! I LOVE KD!!!!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
i cant imagine dat im gona be settling dwn so soon. dis yr, ders so many errands for me,(perhaps e family too) are helping me wif e preparation..i cant believe it, & so its him. moreover, e family will be coming over within nxt mth or so to set e wedding date. im nervous. butterflies-in-e-stomach evrywhr..hurhur.. of cos, i wana haf my own wedding theme & wishlist. bt i cant be selfish neither. 4 a tots, i tink i dun wana ask more on e hantaran gifts. yes! u heard it rite, Dear. No hantaran gifts. enuf for mas kawin, duit hantaran & e weddingbands(rings). cos i knw, its hard to save & save... bt dis is wat are my tots. altho i may be greeny & aww..(so sad..) no Gucci,LV, Coach & Tods hantaran gifts for me, i do tink its not necessary. e important ting is dat i jus wan my Future Husband leads a brighter living afta marriage. more else, we nid to settle our new hse wif new furnishes. remember? honeymoon? nah, we did alot of tinking..lau ade rezki lebih, we go..if nt..jus honeymoon & all over e moon in our new hm then. hee3. ;) i cant wait to settle my mak andam cum photographer & such. furthermore,im so lost wif everyting.. deco sume lum plan & choose! Goodness! Its nt as easy as a bday party plan,hokay.. i jus wan my big day to be perfect & look good.heh! ok la, makin byk aku type..makin byk plak bende dlm kepale otak. heeheeee. Gdnite! i hope my Fiance doing good wif e savings! i love u!
Sunday, March 08, 2009
e Bday Girl.. Happy 22nd Bestie! I knw u enjoyed urself ystdy! & so are we! ;) more pics at Multiply & Facebook.
Friday, March 06, 2009
well, i duno wat to update actually.
its jus dat i cant wait for e big date to be confirmed. like i did mention to all those who haf been asking me hws e preparations goin on? wich catering?deco?bridal outfits?? haha. i gt NO ANSWERS for dat. as I'M totally confused & duno wat & whr to start frm sey. hello?! its my first time getting married. & i jus duno whr to start. i mean WE. me & fiance. hee. if only i could grab myself a LV demier bag rite now. oops. JOKE! im jus afraid dat i wuld splurge jus like dat on my wedding savingsssss!! oh manz! cobaan & dugaan ni! ishk ishk.. i knw i cant be complaining..its jus dat i totally in a blank state rite now. ive gt 1 yr & a few mths to e big day? oh ok.. stop reminding it.. hurhur...oh yea, Bestie turning 22nd today! Happy Bday.. ;) seoul garden & K-NITE at Cashbox tomolo! confirm happening shit~ GOOD NITE!
Monday, March 02, 2009
Congrats to Kak Shiqah & her husband! Have a blessful marriage life ahead! Dais: Al'Emma Bridal outfits & makeup: RATU weddings Sanding outfit.. beau! Tak halal tau... bt... sape kisah! hehehe. ishk ishk... GOODNITE PEEPS! |