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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Monday, January 01, 2007
happy new yr! oh my! ystdy was such a hell fun night 4 me!teach my frens e game! BOOM PAK YEH! & GAME NOMBOR! KEKEK!! hahahah! sume klakar sak main game ni! esp yani,kylie,syuk..n zimah,tak phm2 main game ni..haha! its 12am!2007!whr i shout my lungs out! n all! aaarrgghh!!! lepas kn geram agaknyer! n org sekeliling aku ckp aku gile!! mmg gile!!! gile!!!!! gile!!! psl 2006 da lps! mula kn idup baru!! new life,new beginning, new chapter, new FRENS,new BFS, new GFS, new LOVE & alllll......is NEW BABEHHH! YAAAAAAAAARRRHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! i'm so happy ystdy sgt2 terhingga yah ampon! n thanks to all frens dat turned up ystdy to make it happen once again! lup u alll!!!! n yess! sorry kalo ke-gilaan aku tak dpt dikawal! hahaha..cos aku HAPPPPPYY GILEEERRR! n yess! we did shoutout loud n den a min of silent flashed into my mind. aku terdiam skjap.i duno if u all saw dis laa ehhk..hehee.. yah..i did cry inside my heart! n den a min, i'm hapPPy Terlonjak2 mcm org gile wishing evryone around me HAPPY NeeWW Yr! ;-) frm wat i saw, fit did shout out loud bside me..hehe..yani,kylie, shook bz wif recording e fireworks..saw kylie in tears.he said he was so happY. heehee..hmm..nita n e gals, drg happily tgk firewrks..incl e couples..zimah,remy, odah & acit too..hehee..bt i like e part wen sume berkumpul n wish all happy new yr & stuffs! mcm sedih gitu..bt fun overall! n yes! zimah tak abis2 step bdh ckp bola2 yg kt sungai esplanade tu akan meletup! hahahaha! sttooopid kn! bt cute laa! hahahaha! amek gmbr n wish all BABIs! lols!den,we head to outside raffles,lepak-ing..play games,laugh pai nangis,amek pics..happening laa! tak tahu camne nk describe! hehehe.. n yes! 4 wat i knw,tak pnh2 aku pai umah kul 3.20! haha! luckily evryone is asleep..pheww~ ok den,pape pics tgk at frensta laa ehh! weeeeeeee!! chows! ^new resolution... jeng..jeng..jeng...