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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Sunday, January 21, 2007
s2day's horoscope:
"You can see the problems at hand clearly, but they are not what you should worry about right now. Whatever issues are right in front of your face are already being dealt with efficiently -- and the energy you put toward them today isn't going to make much of a difference anyway. It's all the issues that could be coming down the road soon that need your attention the most. You know what you need to do to prepare for them, so do it today. Preparation is crucial." jus came back frm nenek's hse..n yeah.a splendid weekend 4 me! delicious cooking n all dos memories wif cuzzies all..make me so hyper-HAPPY! ;-) PRESSURIZED AGAIN. STRESS AGAIN. WHO U? WHO ME? WHO US? FEEL ME? OR, DONT U? seriusly,im tired wif all those guys ive known now..or b4..all shits happening here & der jus make me wana gif up esp those ppl!!!!! simply them! e idiotics! 'A' mmg kite takde pape..stakat kwn or shuld i say 'teman tapi mesra'?? ok lah ehk..he use to mention dis "i can sense dat one day we are goin to lost contact wif each other jus like dat." ape maksudnye?? meaning?? yes,he did said we r like drifting apart..den wat did him xpect me to do?? y u telling me all dat?? u say u wanna mit me?? i did,wan too mit u..bt whr were u??wats ur decisions?? wats ur plan??u gona mit me or nt?? jgn senang ckp..tapi action tk klua beb~ haiz~ am jus too tired. u say u r tired! wtf! off 5 ari tak g mane2 pn penat?? den ajak jumpe,mcm2 reasons..n yes.i knw its ur bday..i tot i wana mit u up lah~ n u dun get e hint..n wen im goin hm frm nenek's hse,baru ko nk blg aku ko nk jumpe aku.aku tak tahu lah ko main2 ke btol2..sbab ko slalu joke pe ngn aku.. wen aku serius,ko pk klaka..n vice-versa..so,now..nt much talking to do. as usual... i'll sit & wait lor~ ^i gt dis feeling..mayb someone starts calling u back,u drift apart frm me, i guess..haiz..its ok..mayb u still do luv her.. 9tes!