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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
at night i breakdown and cry and sometimes i don't even know why my loneliness is driving me insane so is my lonely heart the one to blame? heart,I'm calling on you give me the strength to pull through but still i must believe there's another lonely heart out there waiting for me waiting for me? DID NOTHING AGAIN! BORED! bored! BORED! like hell! wake up dis morn & watched 'Aisah 50 sen'...wat a movie! i laugh out loud as usual..hahaha! sms-ing my frens to watch it too..hahaha! ;-) 'D' replied dat he's watching & wants a girl like 'Aisah 50 sen'! ewww~ sucks! hahaha! Romeo standard...reply me wif his jokes & all stuffs! hahaha! dis ppl make my day lah actually... ;-) cos im farKING BORED!!!!!! *argh!!!! Hash..kater je nk tgk wyg.....bagos la tu..he wait 4 my msg..n i'm waiting 4 his msg too! *argh! bget... so,4get abt dis ar ehh.. hmm.... oh! btw...jus wana say thanks to a fren of mine.. i browse tru his frensta few days ago..n den,i asked him like HUH??? i am in ur FEATURED FREN LIST OF URS???! I was kinda shocked la..cos i didnt xpect him to remember me n all lahh.. so,frens.....dun 4get ur frens! appreciate dem in every single way he/she had done to u..no matter..a small help or wat,jus appreciate him/her...as days passed,u'll realised how life would be wen ur frens are der wif u,side-by-side.. thanks once again,fren...i knw..i a bit paisey lor..i didn't xpect u still treat me like ur own 'family'...its true lah u said...tak semestinye aku ilang seseorang,aku tak leh berkawan ngn org tu punye kwn! hahaha! ok den,wish me luck 4 presentation 2morow!