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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Sunday, April 22, 2007
woah piang! 2day wrk great~~~~!! cos...again,i hit sales target at 6++..nearly to 700! cool! & ystdy i did a sales up to 9++!! isnt dat cool!!?? e 1st rank sumore among my other colleagues! ;-)) den tadi pon same! cool!!!!!!!! ;-)) den sumor today, as i was bz toking n convincing customer & tok..tok..tok..at e cashier counter..my family members was all der..my grandma (pateral),aunts, uncles & all laa..my cuzz too..so xcited~ haha..till i didnt get e chance to tok to dem..cos i was so bz....& yeah,e customer bought a Chomel watch n stuffs..& i kip attending to dem so dat dey will buy laa..den,while dey are making a payment..my customer told ayu-senior/supervisor dat he like e way i attending to him.cos frm start till he made e payment,i kept smiling..haha! den he say i polite laa..cheerful la..& he said i resemble like chinese gal laa..n so on laa! HAHA!!! COMPLIMENTS BABE!! KECOHS!! & wen i heard dat,i jus kip on laughing & smiling laa..den he said he like e way i attend to him nt like others! oh well...tnx sir! haha! ;-) ;-) frm der,ayu told me 'good..nxt tyme like dis type of customer come,kip on bbual jer..so dey will feel happy wif us.' oops! padahl, aku ter-over bbual da pon! haha!den while making payment,i did open a conversation asking whr dey stay?hw u find spore?& stuffs laa..n guys..4 those who knws me very well,u shuld knw/imagine hw aku layan org kn??haha.. layan kan ajer.............................! ;-) fuh! mcm phm! |