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Saturday, May 19, 2007

OKOK. long tyme nvr update. hehs!
dis whole week,am very bz wif lots of family issues/outings. nt an ordinary outing hor.i mean its like bonding outing i guess.haha. siow. =D
i cant really remembered de dates & days wen i went out wif my garndparents all! argh~ am OLD orady liao. hahaha. bt i do remember a bit la..
erm. monday i went to cosway pt to mit my grandparents & take my digicam frm Aunty Nor.& @ e same tyme i received a shocking news saying dat mayb i haf to fly to dubai cos gt some personal fam issues.gif my dem a treat & my parents came dwn to cosawy pt afta a 1/2 day window shoppin at jb..i oso receive a news dat my grandad fell dwn frm stairs. haiz..grandma was so shocked dat she accidentally throw all her bag nowhere wich incl personal items & yea,both my grandparents' EZlink card are gone............
tues. suppose to accompany grandparent to make a new EZlink card. Bt cancelled. due to some reasons.
wed. mit up my grandparent at CCK int cos wanna replace e EZlink card. so,b4 dat,we ate breakfast cum lunch at kopitiam at LOT 1 to ate indian food. =D
sit,talk.laughing sessions start liao..esp my grandad laa..he so cute! hehe.afta dat,proceed to CCK int once again to haf their cards done. e queue is so long & it takes so much tyme! argh~ my grandad is so freakin' tired orady.can c frm e reaction of his face. den he sit at one corner while me & grandma join e queue.
cards ready abt 15 min. dey r so excited & die die want to look 4 e EZlink transparent card holder casing..hehehe..den....we all enter LOT 1 AGAIN!!! HAHAHHAHA..here der.here der. bt its ok. i dun mind.cos i love dem! =)
thur. rest.....at hm..suppose to mit odah,zimah at bugis..bt den,its rains heavily at my place..so i didnt turn up. sory guys. hee~ i miss u guys too hor!
fri. dat is today! 18/5/07.
wake up early. due to??? goin JB!!! wif???? who else!!?? my grandparent & mum. haha! so kecohs. tot wana cancel it, bt grandma insist of goin it so much. & i did understand la she & my grandad so long nvr been der since grandad fall sick & cannt walk much. so,i agree to it. =)
so,mum & me was like in a rush looking 4 our passports & stuffs.i,bz iron clothes..pack my bag.chk mails..& yah..all was in a rush,seriusly.last minute tingey.hehe.. mit dem at Kranji.get to knw Nanny Milah & Cik Ayim (grandma's sista & nephew..) wana join us.guess wat? we took a ride in jb wif his car! weee~!!!!!!!! i like! his car is so damn cool! evryone was like lookin at e spore plate car! haha.cute laa de car.hehe. den he bring us to c his new-bought villa at kota tinggi der,called e Taman Austin Perdana! i like his Villa!!! its huge!! so sayang!! tk bwk camera! its soo big liao~ kaya! kaya! kaya! hehe..den wen to Giant @ plentong..shopping....den went back hm!
phew~~~ tired.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

How You Are In Love

You fall in love quickly and easily. And very often.

You give and take equally in relationships.

You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.

You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.

You are fickle and tend to fall out of love easily. You bounce from romance to romance.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

13/05/07,SUNday!! Mother's Day celebaration! @Garuda..cool! de food,de service,(incl de handsome+good looking boys!) are tip top! hahaha..der are 22 ppl altogether & e bill is $778!! ahh..bill no matter la..as long my tummy had a good feast! ;-)

afta meal,all take pics.
oops! 1 tall,1 short.. ;P
Me & AL IMAN..
Mira, Papa & Me. *Papa cute sak! lols!
Top: Mira
Nurul, Asrap (my lil bro) & myself!
-yOUNG Love-

Mak Itam.. Happy sey da lepas mkn! lols
Pak Busu wif his new-born & only son!
Mothers dat was present on dat day. ;-)
as usual, myself lor!
Dad & Mum
Take 1: our reserved table are 'cleaned'
waitin 4 e other family..
Take 2: woah lao! all eat nvr notice der is a hidden camera!
relax arr makan!!! hahaha

Last shot. all empty plates.

all GONE..all dishes are GONE.



Saturday, May 12, 2007

yay! graduation day! its over! now,haf to start working life bebeh! here are some of e pics taken...

nur azimah,nur marzieanna & siti raudah
oh gosh..my face! due to e camera flash..
us..wif ms.sharon lee
wats up?? tara-koocha?? haha!
take 1: woah..all so happy..engine da start~!
take 2: all start slacking orady liao..take 3: so..........freaking sleepy...& tiring i guess!
lols! ;-)

oh yah! btw, happy mother's day!!!! jus nw,went out wif mum & dad jerk.... & yah,we had our stomach full wif evry food...hahaha..went to treat dem at siam kitchen @suntec..den wen to far east..mkn again...ate roti john cheese..den mkn lagik at mccafe...i ate darn choc brownie! weeeeeehhhoo!! meletop perut aku! hahaha..beh besok nk g mkn lgik wif my dad's side family celeb mother's day.. mangkok..my tank is so small..& i guess tomolo morning i dunwan to eat anyting 4 breakfast..wait till we go makan at garuda@orchard den eat till full! cant wait! cant wait 4 tomolo event! shall took pics!


Monday, May 07, 2007

yeah! ystdy was such a blast!!! went to sentosa celeb my 20th bday wif e gals! tired to type laa..bt overall i had fun! seriously!!!!!wee~!!!!

waiting 4 monorail
me & yani kak tot & me
sweets.. kak seri & me..hehe
her & me again~ lesbo.. ;p nyahahaha!
me!!! e burfday girl! oh my,i'm 20?? ada kah ini sume fantasi? reality??hehe!

oops! am nt ready lah! & remy..sibuk arhh! shooo!

aah~ here its is!! e kpo & yet irritating one! haha..
advance happy bday anak ipin! oops! ;p
yay! complete on dat day! c those big smiles on each of us!??
i love dem! ;p
thanks babe!
ok..khusyuk bace card!

yay! am so touched actually~~!!

peek-a-boo! i knew it!!! a bag!!!yay!!!

showing off my present..any problem?hehe

dis is bad people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! argh~!! hahahahhabloody hell!!!! hahahahahhaha...
& e photographer still can cont taking pics eh..bkn nk help me!lols!
oh my~! jus having fun... ;p
take 1: we are so happy 4 no reason.take 2: i dun understand wats up wif zimah & yani!?!mabok ke sebok girls?! hahaha dis boy is great..shuld knw him & laugh out loud! ;p

aku dan remy. its black..& white! lols!oops! ;p

okok.. till here. shall update my own camera pics soon~

btw,happy 27th bday angah! u'r getting married soon!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

happy burfday!!!!
i'm 20 & Hasyer is 21..cool! ;-)
went to Sentosa lata!! tk sabaw~~~wif my gfs! cant wait 4 my presents! wee~ ;-)
jus nw i shop!!! wee!!!!!!!! went to mango & buy a top..den go G2000 to buy top again! & den,pamper myself..i bought a ripcurl bag! woohoo!! no one can stop me frm shopping! lagik2 tadi i'm alone at marina square while waiting e arrival of mr.tash...haha.. cool! & i orady knw wat to get 4 my bro's bday lata..hehee..sshh...go mkn wif tash at cavana..yum yum..bcos i owe him mah..hmm..e ripcurl bag..however,i like e color..BLUE beb! hahaha..& tash did bought himself a ripcurl wallet..kecoh ar member..yay! overall i'm so happy! happy bcos its been so~~~ long ive nvr gone shopping!!! & sumor im happy bcos im turning 20! eww~ ;-)
cant wait to see my girls lata..hey ya! here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!
u know who u are... ;-)

Thursday, May 03, 2007

ok people..yestdy was such a great+happy+tired day..duno y..jus gt to mit up wif yani..take cheque & den mit nita & nurra..kecohs sak drg..pai aku mate da noneng skit..hehe..am too tired & sleepy..duno y... *argh! as usual,da mit yani.... ders lots of tings to share & update..biasak.....aku & yani kan reporter..hehee..
today!!!! jeng jeng jeng...whr i went???! hmm......early morning..wake up..go breakfast wif mum & my intention is jus to check my pay whether its orady in or nt..hehehe.. ;-) & yes!!!! at 2pm, its in!!! so,i draw some cash$!! & my wallet like freakkking thick!!! cannot flip & close! HAHAHAHAHAHA! am RICH! hahahahah..ni laa kn..prasaan org dpt pegang duit tebal! hahaha..
on e spot i gaf my mum some cash$..den she returned me $50 back..i was like 'huh?y seyy?' den she say its ok.its enuf..haha..phew~ my mum so understanding! lurp u mum! & tot of giving my dad some cash$..den i gif him.. he returned back some cash$ like wat my mum did to me! hahahaha..he meant dat bcos my bday coming maa..hehehe..so he understand... ;-) thx dad & mum! u both r so understanding.. ;-)
den, afternoon wen dinner at al-azhar..tot i wana treat dem..den dad says its ok again~!! *argh! aku nk blanjer..step malu plak..hehe..he say its all for my advance bday dinner..cos ill b celebrating my bday wif my frens mahh~ ;-)
afta dinner dad really wana proceed to BKt pjg Plaza..dats whr i gt my prezzie! weeeee~! tot of buying hp...bt tink back,argh...da mls ar nk kai hp..nk save costs! ;-) so,mum was suggesting y nt i choose sumting 4 my bday gift..hmm... we went in to dis jewllery shop & ive got myself a ring! wee~!!!! e slimmest, yet so..............tiniest ring! hahahaha..cos my finger is small mahh..hehehhe.. thx once again mum & dad...wee~!!
i miss someone,
is dat you?

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


ARGH~~! i miss these kiddos! my far away baby cuzzins @ dubai rite now!
bik!! faster laa fly to spore! i miss dem xia! argh*!!! i miss dem! i miss dem! i miss dem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok people..hmm..no time to update abt ystdy,my last day of wrk at Chomel/Madame Butterfly..hehe..sad..bt wat to do....& yea,i received a onyx necklace frm MB family..received 150g DAIM chocs! oh my!!! tanks alot people! didnt xpect aniting frm ya....i did received a warm farewell hugs,wishes! cute kn dorg..... ;-) thanks guys! last day of wrk,get to bumped mr.security right infront of my eyes! (yani,am sure u knw who..!) hehehehe..he so cute! mcm cine! & yah, he did knw whr i wrk lor at last~ & member sengeh2 jer..& he kip looking at my name tag..hurgh* mati lah aku die da tahu aku wrk mane... (alah,tk kisah..last day mah...) hehehe..am gona miss ya mr.security! hahaha..

2moro mitting yani..cos i wana sent my uniform & yani wan to take her cheque i guess or watsoeva..lupe arr..hehehehe...

& yes, countdown to my big day!!!! weeeeeeeee~~~ ;-)

5th may..

kwang kwang....

i miss someone..
is dat you?