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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Saturday, May 19, 2007
OKOK. long tyme nvr update. hehs! dis whole week,am very bz wif lots of family issues/outings. nt an ordinary outing hor.i mean its like bonding outing i guess.haha. siow. =D i cant really remembered de dates & days wen i went out wif my garndparents all! argh~ am OLD orady liao. hahaha. bt i do remember a bit la.. erm. monday i went to cosway pt to mit my grandparents & take my digicam frm Aunty Nor.& @ e same tyme i received a shocking news saying dat mayb i haf to fly to dubai cos gt some personal fam issues.gif my dem a treat & my parents came dwn to cosawy pt afta a 1/2 day window shoppin at jb..i oso receive a news dat my grandad fell dwn frm stairs. haiz..grandma was so shocked dat she accidentally throw all her bag nowhere wich incl personal items & yea,both my grandparents' EZlink card are gone............ tues. suppose to accompany grandparent to make a new EZlink card. Bt cancelled. due to some reasons. wed. mit up my grandparent at CCK int cos wanna replace e EZlink card. so,b4 dat,we ate breakfast cum lunch at kopitiam at LOT 1 to ate indian food. =D sit,talk.laughing sessions start liao..esp my grandad laa..he so cute! hehe.afta dat,proceed to CCK int once again to haf their cards done. e queue is so long & it takes so much tyme! argh~ my grandad is so freakin' tired orady.can c frm e reaction of his face. den he sit at one corner while me & grandma join e queue. cards ready abt 15 min. dey r so excited & die die want to look 4 e EZlink transparent card holder casing..hehehe..den....we all enter LOT 1 AGAIN!!! HAHAHHAHA..here der.here der. bt its ok. i dun mind.cos i love dem! =) thur. rest.....at hm..suppose to mit odah,zimah at bugis..bt den,its rains heavily at my place..so i didnt turn up. sory guys. hee~ i miss u guys too hor! fri. dat is today! 18/5/07. wake up early. due to??? goin JB!!! wif???? who else!!?? my grandparent & mum. haha! so kecohs. tot wana cancel it, bt grandma insist of goin it so much. & i did understand la she & my grandad so long nvr been der since grandad fall sick & cannt walk much. so,i agree to it. =) so,mum & me was like in a rush looking 4 our passports & stuffs.i,bz iron clothes..pack my bag.chk mails..& yah..all was in a rush,seriusly.last minute tingey.hehe.. mit dem at Kranji.get to knw Nanny Milah & Cik Ayim (grandma's sista & nephew..) wana join us.guess wat? we took a ride in jb wif his car! weee~!!!!!!!! i like! his car is so damn cool! evryone was like lookin at e spore plate car! haha.cute laa de car.hehe. den he bring us to c his new-bought villa at kota tinggi der,called e Taman Austin Perdana! i like his Villa!!! its huge!! so sayang!! tk bwk camera! its soo big liao~ kaya! kaya! kaya! hehe..den wen to Giant @ plentong..shopping....den went back hm! phew~~~ tired.