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Saturday, September 29, 2007

yoyo. at last bf realized wat day is tomorow. hmmm.. i almost 4got abt it. hehe. finally,i met someone even betta den others. Amin.
haish. gtg! nk mkn my mcspicy burger! yumyum!

Thanks for being a great companion troughout e past few months.
Happy 3monthsary.
Looking forward to be wif u all dis while.

Thank You.
u said:
'i promise i will hold on to our relationship.i'm nt gona lose out on u e same way i lose did before.'
i hope its not a sweet words frm u.
we plan it,bt God decides.

lets c wats e overcome.
Hart u!
Bf,please mit me. i'm dying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

finally,its weekends once again.
thank God.

raya is 2 more weeks people! hehe.
tk sabar benarr aku ni! =)
suppose to go JB today,bt den tkpe ahh kn,mcm malas pulak.
so,i rather saty at hm..cos kaki aku sakit ulang alik keje to paya lebar-teck whye!
today,wats e menu ehk? hmm..mum & dad went JB. duno dey iftar whr.spore or JB?
haissh..kalo gitu,aku rase aku kua g carik mkn laahh sendrik! haiyo.
duno wat to eat sey lata..
mcm2 tekak ni nk mkn..hurm..im craving my GELARE WAFFLES,pizza,Burger ramly & all!!!

cant decide wat to eat ahh..mcm nk mkn nasi ayam penyet @Ojolali-Lucky Plaza pn ader sey!

argh*********!! Bf ni,asik keje jeeeeerrr!!!!! jom ah,take a day off!!!!!!!! *devilsmile*

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


omg! he seriously do it infront of everyone ystdy!
hurgh. *shy*.
i was on e fone & at e same time searching 4 him evrywhr @wlds mrt.
nasib baik tk maki jerk. haha. tekejot,seriously. imagine u are waiting for someone den he said he's otw..skali someone gif u a peck on ur cheek.. tk tekejot berok ke?? kwangasam. almost termaki bf smlm.. hahaha. oops. tk batal posa. met him lps buka pon..~ =)

wen aku boring,tkde keje nk uat.
wen tyme nk alik,mak kau~.. belambak keje..padahal nt my job.
i'm just helping dat kak hasfa ah. nt mengira ah.bt i'm nt wrking for her.i'm working for Darren. so,wen Darren went out mit client,i gt nuting to do. & dis kakak suro aku uat gini2 sume.
bukan tk suka ah.i'm happy too cos dpt blaja hands on laa..bt seriusly..tyme aku nk balik.. mesti ader je die suro aku uat...slalu nyer btween 11-3 i shake legs. den,da nk kul 4,start ar keje byk........haisshh. bt nvm. i'm nt gona stay der any longer. bf wana me look for other job aniwes.
nt dat i hate dat job. its like temp job & sumore pai bile nk stay temp job je kan?...

haissshh.stressss benaaaaarr..i'll see how la hor.

Bf said he gt surprise for me!!! yay! yay!
cant wait! surprise ape plak ehh kali ni???~~ mangkok tau pakcik ni~ ehhehe.
& yah,bf's parents appeared in LENSA RAMADAN jus now..hmm..abt e anuity tingey.
cutes. =)
as usual,i'm busily counting e days to pay day$! & Hari Raya!


Monday, September 24, 2007


pics of e Saturday outing is out~! Tanks to kak tot. =)
aniting,jus c tru my multiply..kalo tk bole tgk, tu korg nye psl! hahahaha.

oraite.....2day outing. JB wif Bf. Fun,tired & fun!!
njoyed e outing. only the 2 of us! hehs.
break fast @ pizza hut KOMTAR.. quite cheap..altho de piza nt quite nice due to some wateva reasons.shitty. hmpf.
happpyy sgt....cos all my raya clothes da siap! ehk! lom..! left 1 piece. hehe.
so happyyyyy...da nk gaji! am gona shopping wif my gfs again i tink. wana buy raya shoes.mayb bag? possible. perfume, possible? hurrmm..wat else?..hmm..ntah ahh. tgk laa ape yg patot dibeli nnt! shoppingggg! yayy!

goodie nite blooddy hell!

Sunday, September 23, 2007


finally mit up wif those gals ystdy! suppose to be malam gemilang part II . hahaha.
bt some couldnt make it. bt it happens yaw,people!!!!! =)
met up wif odah. den came yani & zimah..followed by kak tot & irni.
damn much fun wen mitting those people lagi2 da lame benaaaaaarrrrrr tk mit drg!
& yah,did u guys realize sumting abt us ystdy? (refering to my gfs..)

WE TALK NON-STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lols.

rite?rite?rite?? hahaha.is like,each of us sampai,e 1st ting we did is to gif any of us a big hug.den trus start ar all Conversations..cos da lame tk jumpe..mcm makcik2 gituk!

lols.lols. hahahahahaha. u gals make my day,seriously...!

mit dem at walk around orchard,break fast @ cahaya..WE TALK NON-STOP!
until wen i realize ppl in e mrt was looking at us one kind cos WE TALK NON-STOP,LOUD & LAUGH LIKE NO ONE CARES! seriously...! hehehehe.
reached geylang,we ask among each other 'eh,nari agak2 tesempak sape kt geylang??'
& all ans are e same.. 'ntah eh..skali kakak ko ke..hahaha.' kecohs madness,i mus say.
nt even a few miles,we bumped on seri. kecohs. shout at her & hug her dpn sume org! sume tgk siak! haha. & e funny ting is dat kite sume stop tgh2 dunia whr der is crowd. beh sume org da tgk mcm kite tgh ade fight gituk.cos sume pekik kt die! hahaha.
jln2..me & my gfs byk tesempak our long-lost frens & frens. lols. popular tau kite! hahaha. =)

so packed sia geylang..ade bwk baby sume..kesian sey..
as usual,irni tk abis2 kunyah die nye ayam percik! non-stop mengunyah.
fit,asik beli air je smlm.. mineral water..pastu cendol!
zimah & odah ,tk abis2 mintak tisu frm fit..bab kepanasan!
me & yani, tk abis2 nmpak MIKA! (e trend wearing coloured pants,such as yellow,red etc)


we went back hm afta snapping pics all & yah,i did reached hm at 12midnight!
da mcm CINDERELLA.! =)


*P/S:KAK TOT,cpt upload pics!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

heyya peeps.

Thank God. its finally weekends! 2 days off~ yeay! =)
now,i understand y most of my frens who are wrking in an office waiting 4 friday to cum..

as usual,went to werk as per normal..start at 10am. chk mailbox,filing,recording,photocopying are my daily routine job.. *boring...* but wat to do..jus endure lor....altho ends at 5pm,bt wen ders nuting much 4 u to do,jus sooooooooooo sleeppy & boring.. so,jus tuck in my earphones listen to music/radio...or tk pon,baca newspaper/straits times or sms-ing or chat over e fone.
(office da mcm bapak aku punya daahh...)

2day,my family fetch me frm work.went geylang as its jus neaaaaarr to my office. DUH!
break fast around geylang...& i heard some shops orady tune in to Hari Raya songs!! im so like freaking xcited liao!!!! yay!!~~ as usual,its weekend..too many ppl..packed!! hot some more..
& yah,mit gfs tomorrow. wat gona happen ehh? haha.i miss those craps happened last yr! cant wait to mit dem~!


yay! sunday go JB wif BF..

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

start working life orady...

ok la..so far,ok laa...
nt much of doing work laa..hehe..
melepak,chill,relax one corner,dgr mp3.sms-ing & reading those books dat are suppose nt to read such as e directory & dictionary is my main job of de day!! =)
(cos gt nuting much to do seyy...)

1st day:kak hasfa did some orientation, briefing,show me mailbox,photocopy machine,quotations & bla..bla..bla..

2nd day: same....as 1st day...

3rd day: so far so good..can handle. bt a bit blurr..

Thank God,its weekend sooon~!! finally!
cant wait for e mit-ups wif gfs..

*bf,please mit me up soon..

Sunday, September 16, 2007

clock's tickingg...& 2morow is de day whr i start my working life!
hahaha.padan muke aku! no more holidays,enjoying & stuffs!
dis is reallllll! & i cant wait for morning to come..mcm tk sabar gitu.. =)
2morow haf to report to work at 10am..ms hasfa haf called me up past few days to remind me.
thank god.
finally, i'm nt gona stay at hm during ramadan shake legs no more!
its been like 5 mths ive nt been working..hehs! bukan tk carik hor..its jus dat sum jobs i get,i haf to gif it a pass due to some reasons.

& yes,Dear wuld b glad if ive start work 2morow.i knw i kip disturbing him wen he's at work.heehehe.
& i knw he soooo patience tolerating my irritating calls/smses! hahaha.

ok la..housekeeping tyme!


Saturday, September 15, 2007

woohoooo~~ finally my bloggy settled!! yeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!! i'm satisfied~!!! =)

& yah,jus now afta break fast, dad-mum & me went geylang! woah..tk ramai org..senang jln..tk rimas! hehe. get to bumped wif obek,abah & ayie..woah! long tyme nvr mit dem! hehe.. & yah,i get e chance to stole 1 of ayie's pic in his hp.. =)
& i did took some snaps of myself wearing tudung..for fun! chk dat out too ya..

smart rite??

gooodie nite!
happy bersahur!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

& yah,since smlm tk tahu nk g mane.. i met my dear at far east plaza.. tot of ajak die chilling at ecp..cos i wana go cycling for e very last day as nnt da puase.. skali tk jadi.both of us wake up late. hehehe. den we went touring e Orchard rd,ukur jln kt Orchard,mkn at Ojolali den shop abit,chill at mccafe & went off to west coast park! cool place! haha.i myself did went der b4..cos i like to hang around on e playground area. & i miss e swing! hehe.

da sampai west coast park, i tot i'm e one happy like hell!!! skali bukan, si tua ganyut(bf) tu yg happy giler! hmpf..ade ke patot aku tolak die naik swing frm end-end???!! my intention was to take e swing & ohh,i wish my bf will like swinging it frm end-end.. FAT HOPE..end up,we did sit togatha on e swing! i sit on top of him! hahahaha.kecoh! luckily,both of us small built.so,tk berat lor..hahahahahahaha..den play chang2(piggyback!) i piggyback him!
i made it!!!! hehe.

*all those revealed.
shocked+suprised. bt,its ok.

firstly...to all muslims..wana wish happy fasting!
selamat menjalani ibadah puasa!

its the 1st day of ramadan.
yea yea.
time flies so fast & raya's coming again.AGAIN!!! oops.still haf another 29 more days.
hehee..geylang, here i cum~!!

haha.i knw i'm a big girl now so i dun xpect any green packets orady..
bt its ok..yg penting dpt celeb raya wif my loved ones & frens!


indeed,usually de day b4 fasting mth,me & my gfs will make a last gathering/feast togatha.
now,no more!!!!!! argh.sad sey..its bcos all of dem bz wif wrking life rite now.
so ystdy,terigt2 masa2 kite mkn at pizza hut sehari blum puasa ramai2..
make me miss dem so

much! hurh.whr my gerls at?? waa.....~~~ & i found dis.

de day we break our fast 2gatha @ far east plaza..den head to geylang serai! ramai2!!

kecoh madness!!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

stop dat face~! lols


ysdty,get to watch 'NO RESERVATION' wif bf. fun..comedy+love a bit larhhs.
den wen jln2 at serangoon~!! cos we wanna haf our chappati.
both of us are craving for dat badly. yay! dream settled. hee. =))
thx dearie...altho tk dpt mam pizaa hut..haish.bt its ok.. bulan posa nnt leh g.
yay.. he did promised me dat. tq. =)

&.......today gt kenduri arwah..at pak teh's hs.paternals'...
i ate alot.i cant denied. stoopid me! & stoopid mouth! stoopid tummy! hurgh!
HURHHHHHHHHHHHHHGHGHHH~!!!!!!! I'M GETTING FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
serius seyy..jln pon mcm tk larat! HURGH~ i'm gona cut dwn n watch my diet!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cant help it animore siakkkkkkk~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


i get e job! at last! Thx to aunt & Thx to mum for accompany me.
Thx to my frens too for all e wishes.
bulan posa ni,aku start keje baru!
a fresh mth,fresh day,fresh week of Ramadan sumore. =)

& i received a news frm mum.saying dat my bro cuzz's wife is getting pregnant!
congratulations! =) even tho u guys jus married a mth ago,bt hey! so fast!!
haha. happy for dem.

fri wana mit love. da lame tk mit. since... erm.. erm?.. kapan ya?
lupa deh..hehe.
wana shop abit b4 start my new job!

Monday, September 03, 2007

yo yo!

today interview.sucks again.
nah,dun wanna elaborate it..hah! hmph!

2morow,interview at paya lebar,singpost.aunt recommend.
hope evryting ok..& if i get e job,i shuld take dat offer.
bkn pandang under recommendation or wat..its jus dat i tink its time for me to start working life! hurgh~! mudah-mudahan dpt lah keje hor. amin.

& sumore esk kene gi interview sorg..tidak berteman..hehe.
sedih sey..hahaha. mum's sick.nt yet fully recovered. if nt,da ajak die teman kan..
bole mkn kURNIA'S nasi ayam penyet @pasar geylang~ yummy!
bt i guess,esk tk dpt ar nk mkn sane..sorg beb..haish.

ok..dats all..

goody nitey!


Saturday, September 01, 2007

bah!!!!! hehehe. =)

its sat.& im gona be at hm all day! mother is falling sick..haish.
& my love is still drooling cos jus came bck hm frm work..haish..
tot of going karaoke wif family all..bt i guess we shuld postpone it tho.

ramadhan's coming soon. so fast eh.....ermm..mon i gt interview.
hopefully i get e job lah.
altho its a partyme one.tues too. interview lgik...!


i finally realised sumting..
ysdty,chill at library kejap wif Dear. ok la..he read to me some motivation quotes all!
hahahaha. dlm baik aku terkene ngn die. kwangasam~ indeed, aku tahu asl die 'bahasa' kn aku lor! aku sedar. heh! Tanks 4 e 'wake up' call eh Dear~ haha.

i knw hw much it mean to me rite nw.
