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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Sunday, September 23, 2007
woo.....!!!!!!!!!!! finally mit up wif those gals ystdy! suppose to be malam gemilang part II . hahaha. bt some couldnt make it. bt it happens yaw,people!!!!! =) met up wif odah. den came yani & zimah..followed by kak tot & irni. damn much fun wen mitting those people lagi2 da lame benaaaaaarrrrrr tk mit drg! & yah,did u guys realize sumting abt us ystdy? (refering to my gfs..) WE TALK NON-STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lols. rite?rite?rite?? hahaha.is like,each of us sampai,e 1st ting we did is to gif any of us a big hug.den trus start ar all Conversations..cos da lame tk jumpe..mcm makcik2 gituk! lols.lols. hahahahahaha. u gals make my day,seriously...! =) mit dem at walk around orchard,break fast @ cahaya..WE TALK NON-STOP! otw to GEYLANG too,WE TALK NON-STOP!!! PET POT PET POT JER!! lols. until wen i realize ppl in e mrt was looking at us one kind cos WE TALK NON-STOP,LOUD & LAUGH LIKE NO ONE CARES! seriously...! hehehehe. reached geylang,we ask among each other 'eh,nari agak2 tesempak sape kt geylang??' & all ans are e same.. 'ntah eh..skali kakak ko ke..hahaha.' kecohs madness,i mus say. nt even a few miles,we bumped on seri. kecohs. shout at her & hug her dpn sume org! sume tgk siak! haha. & e funny ting is dat kite sume stop tgh2 dunia whr der is crowd. beh sume org da tgk mcm kite tgh ade fight gituk.cos sume pekik kt die! hahaha. jln2..me & my gfs byk tesempak our long-lost frens & frens. lols. popular tau kite! hahaha. =) so packed sia geylang..ade bwk baby sume..kesian sey.. as usual,irni tk abis2 kunyah die nye ayam percik! non-stop mengunyah. fit,asik beli air je smlm.. mineral water..pastu cendol! zimah & odah ,tk abis2 mintak tisu frm fit..bab kepanasan! me & yani, tk abis2 nmpak MIKA! (e trend wearing coloured pants,such as yellow,red etc) hahaha. we went back hm afta snapping pics all & yah,i did reached hm at 12midnight! da mcm CINDERELLA.! =) HOME SWEET HOME. *P/S:KAK TOT,cpt upload pics!