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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Thursday, November 29, 2007
hi! here,i wuld like to take dis opportunity to wish all NoVEMber BAbies A happy bday!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
updates. adik is now bz preparing for his trip 2morow. had a school educational trip by his school. to Cambodia. y he got selected?? hmm...bcos of good student gituk ahh..so he get selected. mcm kakak nye dulu..good student..hahah. bt i went to Sarawak..4 days! cool kn.. miss those days seyy! & eyy! dunch 4get to take ur malaria pills hor! ahakz. kecohs sak pack his bag...! esp mum.. hee. he had to be away for a week. mum so sad.. :( haaa.! & abt tomorrow, Bf gona be mitting me at airport itself as he's working der & ends on e dot! weeeeeeee~! wat i knw..aunts,grandad&grandmum will mit us at e airport too. Aunty nor & her grandaughter, Ulfah too will join us to bid adik's farewell......... & wat i heard too, byk laa mit kt sane esk nnt.. hahaha. mcm lah adik aku nk g sane sebulan! wakaka. wateva it is, happy for him laa.. degil2 gituk pon,dpt pegi..haha. to admit, he olwas playing around during exam..bt Alhamdulillah..luckily, die otak straight ckit!heheheehhe. abt his trip tingey,i heard dey haf to build 'jamban' in those kampong areas or those people who lead a very hard earned living area..so de school came wif a project whr dey haf to donate some recycle/reuse clotehs or any items der.. & wat adik had told me b4..during tyme packing2 stuffs at skul,he & his guys frens laugh non-stop! bcos of wat?? some people actually donated some bras/lingeries! lols. kecohhsssss sak! lols. bt wateva it is, semoga adik selamat pergi & selamat balik ke Spore! yay! i'm gona on 1/2 day for work tomoro! yay!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
holla holla.
well..drop by Harny Wirdanis's page jus now..i agree wif her entry laa..somehow says abt 'I love talking and I love having a space where freedom of speech is allowed.freedom of speech. Yeah, well, I mean, if you don't really like what I wrote or rather, typed here, then well, that's your effing choice.Narcissisti I might be but not as much. Poignant broodings are more of my thing.' aha. she get e point der. mmg btol per.. bt im ok laa..org tk suke ke suke ke..drg peh psl..blog kite per..ahakz. aniwes,aniwoes,dis few days e weather is not good enuf. haissh. Saturday sey today!! Saturday!! *argh. i miss those nightlife once in my whole entire life.! hees. Gian. received Odah's sms dis morning..she e 1st to msged me.uat kacau org tgh drool. hehehe. tot of wat laa...skali member msg jus to inform abt e sentosa outing afta she came back frm holiday! kirekan mcm celeb 'welcome back!' ahh gituk..haha. gila nye pompan.if u going far far country,tkpe jugak. ni stakat g Pulau Pinang/Penang-KL trip je! haha. siow tingtong.. hmm..ok.BF decided to take dat overseas job if he get dat job! hurghh. & dats wen all e plans go~ .............................................................................................................................................................. no comments. lets wait & see for his further decision. jeng jeng jeng....~ i'm a happy girl! lalalalalalalalalalalala~
Friday, November 09, 2007
okok..much much for updates.
well...duno whr to start 1st.hmm.. okok,ystdy Bf fetched me frm wrk. He's off! finally..can mit up. =) went to haf dinner at OJOLALi again..as BF requested. supposingly,ist my treat on him since its my payday$. end up,he's e one paying it...aiyooo..main tolak2 at cashier.hehe. plan to catch a movie,bt den im afraid i wuld fall a sleep in e cinema itself. maklum la..frm werk..nnt sleepy..ZzzzZZZzzz walk dwn e streets togatha..as usual,e kid in us brings much laughter & joy during e outing itself. aku tolak die,die tolak aku.aku pukol die,die pukol aku. (lagik kuat! pai merah sakkk!) hurgh. idiot. pissed off wif him a while cos i really2 had my bad cravings again on Donut Factory! argh! bt he didnt bring me to. nah,its ok. hmpf. went window shopping..hmm..& i aim for sumting! weeeee~! & at 10.45pm,Bf brought me to Al-Azhar.makan lagik! had milo godzilla & cheese prata!! yummy! Thanks Bf! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() okok. done. tyme to sleep.. all Hindus,HAPPY DEEPAVALI.*
Monday, November 05, 2007
tings will never be e same again. sssttttttttooopiiidddd. well,stoopidity shows it all,aniway. i dun gif a damn.* Oops. sOWIE. its jus dat IT DOESNT TASTE BETTA! ahakz. i hate dat. jus so u know, Peeps. waaaaaaaa~ those tings are jus btwn me & $%^*&@!*&$%^$#!!!!!!!!! arghhh. dun get it? wana knw bout it? ring me. beep me. sent me a mail.msg tho. aha! sumtime,in life..u jus haf to grab wat is urs & wat is not urs. in life too, u dun haf e right to decide who are u goin to marry wif. & who are u to judge me. rite? ders a point. hmm~ y dunch u jus sit in a corner..look at e mirror....(hopefully e mirror's nt cracking!) ahahaha. i hope too. & see 4 urself laa eh..n see... u are a GOD'S creation. & so am I. by insulting me,its like ur insulting HIS creation. GET THE POINT? so?? any problems wif it?oh yes,ders ppl saying....sumtymes, we do appreciate frens more alike to our family. true? yeash. i admit dat. cos i cant be apart frm those wonderful Bf,gfs,peeps/frens around me. i love dem berry berry much. =) oh family? well,its jus sux. hard to xplain.
i hate to be in dis way,dis situation. if i knw its gona be dis wayyy.. i guess its my TURN to SPEAK UP! thanks for e support. i ONLY HEART PEOPLE WHO HEART ME.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
poo.poo.! ahakz.giler. ok..lets c wats 4 update?hmm.. ok ok..last thurs afta wrk,mit odah,zimah & yani..went shopping!!!!! weeeeewawawee~! =) shopping madness + shopping heaven! & yah,e laughter,jokes too.. odah..odah... she mistook Cockles as Cocktails in her Laksa! lols. wakakakaka. iat 1st i 50-50 wana join dem cos i tot ive overspent oradyyy.. sekali,saw dis top/dress. it says '2 for $20', '1 for $15'..so,wich one worth it?? 2 for $20 rite?? so,i grab 1.yani grab 1. coool! i bought e green/turqouish color.. yani had yellow! ahahakz..den odah tot of buying it too.bt zimah dunwan. too bad.! cant wait nxt wk pay day $$$!! wana grab dat red Guess bag! hurgh. hopefully,masih ade ar eh. Insya-allah.Amin. hurgh. jus now, i jus realized dat i bought a small turqouish vintage bag a wk b4.! tu blom start pakai lgik! ahakz. mum gona nag at me sey lata. arrhh. yeh yeh. like finally i had my sandals. bought at Charles & Keith! tgh ade offer. & yah,den $ ku merosot! hell yeah. im happy to shop 4 myself. now,as Bf big day is cuming...i shuld cut dwn on my expenses. mampos. bt,its ok..i can manage. =) =) okok..nk siap kn baju for perjumpaan ari raya at obek's CC at jrg west. |