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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Saturday, November 10, 2007
holla holla.
well..drop by Harny Wirdanis's page jus now..i agree wif her entry laa..somehow says abt 'I love talking and I love having a space where freedom of speech is allowed.freedom of speech. Yeah, well, I mean, if you don't really like what I wrote or rather, typed here, then well, that's your effing choice.Narcissisti I might be but not as much. Poignant broodings are more of my thing.' aha. she get e point der. mmg btol per.. bt im ok laa..org tk suke ke suke ke..drg peh psl..blog kite per..ahakz. aniwes,aniwoes,dis few days e weather is not good enuf. haissh. Saturday sey today!! Saturday!! *argh. i miss those nightlife once in my whole entire life.! hees. Gian. received Odah's sms dis morning..she e 1st to msged me.uat kacau org tgh drool. hehehe. tot of wat laa...skali member msg jus to inform abt e sentosa outing afta she came back frm holiday! kirekan mcm celeb 'welcome back!' ahh gituk..haha. gila nye pompan.if u going far far country,tkpe jugak. ni stakat g Pulau Pinang/Penang-KL trip je! haha. siow tingtong.. hmm..ok.BF decided to take dat overseas job if he get dat job! hurghh. & dats wen all e plans go~ .............................................................................................................................................................. no comments. lets wait & see for his further decision. jeng jeng jeng....~ i'm a happy girl! lalalalalalalalalalalala~