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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
4 tonight,am goin take all of u to see wats like to be in a men's undergarments dept storeroom.
stuffy,cold & squezzzzyy! wrk jus now was boring again.as it is only Tuesday...sigh~ bt good lah.can shake legs & finish up my stocks dat are still high above den me! hehe. boring face. ![]() consists of diff types of men's underwear! haf to do return & count 1by1. dey r like fucking high up frm me. Duh! I HATE IT.!!! ![]() bt who cares; am a human. nt a robot. ![]() oh! hush hush! happy 6th monthsary Boifey! am glad u r still here wif me & much much Thanks for all e support n encouragement u had given me so far. i knw im a bit naive/stubborn or wateva u may kol i,bt i knw u did it bcos u care abt me so much.damn much.Thank you 4 all those patience. Thank you very very very much! <3 sooner or later God listens to our prayers. 3 words - I love you. gd 9te. if i were to...............................
many tings flashed into my mind wen i was so farking boring.. & start to imagine of wat life wuld b wen we are turning OLD. O-L-D. prepare by now is gd..bt it takes time,seriously.. at work,Ai Fang work afternoon shift wif me. & no doubt,wen i n her work afternoon shift..she usually started e topic of 'MARRIAGE'. duh! im young..still wana enjoy life.bt i knw she's being so concern abt me marry at e later age. 'u betta get married early,make babies.later ur bf wait long2,so sian..den nvr married,he bored den GONE..' AIYO. its kinda true la..wich girl doesnt wan to get married. OF COS, i wana get married.on a very FINE DAY & AGE. =) talk n talk n talk... i was imagine tings dat are 'OK,I'M NT GETTING YOUNGER..' haha. & i was like asking myself hw do i look if i were to wear a tudung?(headscarf) hw do i look if i was becoming a wife,a preggy mummy-to-be,a mum & stuffs. e responsibilties & all...are so so extremely challenging..its nt like wat we are now whr we are single, living wif mum & dad... & wen Ai Fang talk abt dis tings,it makes me realize hw hard life culd be as we grow older.. hopefully,sooner or later GOD listens to my prayers. Amin.
Monday, January 28, 2008
a meaningful song & lyrics. please my ears. Artist: Jordin Sparks I can’t waste time so give it a moment (i can't waste time)
I realized nothings broken No need to worry about everything I’ve done (no need to worry) Live every second like it was my last one Don’t look back at got a new direction (don't you ever look back) I loved you once and I needed protection You’re still a part of everything I do You’re on my heart just like a tattoo Just like a tattoo I’ll always have you
Sunday, January 27, 2008
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wow..ystdy was a blast!! oda's events was like not much wat i'm expected.. happy sangat2 ya amaaaat! i was like so xcited to mit my gfs dat soooooooo longggggg yg tk jumpe.. wat i can say..kecoh madness is coming back! haha. okok. smlm BF picked me cos he knw i gt difficulties bringing e Fried Rice for Oda's event. was like so shocked wen he put e small tharmos in his bike's box at e back! muatt! its fit! hahaha. den,we was like wondering..hws e cake wuld be like ehk? big or nt ah e size? cos sape nk g angkot itu kek laah sak naik moto..??! hahaha. den we chill n tink.. reaching tamp mall,we take e cake frm THE ROYALS CAKES & PIES..bought 4 odah DARK CHOC TRUFFLE! GOSH.ITS FREAKING NICE! bf & me was so impatiently waiting to see e size of e cake @ e counter. skali wen e lady bring it out frm e fridge,we was like 'aiyo..mak ko...peh besawww..!' haha.ape tak..its 2kg mans! den wat to do.. e only idea is i to bear wif e consequences bringing dat big squared shape cake box naik moto lorrr..kecohs. da laa aku pkai dress.luckily i wore a swimming tights kt dlm..da naik moto,left hand pegang plastic beg kuat2 n right hand hug BF'S waist. e funny part is aku kangkang besawww kt atas moto! hahaha. n wen at trafic lites, aunties & uncles yg dlm other vehicles look at me like im a kind of a slut wif dress aku terselak peh atas nk nmpk pepek..hahaha..so sori BF. baru nk feeling2 sexy FOR ONCE! haha. SEKSA mautss. reached chalet at 8+..whr i kol up my gals to mit me at carpark to help me wif dos tings. i tot only zimah & yani jerk..skali sume laa yg welcome aku! hahaha. gif all of dem a big tight hug gile babi nyer...cos da lame sak nk mit..GOD knws wen..haha. delighted IRNI & FIT was der..& so are ZIMAH & YANI..hug drg mcm aku nk g perang ngn masing2 nye pekik..pai org sume tgk..& BF tercengang..haha. den take pics wen was otw to surprise oda's wif e cake..kecohs. mane irni nye sliper tersangkut at longkang laa..fit dgn shasha da mcm spykids..hahaha. happy yg tk terhingga wen i get e chance to mit NURUL,SERI & DIANA! at last dpt mit drg.. & fit,score hatrix 4 losing e UNO game.! lols. kecoh tau ko..hehehe. odah wif her dance tk abis2 cos tgh tipsy.. BF tk abis2 crack jokes wif REMY..& i gt surprised BF make some conversations wif Mai's BF, Shasha's Bf..he can actually make new frens w/o me noticing.. Good Boy. i'm a happy girl. happy 21st boopsday Odah!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
its saturday..
a celebration held today @Pasir Ris. put aside all shitty tings had happened. throw all e moody faces. cant wait.. duno wat abt dem. hmpf.hmpf. puff.puff. nt much to say in here. lets e rest b a misery. . . . . . . . .
Friday, January 25, 2008
yessa! pay day lom masok. me: Dear,i really tot da gaji sey u...beh i chk bank i lom ade pape pongs. suke tugu lame2? nyahaha. to od,so sori all plans been so cocked up. aku tk tahu knp.. mayb tahun ni tahun tikus! hahahha. all went dwn sak plan. so sory beb. smlm mit bf afta wrk. treat to piza hut. yum yum! & i tink im so shag dat i didnt realize wat i tok to him. wif my pemalas nye nk mampos nye tone. CRANKY! haha. share wif u guys. he: ler..drg blg tk u dpt bile? drg bagi cheque or wat? (in a CRANKY TONE VOICE.......) me: of cos laa not cheque. dey will bank in laaaaaaaaaaaa.... he: oh,u once gif dem ur passbook acc nu. to dem b4? (dis part aku mrh die..haha.) me: NO.APE PLAK PASSBOOK? I KASI DRG BUSPASS NUMBER LAAA... SO DAT EASIER FOR DEM TO BANK IN MONEY..hurgh. (he so smart..ask me again n again..was it 'PASSBOOK SAVINGS NU. / BUSPASS?? haha) he: oh..buspass savings..ok laa tu..meaning die transfer all ur pay tru e bus n busdriver laa? me: APE PLAK??! GILE PER KASI BUSDRIVER?! 4 WAT?? he: den u say u gif dem BUSPASS NUMBER?? me: eh, no watt..??! mane ade.. hahahahahhahaha. he: ckp lg tkde? org tny die berkali2 to confirm wat u were saying jus nw ok!!! lols. (den aku pon blurr n da paisey..so diam je lor tugu pizza..sementare BF aku ketawe kn ke-blur'an aku..hmpf..) ![]() ![]() ![]() ok gang,
2molo morn shift. nite2 darlingsss.
Monday, January 21, 2008
well,as usual.work was OK OK.
chi new yr coming..& wat u expect??? lagu cina is on laa dey!! 'ci ta la tong cang! tong cang!' hahahahhaha. bt i had fun listening to dos chi new yr songs. aku plak yg xcited. e chi colleagues of mine arent tho. ahakz. dis was an outdated story of mine..~ last wk or b4, i was soooo farking bored & plan to sms-ed Bf & create funny damn love pantun. its orady late at nite & dats wen i go crazy wen im waiting him hm at 1.30am... so,we all balas-membalas pantun at each other. didnt xpect him to reply as dat fast. maklum lah,he's gd in malay.DUH! & he's gd in writing lyrics tho. check dis out. me : jln jln tersandung batu tersandung batu lalu terjatuh ingin ku kata word 'i love u' ntah mengapa lidah ku kelu. (seconds lata..he replied..) he: jln terkepit sebab terkencit masok toilet terpaksa hempit kata 'i love u' suda ko selit tp kata di hati ada tk ko belit? (dis part i go speechless..cos i duno wat to reply..) haha. okok! enuf.. & ya! i did find it somewhr. do read...4 gals,sape2 matae korg yg tk berhati prot or watsoeva. u knw i knw haa.. 'Romantic-love relationships are made or broken by the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of communication. The essence of mutual self-disclosure is communication. And no element of communication is more important to romantic love than that of feelings and emotions.. The number one way a man can succeed in fulfilling a woman's primary love needs is through communication. By learning to listen to a woman's feelings, a man can effectively shower a woman with caring, understanding, respect, devotion, validation, and reassurance....' Good nite.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
its sunday...
org gile mcm aku je keje on sunday! haha. oopsies.bt who cares,bf oso wrk sunday jgk mah.. & e rest of e days n public holidaes oso mah. y shuld i complain. lagik2 die nye wrk very hectic schedule. heh. oopsiee.. hopefully,nari wrk tk crowd like ystdy arrh. mcm org gile sak aku. nk kencing pn kena tahan tau. ahakz. ohh.i did tell bf dat some chinese boys at my wrkplace is like 'eye-ing' on me.. hahahahahahha. dey all take turn to come over me & ask me wats my name. & dey all ask me e same qns. oh boy,chi guys r nt bad afterall.. tp,aku ni mly hor. ahaha. n ystdy dos aunties at my wrkplace non-stp teasing me & gosipping abt me n Brian. da knp??! haha. i knw he's trying to be kind towards me,bt dos aunties slh anggap seyy. i dun wan gossips abt me n him passing arnd. duh! i n him like bro n sis horr.. aiyo. as long im happy wrking der,no one can stop me. bye! red..red...red~
haizzzzz. naik penat tau. mentang2 lah da nk chi new yr, sume cine mintak all undergarments RED color. ade pai bought 15 pcs of RED underwear.. wen i ask dem,dey said its like a belive dat RED brings luck for gamble lata... aiyo~ so like dat one arhs. n yah,hush puppies offered a RED bag specially for chi new yr. dlm ade sluadlm 6pcs! haha. kecohs laa sak. luckily aku nye brand tk pathetic sgt abt chi new yr tingey.. we only offer free hangbao packets. tu pn aku bagi tgk mood & tgk org.. haha. siak kan aku. & nw.... cant wait for pay day.. i wana shop,shop,shop.. eye-ing someting orady..bt i guess i jus save it for my 21st bday present ah.. can???? haha. i really nid some cash wif me now. decided nt to tell bf.ahakz. altho i knw he is sincere helping me throughout my bankruptcy moment. Tanks alot Bf. oh well,odah's chalet is coming soon. : hate dat i love u Boy :
Friday, January 18, 2008
![]() addicted to Beyonce Knowles - Flaws & All nice lyrics written. VERSE 1 I’m a train wreck in the morning I’m a Bitch in the afternoon Every now and then without warning I can be really mean toward you I’m a puzzle yes indeed CHORUS VERSE 2 I’m a peasant by some standards (ah)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
hello online diary,
4 no reason, im happy ystdy. glad to spent tyme wif boifey..out wif him.. lau tk ketawe,tk sah sey. oh! im in love wif him again! ahakz. (= gosh. duno y, he make me blush ysdty.. haha. suke eh ko! hehe. sumtimes, jus a small lil sweet tings happen & u r jus speechless. aww~hush hush darling.... oh,did i hear it properly?? bf gonna quit smoking..soonnnnn!! yay! but...but.... he say its on my own 21st bday! mak ai~~ lame seyy tu..bt ill wait n remember.. 4 mor months bebeh.& no more cigar stix! no more increasing e air pollution! lg-lg now bulan Muharram seyy..bt gd laa member da ckp gitu. so,sama-sama laa kite saksi kan die jadi quit ke tk on my bday ye...
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
well,big brother gonna fly off to jakarta tomorow. to mit his gf or watsoeva dat i dun wana knw wat n y isst all abt. dunch b a kpo. peace.
2morow offday. again....... wanna spent quality tyme wif BF. planned evryting..~! woohoo! its been a week aku tk mit die seyy n tk tok on e fone sgt wif die seyy. pity u,mr bf. u r such a workaholic man. cant deny dat. (= oh well, im craving for these salivaring-mouthering foood!! or shuld i say junk crappy food??! haha. im badly craving for. . . . . . . Donut Factory. MUST TRY DOUBLE CHOC! ![]() Chewy Junior creamy puff. must try!!!!! new opening @BUGIS. ![]()
Monday, January 14, 2008
![]() well.
wrking is still OK for me. its jus tired laa...as usual..lots of customers.. compared to CHOMEL.. haizzzzz.. Robinsons is non-stop packed wif people evryday! tk packed tk sah! 10.30am,shop opened...da byk org seyy.. tk phm aku.org gini mcm. org pagi2 masih tdo..masih breakfast.. ni tk,da g shopping... mepekkkkkkks! & byk2 pon bangsa drg.. hurhur. of cos,tourist can be understandable laaa... haha. dis ting,rawk my day @wrk. =) ![]()
Thursday, January 10, 2008
hello world.
am enjoying my job wen ders fun peeps wrking wif me. simply make my day! =) oh yes,odah's 21st bday coming soon! jeng jeng jeng....haf plan to buy her someting orady liao. cool. 21st bday!? my turn gona be so soooooooooon! 4 mths to go... counting bebeh! counting e mnths & days to come! cos i wan presents,presents & presents! yihaw~ excited laaa sgt aku ni ye.. pdhl odah's big day lom dtg..haha.! & gues wat??! 26th n 27th of Jan 08,i get off orady!!! & oopsie, i recommend my x chomel -x colleague, Badiah to wrk wif me! hahahahaha. miss those time wrking wif dis hippie & crazy gal. semangat sey member kip track msg me 2 days straight wanting dis part time job. n hopefully,she wil be starting soon on 26th. insya-allah Bad..ko dpt wrk ni. =) ok den,im gona doze off. landddinggggg tyme! p/s: i miss u, Ariff!
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
i tot it wuld be different now... bt,its still e same. wif a JERK like u arnd,im so uncomfortable.! go awayyyy!!! hurgh~! told Sham(my only malay colleague dat i clique wif) abt dat 'jerk'. bgets sak. lom kawin beh nk mengurat org tk abis2! im nt those girls who u fell trapped easily,mind u?? ive gt a boyfriend who i adores & hart so much den anyone else in dis world. peace. having ppl like u at wrk is jus make my day at wrk 'HUGRH! DEKNI LAGIK?!' sory i haf to say dis ting...... u knw dis word called 'bujangtua' or 'bujangTERlajak'?? haha. u r one of those. bgets bgets. half of me saying dat ok dis is only a partime job till feb(chinese new yr) only..so kene tahan.. & sumore i nid cash$$ 4 my own gd 4 e time being... half of me saying dat im more more lazy each of everyday due to some tirednesssssss! hurgh~ e fun part was wen me bitching/gossiping arnd wif my only one malay colleague,Sham. dektu kekek sak keje ngn die. on my 1st day of wrk,he was like so flirttyyyyyy wif me. *mentels* den da lame2,gerek jgk ah dekni...can oke arnd..n play hide n seek wen ders nt much wrk or ppl arnd...haha..member da tunang tp pe'el mcm bdk2.. haha. odah seen him b4.. member tk abis2 ask me n tease me abt my waistline area brp? pantats! aku tahu laa mine is bigg! tk payah nk kacau2 aku aper!!!? we r like da lame kenal & si 'jerk' tu ckp ape tau??! 'marz,u n sham sepadan arr..sajak seyy..' hello?????! he's engaged. ive gt a BF. U DUN ANYHOW SAY AR.. hmpf. den i tell Sham on wat dat 'jerk' said..suke laa die..da name lelaki...sumenye suker. tk gune aku ngadu kt die..haha. overall,i experience new tings here. e people are soooooo duper frenly.. oh well,si Sham ni tk abis2 ajak aku kua n lepak afta wrk.. ade jer tunang die tahu,bgets.mampos aku kene!
Sunday, January 06, 2008
i off 4 2 days! today & 2morow! yihawwwwwwww!!!! sebab ape? sebab penat beb!! hahaha. & ya,lies do turn out well rite?? pathetic sak aku mintak off. haha.siak kn.bt aku pnt pe..peduli ape arh.. oh well,now waiting my babyboy fetching me... nk g sentosa beb..chill.. he gt free tix frm wrkplace.. coolshit ahh..spent e whole day today... cos he oso off 2day n tomoro! coolshit duos! =) okok. gtg. update lata.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
phew~ He: marz, bz jerk..byk keje ehh?work ends at 10pm. actually 11pm,bt gt my own reasons,so i get released at 10pm. hush hush. urmmm... boys r olwas b boys. guys will olwas b guys,rite?? talk abt my so called colleague. he's in charge of shoes dept. mly guy.ok ok looking..quite cute too bt a FLIRT. haha. shuld i say FLIRT? or OVER FRIENDLY?? hahahahaha. he kip asking me qns. i dun mind mayb he's jus bored or nid a chat or watsoeva. ysdty,we did chat. normal chat.abt wrk.dats all. 2day??hurmm.. we did chat again. abt wrk,abt whr we were staying,abt e period of he wrking der & ask me abt hw i found my wrk. dats fine wif me. den 2day i duno y i fil like awkward toking to him. i rmbr dis... (as i was sitting n putting all stocks is e cupboard w/o looking at his face) Me: aah laa.standard.byk sgt seyy. He: oh..kesian.ni sume marz susun ni?? woah..neat eh..ah marz..?marz yg susun ni sume ehh? (i get irritated orady) Me: yah laa..beh nk kene susun pe.nnt beserak,mampos. He: rajin nye u..u only part time kn? Me: haha.ya,abih asl? He: nth..marz rajin sgt sey susun cantik2.rajin sey.ade bdk part time tk buat gini sey.. Me: eh? really? ala..buat je laa.cos tkde keje sey..nnt makin belambak.. He: hmm..btol tu..rajin sey u eh.. (i continue stacking up e stocks....) He: marz da kawin eh?? (SHocked!!) Me: huh??????! kawin?? tkde laa..im so young seyy nk kawin!hahaha.asl lak eh ckp gituk? He: tny je...marz nnt balik kul brp?naik ape? Me: oh..kul 10pm..naik bus la.. He: oh..sampai cck? Me: aik?mcmane tahu? He: ade la...hehe.esk marz ape shift? Me: Morning, kul 10am..y?u? He: ohh! ok! HAHA.FUNNY! den wen time break,tesempak ni mamat nga smoke.hmmph. tesengeh sengeh. menyampah seyyy. hurhur. i knw he's trying to be near me jus nw. den wen my hp rings,member trus diri tmpt lain. ahakz. tanks to e caller. who else? THE MAN,THE BOYFRIEND,MY LOVER!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
![]() ![]() well wrk ends at 6pm today! BF fetched me. den we wen touring around Orchard Rd.. & BF bought sumting 4 me! yay!
Tq,Dear. Tq for dinner @ Ojolali.. Tq for e Famous Amos cookies. Tq for e quality tyme spent togatha altho both of us are shag frm wrk. Tq for e superb Treatsss.. Tq for e warm hugs&kisses,smooches. lalalala.....~ u are my babylove, my babylove.*
gd morning..
2day wrk starts at 10am -6pm! phew~ pagi..harap2 tk byk customers ar.. so dat aku leh cont unpacked dos stocks yg ade smlm. smlm punye lom abis.! ape tk...byk sgt siotss..! hurmm.. mayb bf fetch me lata... woohoo.! baru semangat ckit. dumdidumdimdum~ ok gang. abt 1st day of wrk ysdty. im soooooo fucking early. confident sgt kua siang.. suppose to start at 1pm ystdy,skali aku sampai kul 12.10pm! hahaks. early laa sgt2.. my job..urm... i kena Men's undergarments department. cool tho. haha. byk keje laaaa seyyyy! pai dabes lipat2 slua dlm n susun e boxes all,aku fil tkde keje cam gelisah gitu. very awkward. da laa no frens. ade pon aunties yg same department wif me bt diff brand. boriiingg.. luckily ini sume hanye sementare jer.. haha. ystdy ends at 10pm n guess wat?i reach hm around 10.40/10.45pm gitu! cpt kn? i knw.. tanks to e 190! =)
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
bloggy bloggy,
im starting work today afternoon. bt im nt feeling well... bt,im gonna force my lazy butt dwn to wrkplace! 1st day sumore. altho jus nw mei ling(supervisor) msged me ask whether im ok to come dwn today or nid a rest, i say yes! haha. its jus bcos i dun wana get bored sitting at hm. no pay! hehe. Bf wana buy his fren a farewell gift at town area lata. i hope he fetched me frm wrk ah lata at nite. if he pity me laa sey..if nt,i guess public transport is waiting me hm! nyahaha. good luck to me! all e best to me! toodles.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
![]() ![]() new year celebration wif Bf's frens was such a great one. make me happy,laughter & joy! =) Thanks alot Bf. actually jus plan to chill wif BF sumwhr & decided nt to go to countdwn cos he's wrking at 6.30am! bt den,he insisted to go wif his frens. & his frens all tagged their own 'baby'.. fun,i must say. kecorables. reach at KPE at arnd 11.50pm. left 10 more minutes to countdwn & we all masih terhegeh2 park e 'babies' on an illegal pavement.. haha. afta dos parking,all rush quickly to set a view so dat leh watch firewrks more clearer. byk ko peh clearer! i'm nt satisfied ah. tk puasssssss sey!! serious shit. hmpf. at least nmpk ah jugak. hee. afta dos 'woah..' & bz gazing up at e plain black sky,de guys plan to go riding or mkn. riding punye riding..west coast nye tmpt mkn tutop. thx eh e planner. u wasted my BF's oil tank. hurhur. so,dey proceed to AL-AMEEN instead. (near my hometown!) hehe. & dats e major reason so dat BF senang nk sent me hm! wakaka. =) b4 dat tot of weast coast park..chill..lg pon sane gt playgrounds... skali all parking lots are fuuuullll!!! mati shit nye full! phew~ hmm.. 1 mor ting. am i gona be sick soon? i hate dos feelings an uneasy moments wen i fall sick. shit mans! hurgh. bt wat to do,i still nid to start wrk damn soon. |