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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Sunday, January 27, 2008
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wow..ystdy was a blast!! oda's events was like not much wat i'm expected.. happy sangat2 ya amaaaat! i was like so xcited to mit my gfs dat soooooooo longggggg yg tk jumpe.. wat i can say..kecoh madness is coming back! haha. okok. smlm BF picked me cos he knw i gt difficulties bringing e Fried Rice for Oda's event. was like so shocked wen he put e small tharmos in his bike's box at e back! muatt! its fit! hahaha. den,we was like wondering..hws e cake wuld be like ehk? big or nt ah e size? cos sape nk g angkot itu kek laah sak naik moto..??! hahaha. den we chill n tink.. reaching tamp mall,we take e cake frm THE ROYALS CAKES & PIES..bought 4 odah DARK CHOC TRUFFLE! GOSH.ITS FREAKING NICE! bf & me was so impatiently waiting to see e size of e cake @ e counter. skali wen e lady bring it out frm e fridge,we was like 'aiyo..mak ko...peh besawww..!' haha.ape tak..its 2kg mans! den wat to do.. e only idea is i to bear wif e consequences bringing dat big squared shape cake box naik moto lorrr..kecohs. da laa aku pkai dress.luckily i wore a swimming tights kt dlm..da naik moto,left hand pegang plastic beg kuat2 n right hand hug BF'S waist. e funny part is aku kangkang besawww kt atas moto! hahaha. n wen at trafic lites, aunties & uncles yg dlm other vehicles look at me like im a kind of a slut wif dress aku terselak peh atas nk nmpk pepek..hahaha..so sori BF. baru nk feeling2 sexy FOR ONCE! haha. SEKSA mautss. reached chalet at 8+..whr i kol up my gals to mit me at carpark to help me wif dos tings. i tot only zimah & yani jerk..skali sume laa yg welcome aku! hahaha. gif all of dem a big tight hug gile babi nyer...cos da lame sak nk mit..GOD knws wen..haha. delighted IRNI & FIT was der..& so are ZIMAH & YANI..hug drg mcm aku nk g perang ngn masing2 nye pekik..pai org sume tgk..& BF tercengang..haha. den take pics wen was otw to surprise oda's wif e cake..kecohs. mane irni nye sliper tersangkut at longkang laa..fit dgn shasha da mcm spykids..hahaha. happy yg tk terhingga wen i get e chance to mit NURUL,SERI & DIANA! at last dpt mit drg.. & fit,score hatrix 4 losing e UNO game.! lols. kecoh tau ko..hehehe. odah wif her dance tk abis2 cos tgh tipsy.. BF tk abis2 crack jokes wif REMY..& i gt surprised BF make some conversations wif Mai's BF, Shasha's Bf..he can actually make new frens w/o me noticing.. Good Boy. i'm a happy girl. happy 21st boopsday Odah!