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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
hi,good morning.
dis sat is lil bambam's 4th bday party! & we r invited by Zimah...am tinking wat shuld i bought 4 dat lil bambam.. hmm~ Bf's idea was simple. gif her clothings..bt e prob is..she is a lil plump..hehe. tot of buying her some stationary sets or sumting laa..dat she cn use to skool evryday.. nth ehh..i was tinking to buy her ............................! bt duno ehh..we'll see hw! haha. hurgh. confused.* oh! btw,i jus hate to hear some nosey tings arnd me. die,die punye psl laa..ok? ape yg kite ade, dan mampu..bersyukur laa kies? & 4 those nosey peeps out der, die peh psl laa kies..yg korg nk sibuk2 uat pe? & 1 mor ting.. langit tk slalu cerah. air tk selalu cetek. jgn khayal sgt dgn dunia sendrik, 1 hari kau akan jatuh jugak! ni laa kan org yg bbual mepek non-stop. berlaga-laga ckp diri byk duit.so wat if ko byk duit? ade masalah pe? kalo ko blg ko byk duit, g laa derma sane. dun tok farking nonsense evrywhr arh. aku dgr pun naik muak ah. STOP RIAK. ko ddk diam2 sua 1 corner kira duit ko! |