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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
many many THANK YOUs to all who wished my advanced happy 21st bday..& BIG THANKS for those who did remember my birthdate & e advanced gifts. i appreciate it alot. ;) BIG THANKS TO FAMILY, AZRINA BAHTIAR...& YEAH,u know who u are,rite?? jeng jeng jeng.... THANK YOU SO MUCH! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() few are coming sooon.! perhaps.....
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
cuckooo..cuckooo....time check.its 11am in e morning...6 more days to my 21st bday!!!
yahoooooo!!!! & a few frens in msn had wished me orady..hah..pdhl i didnt say aniting sia to dem. & dey did remember.. Tank q guys for e advance bday wishes. haaa! still damn early..& u guys make me so overjoyed & excited plus anxious orady..haha..igt jugak korg ni ehhh..geesh. & Tank q Dearest Family...i orady received my advance bday gift frm DAD.MUM.BROS. i like e NIKE SHIRT. u guys really knw my taste dat well...!! yay!! blessed. oraite,chows. i cant wait for 4th & 5th! i wana rest. my body is nt a wire & metal tingey.. i nid a reflexology & a masseuse. geeeesh.
Monday, April 28, 2008
'Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.'
i found it somewhr on e net as i was searching for sumting. gif me a pause on it. & its kinda true.............bt...haf to watch ur diet instead.. geeesssh,aku makin gemok! tolonggggggggggg~! to my Dearest fren,NURHANAN! tanks for e dream u had. mayb u miss me so much i guess! ahakzzzzzz! semoga aku panjang umur laa ehh..!!! hahaha. pacarku udah pulang nih! wadduh! ku gembira sangat deh! jumpa lagi ya esok! nggak sabar nih mau ketemuin pacarku! oh! my super babyboy is coming back today! flight at 8pm. reached SG at abt 11pm alermakkkk!! cant waittt laahhh!!!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
oraites. my 21st bday is around e corner.
hurm...i still havent decided on wat to haf 4 my bday gifts.sowie Bf. i nid tyme ah to tink.. so..shuld i go for LV?GUCCI?COACH? urm~ Bf...aniting ahh..i duno la..u choose ok.afterall,bday shuld mus haf surprises,rite? so,ape u kasi,i akan amek..hehe. ;) urm..i did ask for a Nintendo DS....digicamera..... & etc frm him..cos he wan me to list some of e tings i had in mine..so dat he can look for it. bt,like i said..jus wateva dat u tink im gona like it & i dun haf it..its totally more den enuf,k? & to dearest gfs..im so xcited & cant wait to see ya on my advance bday celeb wif u gals... ;) & bryant,my colleague..dun step bz arh on 5th may..haha. if i nvr get any bday wish frm u,ur july gona b sux...! hahahaha. jus joking.. hehe. & odah, ko ni cute ah..she so semangat & chk dat bag i wanted at charles n keith for my bday gift! so sad,bag tu dah tkde lagik..hehe. muchly appreciated ah babe... hee. i miss my MD ARIFF BIN HJ MAHMOD. waiting u hm! any problems wif dat? call 1900-JGN SAKIT HATI. BLUERKKS!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
"...Dun miss me, ya!!im goin HONG KONG..!muacks by!!" aww..dearest bf updated his frensta shoutout.& i jus realised it. hehe. oh,come back soon! i miss ur craps. u make my day by giving me a call/MMS n SMS..fuh..its like we're in SG hah. happily,enjoying MMS/SMS & call me ya.i bet u bill will boom too. hehe. so cute of u tot of buying me a mickey mouse top as u r at Disneyland jus nw.sure dat i'll wear it.cos its nice tho. wee.~ thanks for e hardwork of ur MMS/SMS n calls ya..weee~! far at a distance yet close in e heart. ceyy! mcm phm. ;) & ok,wat did i do e whole day? well,i get up early morning & headed to wrkplace. renovated. nice. i like it.Pasty-supervisor or sumting drive us to IMM -dAISO. to get some tings 4 our new home. hehe. had fun.makan gaji buta.....reached wrkplace at 4pm n waited 4 e stocks to come n we unpacked n set it up again..do cleaning...n we ended at 9.40pm! duh! tiring sakk.. bt,cant finished it.too bad,dey gona be continuing it cos i cant due to some reasons i had. i get excused. bt,am gona do fullshift on Sunday..HOPEFULLY,its gona b ok.. ok laa..gtg..wana sleep. counting dwn e days to 5th may 08!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
hello boys & girls.ladies & gentlemen.. may let me present to u..kak tot's new look.. ![]() hahaha.kak tot..kak tot..apasal laaa ko uat specs mcm gini?? sowie to say dis bt u look like nenek2 si bongkok tiga...~ oops sowie..bt i tink its e wrg selection of specs laa.bt ok laa if u like it. no harm to me tho. cheers! ;P ![]() & yeash, hw convincing is dis ting ehk? does it works? i heard over e radio..alot of customers haf tried dis..tot of giving it a try laa..bt c how laa ehh..cos im nt rich to buy lots of bottles if it really works la..limit2 da ok,aku stop buying & using it. mayb buying it for my mum instead?hw abt dat? hurm..cos recently Bf told me dat yeah,i look fat. & i ask him wich part of me look fat? he said my waist,my tummy area & hip..gosh! ok.i took it as a sincere comment frm him..Thank you for being honest. dgr2 member da pai Hongkong at 11.00am SG tyme. he msged me exactly rite on tyme i reached larkin(JB). mcm tahu2 jerk org nk msg die..hehe. aww~ i miss his craps! oh btw,pissed off sekejap wen i received a msg frm my colleague to report to e shop at 11am tomorow. bget sak.dun tell me e shop is ready n we haf to do e setup & packing all over again?? my holidays still left wif 3 more days sia..hurgh~ lain ari leh uat per..ni part lau drg suro aku wrk on saturday,i said i gt plans orady ah. cos u gif us leave 7 days mah.. benci. okok. stop here. nk bbual ngn uyah skejap.. bye!
he's leaving in few hours tyme.
gosh! Bf loves travelling..& so am i...& yesh,he did mention to save beau places jus 4 us in future. *winks* aww~ so sweet. yesterday, he whispered to me hw he wish dat he culd bring me along to HK. aww~ blum 'halal'... cehhh~ he miss me. & i'm missing him... oh com' on..5 days jerkkk...~ & i tink im gona be tuning to Fiza-O..cos she make my day!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
oraites people.yesterday was Popeyes at T3! ive been craving it for a few weeks back. & dearest Bf punyer laa dengki..cakap 'nnt laa..nnt laa...' case mls nk lyn aku ah ni.. & i was like kip quiet lor since member tknk gi..
& yesterday...bf was so gooooood.. we ride on bike..& i tot he wana go town to buy his crocs. den along e expressway..its orady 2wards changi airport.n i asked him .. me: whr r we goin to? him: i nid to mit my fren jap. me: ahh? whr? him: airport. me: ah..leh singgah popeyes jap ah gini! him: ala...no nid lahh.. so,i jus shut up..afraid dat he's gona mad at me.. i was like blur-blur ah.cos he nvr told me aniting b4 wat.. bf parked his bike @t3 & headed towards e lift. in e lift, i asked again 'mane ur fren? sape? asl nk jumpe?' den wen lift doors open, i saw popeyes! ah..leh mkn dulu ah cam gini.. he said 'taddaaaaaaa..surprise...................!' pale otak..!! & i kip pinching him... crazy bf!!! ;) aku rembatttttt!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
okok. well, boredom is killing me! i nid to get my ass out frm e hse!
bored....mayb im so used to be wrking at dis moment now..so,2nd day now sitting at hm is kinda boring! laundry: Done. houskeeping: yet to be done. *hurgh. okok. wana get my morning shower & der goes my mitting-my-bf-session! babyboy,i'm cominggggg!!! time check.its 15 mins away to 1am...n yeash...today,so called my 2nd day of AL..shop renovated for 6 days. cool hah. & dis few days,im gona bz work my ass out to settle those tings dat are still far yet to be settled. housekeeping...esp my room..laundry..& lots of cds dat ive been wanting & waiting to be watched. heee~ maklum laa..saat2 gini jerk yg aku dpt tgk tv..hah! & yeah,surprisingly, i woke up early dis morning..woke up @8.00am.wake up mum to drag her for breakfast..went out frm hse at arnd 9am & we finished eating at 10am! den we duno whr to go..so we decide to chill at mcdonalds Lot1..mom-daughter talk..den 10.30am,we walk arnd Lot1..seems dat shops are open orady..Weee~ decided to buy a top at Cotton On..bt,its ok..i knw ive been giving away dos useful money on clothings orady. enuff said. heh. & nw,Bf is wrking. at dis hr. im dozing off soon. & hell yeah.he's schedule is siow2 one..haha. tick tock tick tock.. Dearest Bf is leaving away to HongKong pweety soon..argh~ for how many days ehk? hmm~ 4-5 days i tink..& i pweety sure i cant wait for e souvenirs he wana bought for me. ahakz. cos i ask him to buy some stuffs at HongKong at Ladies Street. whr many many pweety bags/clothes/shades are derrrr! wawaweee~!!! Tanks to Bryant for e info. botak laa Bf aku. hehe. bt i tink he wont. ;P haf fun Dearest Bf! haf a pleasant & safe journey! gd nite!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
we're holding hands! oh well,bt we're orady cute naturally.. ![]() ![]() spot BF.. lols. ![]() their own cinema theatre.. siap dgn usher wif torchlight helping us to our seat.. cool!!!! ![]() me. ![]() ![]() he: 'by..cepat laa amek..u ni tk layan i seyy.....' nk tknk,kena snap....hehehe ![]() ![]() ![]() ah ah! suppose ystdy was to watch dk performance..bt Bf didnt take part..fever strikes him on e day..so last min he tarik diri..congrats! his team won e 3rd placing!!! & so, afternoon..he's ok orady..so,went out to Kallang..headed to Leisure Park Mall or sumting ah..cant recall e new mall.. harap je besar..bt not many shops are opened yet..brand new mall...& ders no ATM/POSB machine der.wth! so, we went back to e bike & ride to some places..saw ATM MACHINE,we stop by & draw some cash$... tot of having a movie marathon at e mall itself..bt i tink we jus chill & laze around Kallang since we very very often get Saturday offday 2gatha..watched FORBIDDEN KINGDOM! best movie! kai-kai around Kallang den headed to haf late night supper,as usual...@ Al-AMEEN! wee~! & now,as im typing dis blog...i felt nervous plus excited! knw wat?? today my last day at wrk!e shop getting to renovate soon! meaning...lata,i jus b der at e shop to pack e tings to return to warehouse...den 28th...shop re-open wif a new look! cool ah! so,2mrw till 27th....im on leaveeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooohooo!!!! gaji buta! its advance annual leave!!! i like it!!!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
well,nuting to do..browse tru e net..& i wana share 2 Gorgeous celebrities. envy their beautiful & adorable face... Nora Danish mlysian 'fiona xie' .. like her cute voice.. ![]() mlysian TOP & E FAMOUS FEMALE SINGER! OK.Dats it!
Friday, April 18, 2008
e kimono kind of dress ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i did splurge! ka-ching$.. went to IMM...cant imagine dat ive bought 4 dresses straight within 1hr! mum get so panicked & try to control me. hehe. epsrit tops are nt so bad afterall.. & celeste.. wooo~ cant wait to wear it on my bday eve wif GF & BF! weeeee! cpt sikit 4th & 5th May!!! argh~
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
okay,ders dis DK barat competition tingey held sumwhr Jurong west CC..bt duno wat CC is it called....so, DK barat supporters,c ya on dis Saturday...tix at 10bux if im nt wrg..& yeah,kak tot... mau g atau nggak?? kok dekat aja deh dgn rumah kamu tuh..~ update gwe ya~?
& BF asked me to come & support his team. well,we gt e same passion i tink..minat sgt ngn DK.. hehe.. bleh terpele'ot plak ngn bdk DK lgik...dulu X aku bdk DK jgk..den ni pon same jgk.. well, taste masing2..haha. stop it sak. ka-ching!$ i cant wait to wake up early morn to chk my pay! oh yeah, pay bebeh! im a money-face & money-saver! haha. mcm phm. tp btol pe...skrg musim org save pokok..aku nk save $..cos duit tu diperbuat dr paper/pokok kn?? hahahahahhaha. funny sak.sape ajar aku ni?? lols. chibye sak. lastly,BOOOOOOOHOOOO! big day coming gitu loh! lg brp minggu jerk ni. aku xcited gile babi nyerrrr~ ;) time check. ooh la..laa...its orady late. gd 9te everybody!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
K-NITE was hell funny! i burst out loud into some pontianak laughter wen i watched dat show every monday.. bt too bad,2nite was e last one. i miss yin yin. & mr. tak tahu! lols. u guys watch it b4 at suria?? aha. my fav sia dat show! goodie news! i was so excited! GST PACKAGE letter received! meaning, i get those $ later! yahoo..! dey all said sape2 yg 21 n above jerk yg dpt! wah lao~ saat2 ni lah yg nanti kan! hehe. bt,aint not gona spent it.. save it. hmm~ & yes, today at wrk done lots of packing & return. sakit pinggang aku hor...hehe..endure lor..dis 20th last day...yeay! & odah did smsed me earlier on.asking me wat i want for my 21st bday present?? woah! so fast! hurhur. i did gif her e hints orady...weee! cant wait..presents...presents...surprises frm BF...... JENG..JENG...whr u wana bring me to dearest BF? he ask me alot of qns bt i duno wat to ans.. serius.otak aku jam skrg cos its my bday! haha. if nt,mcm2 plans aku da de 4 bday org...hehe. pape pn,i wait 4 e gals' plan.......& BF......................................woooits. 1 more days...to ka-ching$! ya ampun,loaded aku! ;)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
many many updates.
well,shop is getting renovated soon. 21st apr it will closed. & hell yeah! i gt 6 days off!!!! coolshit! 2 more days ka-ching$.....! oh my..e tyme ive been waiting for.. ;) ive been eye-ing on sumting..bt limit2 i wont spent on dat ting...wana save..save..& save.. ahakz... spent within e limits only~ rite BF? & hell yeah..i was like so proud & shocked to see e numbers in my OCBC acc! fuuyohhh! bleh shopping sakan! bt....dat & is 4 other ting......ehem*............ GOOD JOB,YANA! keep it UP! ;) Bf gona be flying away to HONGKONG...cant wait for his return! ceyy! blum lagik pegi...aleh2 da semangat tugu return..haha. i wana ask him to buy some ting! well,u knw girls....byk brg2 at hongkong are super niceeeee & consider cheap! shopping heaven sak tu..ape lagik,aku pon amek kesempatan arh! hehe. Bt BF is being niccceeeee~ he is saving for a nice place 4 our honeymoon lata..(once we get married..) cooool. GOSH,i cant wait...bt its super duper sooon,i GUESS. tick tock tick tock... cepat sikit jagi.............!
Friday, April 11, 2008
finally, my beloved grandfather is getting well..he's gona be discharged soon! non-stop praying for her beloved husband to get well.. salute her. yess! at last,i gt my specs repaired.last minute plan was jus perfecto. frm purple specs to red specs. cool hah. woo! cant wait!! ;) Thanks Bf 4 e last minute tingey. good nite.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
well,today i did lots of daydreaming~... im building castles in e air today~ at 1st i was dreaming on becoming a CT NURHALIZA.jus wana knw hw much $ she has rite now..ahakz. e richie rich singer..oh gawd! i wana feel hw e luxurious life she had knw & more..................................~ wow...so gooood! 2ndly,i was tinking on becoming a singer. so much ive been wanting it for! i remember e days wen i was young n i can sing wif so much effort like a superstar. i even stand on e table feeling2 on e stage..hah! it was a memorable one 4 me. tiap2 hari aku nyanyi..even nk tdo..habit..i haf to sing den i doze off! 3rdly, how i wish i could be a studious one. those wif highly certs & education..like UNI/SIM... study overseas..woah lao~ dats farrr frm my real life rite nw! i knw i cant afford~ duh! 4th, dreaming abt becoming a tai-tai....living in a big house! a bungalow/villa....wif 2 maids in e hse..aku goyang kaki......hah! a big waterfall infront of my hse. a big porsche car is enuf 4 me.. a spa,a mini cinema..a karaoke room plus blasty of big speakers ala-ala mcm uat concert gituk! & more...............etc... byk sgt laa.. to be continued! doze off!
well,work was ok. monday blues~
Bf fetched me frm wrk at 6plus jus nw..actually plan to watch movies..its cancelled. went touring at orchard rd,ate ban mien! nicee! den Bf plan to catch a breeze at sembawang park...den....jeng jeng jeng! as we are walking towards e carpark,i saw a car..e engine is on..bt no ppl inside.. i wanting to knw..so curious..so i told BF in my usual loud voice! i ask ' eh..e car's engine is on....bt no ppl...' skali,to my shockness!!!! oh my god! couple was having sex laa sia in e car!!!!! damn!!!!! i saw IT! WIF MY OWN EYES! & SO IS BF!!!! so,we jus tilt our heads dwn n walk towards e bike laa..den Bf plan to turn off his light so dat we can ride passby e car 1 more time! den dis time round, BF saw de man sitting in e car while e gf is having a great tyme blowjob! hahaha! mcm soyallllllllll!!! i didnt notice dat cos its freaking dark orady! hahahahaha. woah lao wey!! ade kreta,mampu...tp tkkn g hotel tk mampu kan?? sial laaa...public sia.....! so,here a pantun. burung tiung makan betik, korg g bilik pon cantik!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
its gona be a long updates. bare wif me. ysdty dearest beloved best boyfren cum buddy ku yg giler..Khairul Izzul Shah hafto go Taiwan.. amek ko! pdn muke ko.. NS men laa kater kan..kene 1mth..standard...gd 4 him.senyap sikit kt spore..haha.oops. i jus miss hanging out wif him. dulu kan,mase time aku single...we olways mit up frequently..sampai laa die 'ehem2' aku.....hah! bt tu crite lame sey~ aint no feelings animore siak pat die..member jer SS. hah! yani knws it all! ;) & yes, i admit e world is so high class wif hi-technology comp systems...get to chat wif a fren of mine who is at wrk using webcam @ MSN.. been so long sia i nvr used my webcam so rosak! argh~ & i miss my aunt at dubai..incl her kids + her hub too..wich is my uncle.. gosh! & mum now like persuading to buy new webcam 4 her..so she can see bibik (my aunt) in comp..n grandma too..hehee.. but nt so soon laa....meh yo cien laa! hehe. ![]() my fren! happy 4 ya cos dpt wrk at Dubai. mcm DIDICAZLI tk? haha & dis was at late night at ecp! betapa happy dan tembam nye BF aku ni skrg! jus look at his cheeks! hehe. ![]() & dis lovely cum sexy-notti-bitchy me shot is NICE! i like! i told BF dat i really really wana a sexy pose 4 myself..& der,it happens naturally! bargh!* oh yah,i did text gf zimah telling her abt my 1 wk leave..frm 21 apr -27 apr ni..my shop closed dwn 4 a renovation..so we get to rest jap ah..i told her abt e plans ive made ahh..bt havent bincang2 ngn yg lain lgik...i was telling her y not make e weekends free..? go 4 a 1 day picnic at ecp ker...bbq 1 ari jer..mlm alik ahh..n i did tell her to drive ar if possible..leh bwk mkn byk..n sumore i like e new ecp area Bigsplash! sane...dah baru..leh picnic/bbq den play bowling kt sane ker..cycling ke.....cos tu jer time yg aku freee~ nnt no more lagik! susah nk dpt off byk ari mcm gini! hehehe. like wat i said..ni nnt leh bincang ngn babes2 yg lain..cos lgpon btwn dos date, my beloved dearest BF nt in spore....member ZOOM HONGKONG!!! argh!!!! dats y i wana spent my time wif my gals...heh! ;) well,MAY is coming freaking soon people!! im nervous plus excited giler nye! duno y...aku ni bday org aku excited..bday aku pon aku excited..tp nnt da nk dkt,aku mcm tk kesah plak psl bday aku ni...hehehe. gals,ape korg nk bli kan aku ni?? mane korg nk bwk aku g celeb ni??? haha.kiasu sak.! & BF,wats ur plan???! hee. hmm~ i hint to yani orady of wat i want...hah! aku ni jujur..cos aku tknk spent $ aku..kate bday laaa katerkann~ lols. ok laa..gtg..
cant wait!!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
wana share sumting. Bf haf been cutting dwn e number of ciggies. 2 sticks per day....dats coool of him. cos he had promised me to quit smoking on my 21st bday wich is on May. unbelievable! i didnt force him to stop dat habit.it all jus happened. alhamdulillah. & yes, i tink bestie too..if im nt wrong.. yani?? boohoo~ am i rite? hmm~ big bro plak..fall sick past few days..doc says ade 'nanah' at his throat..due to wat??? due to smoking~ duh! nw,haf to take medicine & stuffs.see?? i hate dis tings tau.. i dun wana see any of my loved ones get affected by any disease or watsoeva again ahh~ & yes,haf u guys heard abt e news on Yusni Jaffar? well, ni sume takdir kan..feel so sad abt her death. i jus love her acting..so motherly.. semoga roh nye dicucuri rahmat. amin. ohh..abt dis one..haf u guys listen to Raffi Ahmad & Ayushita's song? titled Jangan Bilang Tidak.. ? nice song..meaninful lyrics. i likeeee............ ok..am getting my butts off frm e computer seat..take cr peeps. 9tezz!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
my heart totally sank today.. i dun wana elaborate any further.. it jus dat i cant help myself seeing wat i saw today..i cant stand to see my loved ones been lying der & in painful state. i control back my tears & i was hoping dat dis in e last one & no more. bt like wat e doc haf said, if dis one nt working,dey nid to do another one sumwhr else. ya ampun! kasihani lah die! im jus praying for e best 4 him.semoga cpt sembuh! amin. i jus miss toking & laughing wif him. im gona see ya again 2morow.. haiz.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lil bambam bday! 'da susut skit laa badan die..' hehe.my mum comment dis pic of hers. maklum laa..da skola...mayb she's a bit too active.. & yeah,she's gonna be a BIG SISTA soon..da bsar laa die.. lagu lelaki sume die rembat... odah,nk berak ke nk nyanyi?? doesnt mean everyday i'm happy.. *shitty.* & Yani, u get punked by me! april fool! |