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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Sunday, April 06, 2008
its gona be a long updates. bare wif me. ysdty dearest beloved best boyfren cum buddy ku yg giler..Khairul Izzul Shah hafto go Taiwan.. amek ko! pdn muke ko.. NS men laa kater kan..kene 1mth..standard...gd 4 him.senyap sikit kt spore..haha.oops. i jus miss hanging out wif him. dulu kan,mase time aku single...we olways mit up frequently..sampai laa die 'ehem2' aku.....hah! bt tu crite lame sey~ aint no feelings animore siak pat die..member jer SS. hah! yani knws it all! ;) & yes, i admit e world is so high class wif hi-technology comp systems...get to chat wif a fren of mine who is at wrk using webcam @ MSN.. been so long sia i nvr used my webcam so rosak! argh~ & i miss my aunt at dubai..incl her kids + her hub too..wich is my uncle.. gosh! & mum now like persuading to buy new webcam 4 her..so she can see bibik (my aunt) in comp..n grandma too..hehee.. but nt so soon laa....meh yo cien laa! hehe. ![]() my fren! happy 4 ya cos dpt wrk at Dubai. mcm DIDICAZLI tk? haha & dis was at late night at ecp! betapa happy dan tembam nye BF aku ni skrg! jus look at his cheeks! hehe. ![]() & dis lovely cum sexy-notti-bitchy me shot is NICE! i like! i told BF dat i really really wana a sexy pose 4 myself..& der,it happens naturally! bargh!* oh yah,i did text gf zimah telling her abt my 1 wk leave..frm 21 apr -27 apr ni..my shop closed dwn 4 a renovation..so we get to rest jap ah..i told her abt e plans ive made ahh..bt havent bincang2 ngn yg lain lgik...i was telling her y not make e weekends free..? go 4 a 1 day picnic at ecp ker...bbq 1 ari jer..mlm alik ahh..n i did tell her to drive ar if possible..leh bwk mkn byk..n sumore i like e new ecp area Bigsplash! sane...dah baru..leh picnic/bbq den play bowling kt sane ker..cycling ke.....cos tu jer time yg aku freee~ nnt no more lagik! susah nk dpt off byk ari mcm gini! hehehe. like wat i said..ni nnt leh bincang ngn babes2 yg lain..cos lgpon btwn dos date, my beloved dearest BF nt in spore....member ZOOM HONGKONG!!! argh!!!! dats y i wana spent my time wif my gals...heh! ;) well,MAY is coming freaking soon people!! im nervous plus excited giler nye! duno y...aku ni bday org aku excited..bday aku pon aku excited..tp nnt da nk dkt,aku mcm tk kesah plak psl bday aku ni...hehehe. gals,ape korg nk bli kan aku ni?? mane korg nk bwk aku g celeb ni??? haha.kiasu sak.! & BF,wats ur plan???! hee. hmm~ i hint to yani orady of wat i want...hah! aku ni jujur..cos aku tknk spent $ aku..kate bday laaa katerkann~ lols. ok laa..gtg..
cant wait!! |