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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Sunday, August 02, 2009
i knw. been weeks ive not updated my blog! hehe! am plain lazy to blog~hurhur.
everythings is fine now & then. work are jus ok.. as usual.. : ) since e wedding affair tingey left wif 15 mths.. (i tink)... i jus feel dat im totally in big BBs - in short 'BIG BROKE' in short awhile. heh! e adults haf been saying 'work ur ass out, & then u'll knw how hard & how its feel like to dig $!' today, is only 2nd August.. & i've been counting e days on wen is my next pay day would be like. heh! HAHAHAH. SERIOUS SHIT. IM BB. luckily, its gona be e fasting mth, & i'll try my very best to break-fast wif e family evryday! InsyaAllah. E hp bills.. wich i tink its not relevant for me to pay now. as wen i tend to cut dwn e usage, e higher e monthly bills rated up. so, i dun wan care dat. i still can survive by using a prepaid card. i'm left wif a 100 in dis mth! chet! for me to survive! hurhurhur. all savings are gone to those wedding deposits, instalments & such. grrrrrr....~ e hard work paid off la of cos. cos its my hard earned savings.. almost done.. Alhamdulilah.. Chinese Bridal -done. Malay Bridal -done. Dais -done. Catering -done. wen i calculate all e amount mentioned above, i totally cant believe it. its not a small sum. haizzzz.. altho it meant to be simple wedding. like ive olwaz complain to my Fiance 'duit i da kuranggg......bile duit nk naik2 ni.....???' heh! & im proud to haf him by my side! altho his response was in a negative one, he manage to make it sounds positive to me altho i feel hurt sometimes. heh! ;P BOOHOOO. i knw u've orady hit e target in ur bank!!! i knw dat!!! hehe! am not so worry animore.. happy for u,Dearie! *hugs* yeay! da leh lps duit hantaran, da bleh lps duit catering, jom ah~ kite kawinnnnnnnnn dis sunday!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! am sooooo crazzzzzzzyyyyyyyyy nowwwwwwwwwwww~ money come money goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~ |