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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

sort.dot.com btol la blogger ni! uat aku suspen jerk!
da laa tadi accident at skul! ni gare2 NAPFA TEST shuttle run ar ni!!! hehee~ bodoh!
beh lutut2 ku luke,tgn luke2....suke???HAHAHA!~
PLASTer SANE..PlaSTer sini~ rich seyy WATSONS like dat! hahaha! ;-)
n yeah! my specs! mintak baru lor...due to e clumsiness of dat shuttle run! aku nye specs calar rabak~ n jeng..jeng..jeng..watch out m new specs! heee~!
ok la..simple je..nxt tues den siap..4 e time being..kai purple lens g skool! standard! at least aku tak kai mascara,blusher g skola ehkk! mcm minah2 tu sume! hahaha!;-) melawa aje keje drg..
HAIZ...ok la..esk nk posing2..gt class phototaking session! tak sabar..nk g umah oyah ni esk..nk kai pants g skool..nk cover 'kecacatan' di lutut2 ku! ;-)

*oh yah! happY 23rd b'day DAnial Sufiandi! ;-)
u'r old indeed!

Monday, January 29, 2007

jus come back hm frm VivoCity celebrating Odah's & Kylie's 20th & 22nd belated bday! n yeah! hell man! window-shopping,partying,cam-whoring..tak igt kaper esk NAPFA test! hahahaha...haf to wake up early xia..n muz be in skul at 8.30am sharp.imagine dat..haiz..wateva it is,here r e pics...
Group Photo

Waiting 4 e surprise!B'day Boy & B'day Gal so happy!



Young Adults*

Dats all for now! c ya! 9te...

Sunday, January 28, 2007


phew! wen 2 Kallang Stadium ystdy 2 watch e match on Lions vs Mlysia.. & yes! its all greeattt funnn match!! n yess! Lions won!!! 6-5!!! n who cares if u r a girl/aunties/makciks...all shout out loud supporting e Lions all e wayyy!!! altho Mlysia lead e 1st goal..bt who cares! Lions won e game!! at lasst! YEAH!
& here are e pics i managed to snap @ e Stadium..altho its raining. ;-)

Saturday, January 27, 2007

maya! cute kn??my baby cuzz @ dubai..miss her & e family alots! hehee! ;-)

nutink much to blog laa..as usual..jus cant wait 4 a 'celebration'! weeee!

hope all plans get well on smoothly~ insya-ALLAH.. ;-)

tadi g town bought sum' stuffs'..SURPRISE!!! cool! tak sabar plak turn aku! ;-)
hmm..managed to grab 'stuffs' for him too!!!! hahahahaha! ;-)

to: all bday boys/girls,
happy bdayyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

looking 4ward e next celebration .......who's next???

gtg, 9tes!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

GOSH!!! ystdy was Kylie's bday! oh my! sorry Kylie..i get messed up wif ur birthday dates! hehee..aniwe,i wished him orady tru sms.. ;-)
well,nt much to write 4 now..jus browse tru e net jus now..& i've found some cool! quotes..~ bkn nk pedih2 sendrik doink! its kinda make me tink far & lead happy life rite nw..mmg lah happy..tapi tak cam setaraf dulu..hehehe.. ;-)
here it is:
Firstly,to my x bf who i used to love him so much..
"You'll never know I like you, you won't see it in my face, you'll never know I could never find another to take your place, I'll be smiling when I see you, no tears will ever show, I know Ill always love you, but youll never know..."
COMMENTED: mcm phm! nyahahaha! ;-)

"Sometimes you just sit and think,
and you wonder if he can see it in your eyes,
can he tell you still love him?
that there's nothing you would rather think about than the times he held you in his arms...?
can he see the tears?They sure are there,
along with thep ain and the loneliness that you bury deep down
so you're positive no one can tell.
Sometimes you would give anything for a chance to show him how much he meant to you.
You would give anything to make him understand...
but you smile through it all.
You talk like you always used to, the best of friends...and,
every time he smiles atyou, a tiny little piece of hopesprings up, but you crush it before it can give you away.
So you hug him good-bye like it's nothing, when all youwant to do is hold on forever, but you let go, smile and walk away...
then cry all the way home because you know it will never be the same,
Because try as you might, you can't make someone love you,
sometimes you have to let them go...
that is when love hurts the most."
COMMENTED: i've wen tru dis shits..no repeating..tired of rewinding e same! hahaha! ;-) believe in karma.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

i wanna shout out loud la!!!! farking tired,sleepy & all....................................
mcm biase..pnt berpikir yg remeh temeh..cehh! aku bbual la...hahaha! ;-)
jus sick & tired entertaining dos 'stuffs' around my mind,head. pening doink!
came back frm doing projects & jrg pt tadi... so e penat!
sms-ing wif 'D'.....OH MY! ;-) M-A-D-N-E-S-S!
'A'????!!! ntah doink!! nggak tahu ke mana sih! kok ilang..dont ask!
ok laa..nk tdo..capek sih~

*make it clear.let it out. Peace.


Sunday, January 21, 2007

s2day's horoscope:

"You can see the problems at hand clearly, but they are not what you should worry about right now. Whatever issues are right in front of your face are already being dealt with efficiently -- and the energy you put toward them today isn't going to make much of a difference anyway. It's all the issues that could be coming down the road soon that need your attention the most. You know what you need to do to prepare for them, so do it today. Preparation is crucial."
jus came back frm nenek's hse..n yeah.a splendid weekend 4 me! delicious cooking n all dos memories wif cuzzies all..make me so hyper-HAPPY! ;-)
seriusly,im tired wif all those guys ive known now..or b4..all shits happening here & der jus make me wana gif up esp those ppl!!!!! simply them! e idiotics! 'A' mmg kite takde pape..stakat kwn or shuld i say 'teman tapi mesra'?? ok lah ehk..he use to mention dis "i can sense dat one day we are goin to lost contact wif each other jus like dat." ape maksudnye?? meaning?? yes,he did said we r like drifting apart..den wat did him xpect me to do?? y u telling me all dat?? u say u wanna mit me?? i did,wan too mit u..bt whr were u??wats ur decisions?? wats ur plan??u gona mit me or nt?? jgn senang ckp..tapi action tk klua beb~ haiz~ am jus too tired. u say u r tired! wtf! off 5 ari tak g mane2 pn penat?? den ajak jumpe,mcm2 reasons..n yes.i knw its ur bday..i tot i wana mit u up lah~ n u dun get e hint..n wen im goin hm frm nenek's hse,baru ko nk blg aku ko nk jumpe aku.aku tak tahu lah ko main2 ke btol2..sbab ko slalu joke pe ngn aku.. wen aku serius,ko pk klaka..n vice-versa..so,now..nt much talking to do. as usual... i'll sit & wait lor~
^i gt dis feeling..mayb someone starts calling u back,u drift apart frm me, i guess..haiz..its ok..mayb u still do luv her..

Friday, January 19, 2007

share wif ya my horoscope of e day:

"When you see a chance to improve your life today, you have to take it -- there is just no question about it. This chance could be as simple as noticing a sale at a store that sells a pair of shoes you've been coveting, or it could be as major as a job offer. Don't worry about making a distinction -- just make your move! There is a major turning point coming in your life soon, and you cannot afford to assume that the next knock on the door is not it."
skrg ni..tak tahu nk ikot drg g ngee ann poly ke tak nie~ haiz...gt open hse mahh..mmg kalo niat aku,tknk g..tapi pkir2 alik, uat pe susah kn diri sendrik kn terigt2 psl die?! die ader igtkn aku tak?takde kn? so,might as well aku pegi je lahh kn..mmg u can kol me coward,kental or watt~ bt if u were in my shoes, ko nk g ke taknk??aku tak tipu diri aku.aku jujur lagik blg yg nnt g sane aku sedih or wat..kenangan mah! so,kalo ader org pakse2 aku pegi tu sume, slh arr blg drg..ader tipu diri sendrik step tak sedih,step move on tu sume lakonan je ar ehk blg die!~ mcm phm~n now,kalo aku pegi pon krane aku nk tgk ape course aku leh amek if i manage to go poly n its my future.so,dun force me to make decisions..as i knw whr i'm standing rite nw~~yeah.Piss.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

wah lan deiii! paper AOA susah hor! aku asal bole hentam aje! n i guess i jus passed or fail! dats it. dunwan tok abt it argh! nabeh! so blur! eerggghh!
well,nari cam biase...mkn at skul..nutink to do as i reachd hm..sleep,sleep & sleep..hehehe..n yes..my bro did mention he heard me snoring a bitt..a biiiitt~ hehehe..penat tu name nye..hehehe.. ;-) den wake up at 6.45pm..sit.watch tv.. read dos newspaper..n articles n all~ hmm..i was reading dis article abt dis s'porean man nearly get a HIV jabbed frm someone he dont knw.n dat man is asking for $ laa..wat else! ishkk! hate dat siakkk! wats up wif dos JB/Mlysian ppl out der??? desperados is it?? chasing,robbing s'poreans $ here n der..make me scared xia now if wana go holidaes..mane2 boleh terjadi seyy~ haiz~...
afta reading dos stuffs,i watched american idols! oh my! i'm laughing out loud! my own business! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! kekek sakk...tgk drg gini sume...ader nyanyi asl bole aje..hahahhahahahha
hmm..mayb 2mrw sleepover nenek's hse at hougang.. da lame sey tak g sane..
weeee!!!!! ;-)
ok den..gtg..9te!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

phew!~ such a relief! ;-)
jeng..jeng..jeng.... gals,esp dos who knws abt it~

well,jus nw as i reachd hm,i was msn-ing wif 'D'..guess wat gals?!??! he's in luv beb!nt on me,bt on other gal! phew~~relief.totally relief! ;-) his nick at msn was 'accidentally in luv wif her...i'm totally in luv wif her aite' hahahaha! den as usual me,e kpo & step belo n tak tahu malu ni,step tny laa sape..n dis is hw e conversation goes:
I:who?who?who?in luv ngn sape sey?
D:someone..obviously nt u,so dun worry. ;-)
I:cool..i'm happy 4 ya..
D:i'm kinda nervous cos i'm gona fetch her frm wrk later on
I:oh,cum on nid nt b nervous.calm n chill aite..
D:hope so.
I:i'm totally happy 4 ya ok.. ;-)
D:actually, i fall in luv wif u initially n i wana get along wif ya smoothly..bt i guess i shuld gif it a pass on dat..
I:y so??i'm sorry if i hurt ur feelings aite
D:nah,nah..its jus dat i try to make u feel me n knw hw i feel towards u..e way i like/love u..bt i guess we cant seem to get along vry well dis days..so,i gif it a pass on ya. bt,u will 4eva b my ban2.. ;-)
I:oh..sorry..btw,i'm nt into dos relationships yet.hope u understand.
D:ok..sweat abt it aite.
hehehe...u c....ni laa dikater kn pening lalat!mabok! hahaha! bt still,i knw he's a nice guy~cume hati aku je ni yg mentel n memilih kot..hehee..bkn ape..nt ready laa..n i cant force myself to luv him.mmg lah dulu ade crush..gituk2 je..bt aku tk pnh lyn die mcmane die lyn aku..mcm mushy2 gitu! tak dpt ar! hee! ;-)
mayb bcos aku ni kasar laa di luaran..tapi lembut di dlm! heheehehehe..
hey! its true ok!tu la aku slalu ckp kt jantan2 yg kt lua sane..nk goda aku bkn senang beb...hahahahahaha! ader jgk tau jantan takot nk tackle aku! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
ok ok la..esk AOA CA. aku ni mcm takde pape je..i'm nt prepared actually! mls! mls! mls!
wish me luck evrybody! tanks!

jus came back from mkn at bkt timah,AL-AMEEN. ;-) wif angah,kak su -wanna-be-wifey & my family..

hmm..n today,haf to cancelled GElare wif kak tot n odah. again! sorry.PMS,2nd day~ so,tak larat aku dibuatnya..i slept once i reachd hm till 8.30pm..heehee...best! n yes,some ppl around me make me unhappy/mad dis days.. sape2 lah kn..tak yah disebut dan disenaraikn~
Iniative & gentlemen.dats e word. tak kire lah both male/female haf 2 do it or nt.jus haf a thought for others too aite. ;-)
n yes,in school jus nw msn-ing wif 'D'..i'm still confused abt him & myself either.haiz~ duno arr kn...ina & baya(ex) nye kes pon klaka..shafiee & me now acts a mediator to dem rite nw.bt we wish both all e best laa kn..baya taknk mengalah. ina plak mengalah pai uat decision mendadak.hehe..pening laa siots!hehee..
'A' plak...off byk ari...tapi nk mit, payah..haizz~ tkpe laa kn~ i dun wanna tok much dis days..sit.wait.watch n so on~ mls laa nk ckp2 byk skrg..ckp sikit,org phm..ckp byk,org tak phm...aku tipu,org percaye..aku trus terang,org tak percaye..aku serius,org igt aku main2..GASAK ARRR! bolayan arr!
k arr, 9tes!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

gt such a word meh in dictionary? hehe~

well,at skul rite nw..i mean whr else, POM class n i was busy wif my own stuffs n work. jus lazy 2 listen to Annie's sengau! phew! wah lao~ hmm..dis thur gt CA AOA! oh my..takot yana! hehe..
well,last wk i jus received my last AOA marks..i've gt 77 for dat..nt so good xia..n den jus nw Annie flashed out e POM CA marks..i've gt 70! arghh! cukup2 mkn aje! haiz..bt wateva it is, i still haf my projects n presentation later on.so, i hope it will end up smoothly n get a betta results 4 it den. ;-)
to a fren; dun sad/worry..u still can make it.u haf ur pojeks n presentation dat cud push ur marks up! dun worry..we will help u aite.. ;-)

ok den,wana haf a nap 4 awhile..PMS ar! ;-P

Monday, January 15, 2007


its Annie's period rite nw..sengau tetap maintain! HAHAHA! ;-p
IRRITATING AR SUARE DIA! makin kuat plak suare puki mak nie..hahaha..
waste of my time je wake up early morning jus to go SW..end up,takde! AGAIN! so, yani zimah & i plan to go to clementi pondok abang mkn Nasi LEmak! weee!!! da lame sey tak mkn kt c tu.. nari kite 3 org jek..yg lagik 3 biase la kn..tak larat bgn pagi..hehe..*burp* ;-) imagine dat. Nasi Lemak wif chicken wing ft sambal & home-made ice lemon tea! fuuyoh! FANTASTIC! hehe..
jus nw, AOA Sharon says ders 3 failures..sape ehk?who's dat gal??oh my.......... haiz......alah,yg penting ders pojeks dat can push my marks up..hopefully lah kn! hahaha...
ok den,update at ya later! nk tdo & dgr mp3 laa! dgr kn si gagap sengau bbual,mcm gagap nnt aku pulak! hahahahaha~

'do dat shit,do dat shit..
buat itu taik,buat itu taik'

hahahahah..bubbye~! ;-)

tadi alik dr lib,mkn..n ngok gemilang,dats all.
jus finished uploading n editing pics at frensta...i'm so happy. duno y...hehee...ngntoks arr gang! mls ar nk type2 bende ni sume! aku tahu esk aku skula..n hal aku byk lom di selesaikn~ ok den,nk tdo,chows! 'chekmeto'
9tes! ;-)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

pheww..many stories to talk about 2day.

take note wat i'm jotting down in here aite.

1.wake up early today as to follow my parents go next blk gt a wedding function.
nenek and atok are here too.cos dis wedding is frm nenek's side la..sedare jauh gituk.as we are reaching e blk,i ask mum 'e one marrying is a men/lady?' mum said 'a men laa..e 1st son sumor' n i was like 'oh my...' u knw y?? cos e pelamin mak oi!!!!! grand sakk!!!!its all purple!!!!! n sumore its like full wif flowers everywhr..& its purple too! e table all.. frm far can c e flowers..n wen we r entering e 'gerbang', gt red carpet & flowers lying on e red carpet itself. GRAND SEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we r entertained by Hussain Syaaban & e crew~ dey r e DJs..e food so yummy! e bryani n ayam masak merah..i tell u..finger licking good! ;-) ye lah..kate anak drg yg 1st kawin,so drg uat besar-besaran laa kn.. best seyy~
while enjoying delicious food, came a grp of bdk kompang n small kids.. ader main 'cing..cing..' (gamelan) hehee..tak tahu laa..hehee! i captured a video bt duno hw to upload in here..& as usual,i cant get my eyes on cute boys! pengantin laki dia hensem siol!!!!arggghhh! haha!tgk je pe! tak slh pe! da kawin pon! heehehe! ;-) (i guess i'm late!) haha!

2.den head to tampines.another wedding function. i'm loving it~! heee! ;-) wen i reached der,ders chaos evrywhr n kecoh nk mampos! i tot ders a fight or wat la goin on~ rupenyer2, a numerous of mats2 motor were der..cool! ramai sgt2.. pai nk mkn pon,kene tugu sey tmpt ddk..den luckily i saw dis guy..wich i knw him lahh dulu..beh die n member die nk blah,so he 'chop' dat place to me..tanks ehk! beh i get to knw one of his fren wana get to knw me..beh tak dpt arr ehh blg dia..kite cuzzin!!!!!!! cuzzin, i mean jauh arr!!!! taknk arr!~ WAhahaha! ;-p
e pengantin cute sey..hensem sey..n e gal,gelap..mcm ning baizura.hehee! & e wedding in here is much2 more fun den at my hse der..kt sini nya kecoh. mat2 motor all sporting nyanyi karaoke lagu jiwang2 n ader yg pasrah,tangkap lentok,joget.. ;-) (i wish mine happening like hell later! ;-p)

3.went to Tamp Mall wif parents,grandparents all. ive changed to a proper attire! wee! sape nk sey g shopping mall kai aju kurung???! tak dpt ar ehh! luckily i bring a beg wich consists my stuffs..selesa ckit jln~ ;-P i bought myself a necklace wich ive been wanting to buy long time orady! weeeeeee! yahhoo!! ala,jus cheap la.. $7.95 @ mini bits. its like i'm into LiLY aLLEn dis mth! hahahaha! yes,yani was right..i was addicted to beyonce a months ago..wich i bought all stuffs in GOLD.dats wat beyonce wears/haf wat~ ;-) addicted mahh~
n now,liLy ALlEN,so i duno wat i haf to say abt me! u say i'm crazzyy?! yes, i am! crazzy abt dose stuffs dat my idols haf! hmph~~! hee! ;-)

4.abt ystdy outing! i went to town wof kylie & yani.. ;-) as usual,we r making a fool of ourselves! kua ngn drg tak penah nk diam! hahahaha! mcm2 org aku bumped onto. here e list:
4.1 - faiz,my cuzz bro
4.2 - amrick (nico)
4.3 - ijal,lynn (my x,ijad's cuzz) & frens
4.4 - fir,yana (my x, yan's frens) & frens
hmm~ wat a day! bumped here,bumped der..coolness! hehe!
5. A Dream
A dream. is jus a dream la ehk. afta phoning sum bfs,crushers all..hehe..! cehh! mcm phm jek aku ni!! i kol ajis,kwn yan..telling him laa i bumped onto fir n yana..n bla bla bla~ den i was tinking abt sumone.nt yan.totally nt yan.yan didnt flashed trU my mind nw.n i was lying on my bed,shut my eyes n dis happen. all of a sudden,i dreamt abt him. yes! him! alfiyan razali! oh my!!!!
i still can recalled hw/wat e dream take place.can picture it out too.
k,ill explain..
i was sitting on a long-streched bench. yani was at e ujung bench on e left. i sit at e ujung on e right. den cam mane ntah,yan came to me..crying non-stop n he lay his head on my lap. lying on e bench..his legs stretched towards yani..its like very rude la..me & yani stared each other blankly n yani was like asking me 'asl?' n i shrugged my shoulders. yan crying cam bdk kecik.. he said 'i taknk ngn die lgik..pls..tolong i..cam mane ni??i da taknk ngn die lgik..die girlish sgt..u.. cam mane ni??[sob..sob..tune..] den, i was like touching his head, his hair..& i told him 'asl? tak baik kn u uat die cam gituk..ape slh die smpai u tknk ngn die lgik?die tak berslh sey u.cum'on,she's innocent..' den its all GONE!!!! i'm awake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arrrgghhh!!!!!!!!! shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kalo tak krane mak aku kejot aku bgn,mimpi tu leh sambong tahu tak!????!!!!!! argghh!!!!
bt seriusly, i duno laa y dis dream came. hmm..~ mayb he gt prob i guess~ cos yan & me can encounter each other feelings..4 eg wen we r together..wen i didnt feel rite..b4 i was abt to tell him dat i dun feel rite, he had told me 1st. n den, nnt kite cam kecoh sendrk arr ckp 'ehk..camane tahu??i baru nk blg u sey..'
n den it cont laa..n ape yg kite pikir mesti dan akan slalu terjadi.. hmm.. duno y ehkk...i jus pray 4 him safety je..dats all.. ;-) i'm nt a bad gf to him afterall! aww....so sweeettt~ HAHAHAHAH! cam phm~!

ok la,till here..pnt laa..esk nk g SW lagik n yah..stressing abt e POM pojek again! 9te! ;-p

^hoping to mit Aziz Amir soon

Saturday, January 13, 2007

halooo! kinda bored.no stories. nyahahaha! ;-P

erm,later wanna went out wif kylie n yani.fetch yani frm wrk n den duno go whr. well,we really feel lost actually.lonely tho.haiz~ dis few days, my horoscope seems to be kinda true n telling me to b xtra careful.duno y.. n here it is, 2day's horoscope:

'Your bold new plans are the hot topic among your friends -- although not everyone agrees on whether or not they will work. Go to the folks who you think are the most pessimistic and find out what they have to say. Encourage them to tell you the truth -- after all, you can handle it. Accept what they have to say, but do not let their opinions make you think that you have to alter your ideas. You have a clear plan, and this time you need to carry it out.'
erm..duno y it has to be in dis way..bt i knw we cant be trusting all dis horoscope tingey.. so, i guess 50-50% lorr if u wana believe in dis such ting. hee!

i'm confused. dats e word. trapped. shits. argh!~

suppose to haf a date 2mrw cos sat mah..bt den hw???????confused la.dats all. haiz..n den i feel sad/bad & sorry 4 ppl around me dat actually make me confused or i've made dem confused either..haizzz~ manyak manyak susah hor~
my head is in a twirl rite nw? i cant decide wif who i'm going out 2mrw.itu aje. k lah.2moro morning,pandai2 aku lah call up each n evryone who wana date me out 2mrw~ n if i haf to bluff or tell dem straight4ward of all those things i've kept inside so far,i haf to..haizz...~ :-(

ok den.jus nw i was so bored.den i try to upload pic.c whether it works. ;-)

Friday, January 12, 2007

Coolness! Awesome! Congrats 2 me! yeahhh! DONE! DONE!

wee! finally i had my bloggy done! w/o seeking any help frm my dearie frens; Yani & Kak Tot! hehee.. i was so bored ystdy & my mind was not concentrating on POM CA dat falls on today! hehe! i can make it fools! ;-p dun cha ever laughing at me! n yes! its like miracle! haha! i dunno abt all those html stuffs, so i kept guessing n jus typing in,clicking on wateva dat i shuld do larr~ hehee..its farking confusing all as i dunno wat n hw or wat am i suppose to do next.. den i jus try my luck laahh..n der i did it all. by, Myself! hee! ;-)
e weather is so farking greatt~ oh my! i feel like sleeping all day long till nite! hehe..frm ystdy i've been wearing my sweater all day long till today.hmm~ seejuukkk~ n den guess wat?? jeng jeng jeng..me n my gfs -fit,yani,irni,iffah kena chased out of e class by our own form teacher -Ms Sharon Lee. wana knw y?? cos we jus left e classrm 4 a little while jus to haf a bite in e canteen! slh ke?? r we at fault? & aniwe, mase kite reachd class, she's nt der n dat time was orady 9.15am. so,kua kejap ar! n den she mark our attendence 4 2 prds ZERO! suke??! tapi takpe.. tak heran!~ i'm jus concentrating on my POM CA. hmm..
den mcm biase paper starts at 11am, i end my paper at 11.25am. hehee..! so early!~ cos i made it! im nt aiming any As 4 dis subject la. A pass mark will do. hee.. ok den.get back later on.wana haf a nap.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

pom! bum pak yeh!!

miss dis game so much!! haha! well,actually kn nari afta skul plan nk g mkn GELARE ngn kak tot n odah..tapi takpe..suke eh main tunda2.. hehe..acit wana mit odah.so cancel lor...beh tot nk mit cik mamat, beh tak jadi plak..haiz.. takpe..lain ari bole date ehk? hehee..n yes! nari utk kali ke brp aku mkn roti n kaya..tak tahu knp..n blum sentuh nasi pon..tadi at skul mkn mi soto je.. hmm.. esk cam nk breakfast at McDonalds arr! haizz~ n den tadi abg aku alik frm wrk,aku cam malu gituk nk mintak dia belikn aku barang..nth aleh2 aje aku jadi pemalu plak. agaknya da nk 20 kot! hahah!craaappsss! hehe..aku tot of nk mintak tlg dia belikn aku sneakers.maklum lah, aku mane ade kasot lain slagi kasot Adidas tu yg aku slalu kai g skula. im a slippergal laa..remember?? hahaha..so kalo aku kua pon, aku Jarang2 kai kasot..cos cam berat nnt kaki aku nk jln. haha..n aku senang berjln hanya dgn memakai slipper...heee! kalo nk tgk aku kai kasot tu pon,mayb time keje kot! atau pon....ke club! ;-) errmm...tadi kn si danni tu tak abis2 msg aku sane sini chk whether aku still angry wif him or nt..rimas tahu tak??! aiyohhh~ SS ar mat ni! aku TAK PERNAH gif him hopes or wat tau~aku treat dia cam biase kwn2 laki aku at msn.n weneva he kol me 'baby..darling..i miss u..' bla bla...shit..aku ckit pon TAK PERNAH ckp kt dia 'HUBBY,DARLING..' all! dia yg OVER! beh dia tny aku knp kite da renggang?? ehk ehk! pade aku bagus ar! beh dia yg OVER! haiz...dia pnh ckp 'hey,if i like u...i wont gif up dat easily' tgk tu~~~!!! jantan mcm gini laa uat aku takot tau! haizzz~ wateva it is aku da plan Vday nk celeb ngn sape..hehee..jeng jeng..nk kua ngn Lesbian partner aku! hehee..

ok den,niat suci murni ku nk blaja POM..hanyut! haha!

Monday, January 08, 2007


nari manyak pnt hor..haiz...doing nutink in e lib jus nw..mmg plan nk uat pojek bt den e 2 of my grp members cant make it..dey haf to wrk..so tk psl.kite bbual2, gossips n bbual konek la.biase laa..yg ade, hanye kite 4 org dara yg single & available! hehehe! ;-) tok abt lovelife,hw & y us (e gals) get bustard by guys! mayb bcos their hobby i guess! fav. pastime! haizz~ pity irni..bt wateva it is,she deserve someone muchX10 betta den her x! cum'on! believe in Karma OK! haiz~ its been so long we didnt met during e skul holidaes n yes! we miss each n evryone's story. esp if u haf gfs dat r so close in e heartt~ ceehhbahh! haha! true lah~ pikir2 balik,well, im njoying singlehood life rite nw.. hehe! ;-)
i haf my frens around me to support me all..tankz.e foes all.

OK den,esk nk g Gelare wif kakanda ku Fitri & Odah. wee!!! ;-)

^POM blom blaja cik kak oi!

Friday, January 05, 2007

ehem! ehem!

heee~...well,sory lah tak update blog daily ehh..im jus too bz..hehe..bz dating! HAHA!

hmm...ok la..2day nt so much story..i jus meet up nenek & atok at westmall n den went to cosway pt tgk aunty nor keje..mkn..dats all..as usual,nenek ku belikn ku anting2 n vcd! heehee..nenek ku yg ini tak stingy ehh! ;-P

well,toking abt ystdy.......jeng jeng jeng...
i met someone at bedok..hmm..who culd it b ehh? hmm..i mit him..hehe.. ;-)
went to catch a movie cite deathnote at daerah bedok..ive been der to catch a movie at der b4..n its so freakkinnn' cold idiots! n yes! dis lil boy i've met ni..tak tahu ddk diam dlm wyg..haha..sbab sejuk! haha.. ;-))))))) den,afta movie my intention was to go to town..bab i nid some fresh air 4 a moment! cos im in a bad term wif singa! (bpk gue!) den,mcmane nth..he say he wana accmpany me..n den i chnge plan to go dwn to bugis laa jadi senang dia alik cos mind aku pkir esk nya dia keje pagi..so taknk susahkn dia..ok..dia teman aku g bugis..n frm ptg aku mit dia pai mlm,tak abis2 dia uat aku ketawe. hahahah! n yesS! GENTLEMAN beb! *thumbs up!*
i duno y ehhk..agaknya dia da biase keje sumwhr tmpt yg cam highclass,so he treat me well lahh..4 eg,nk alik time..dia pelawe aku tumpang cab ngn dia..he did open e cab's door n tgn dia uat tu cam aku ni guest dia..hehe! ;-)) n den,ader org filipin blkg kite pt taxi stand mase tu $ dia jatoh..n dia tegor la pompan tu cos $ dia jatoh..n den,dia senyumm.....alahaiii~~~~mcm ape arrhh! tak tahu nk describe! its jus like dia treat org tu sume cam guest dia @ hotel! HAHAHAHA!!!!! den dlm cab,mcm biase jgk..asik ketawe ajer! KAHKAHKAH! we laugh out loud n yesss! make a fool of ourself! hahahaha! ;-))) n den gt dis one moment wen both of us say 'haiZZZ....' hahaha! ni part bab da pnt gilerr ketawe! n den we cont ketawe lgik! sampai dia tk tahan n beat me wif his payong tongkat~! hahahaha! ok,tu tak psl...i do had fun & great day laah ystdy!
ok den,bye!


Wednesday, January 03, 2007


well,tired! pinggang ku sakit! tak tahu knp??haiz..mayb byk tdo kot..kot kape?? hehe..n den asik berak2 je..hehe..ddk umah satu ari ni tak tahu brp kali aku mkn da mkn utk kali ke brp~ haha..bole gituk~ blueks!

heyya..bsk nk g mane ehk?? hmm...ader date,bt duno nk g ke taknk..haiz~
hmm...i miss my frens! woah...its like bz women gituk..n yeah! ive gt to do some catch ups wif my old2 mates,frens all! dey haf been so long wanting to mit me! tapi biler??? HAHAHAH!

hmm..ok den,nk tgk tv! TETANGGA!

Monday, January 01, 2007

happy new yr!

oh my!

ystdy was such a hell fun night 4 me!teach my frens e game! BOOM PAK YEH! & GAME NOMBOR! KEKEK!! hahahah! sume klakar sak main game ni! esp yani,kylie,syuk..n zimah,tak phm2 main game ni..haha! its 12am!2007!whr i shout my lungs out! n all! aaarrgghh!!! lepas kn geram agaknyer! n org sekeliling aku ckp aku gile!! mmg gile!!! gile!!!!! gile!!! psl 2006 da lps! mula kn idup baru!! new life,new beginning, new chapter, new FRENS,new BFS, new GFS, new LOVE & alllll......is NEW BABEHHH! YAAAAAAAAARRRHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
i'm so happy ystdy sgt2 terhingga yah ampon! n thanks to all frens dat turned up ystdy to make it happen once again! lup u alll!!!! n yess! sorry kalo ke-gilaan aku tak dpt dikawal! hahaha..cos aku HAPPPPPYY GILEEERRR! n yess! we did shoutout loud n den a min of silent flashed into my mind. aku terdiam skjap.i duno if u all saw dis laa ehhk..hehee.. yah..i did cry inside my heart! n den a min, i'm hapPPy Terlonjak2 mcm org gile wishing evryone around me HAPPY NeeWW Yr! ;-) frm wat i saw, fit did shout out loud bside me..hehe..yani,kylie, shook bz wif recording e fireworks..saw kylie in tears.he said he was so happY. heehee..hmm..nita n e gals, drg happily tgk firewrks..incl e couples..zimah,remy, odah & acit too..hehee..bt i like e part wen sume berkumpul n wish all happy new yr & stuffs! mcm sedih gitu..bt fun overall! n yes! zimah tak abis2 step bdh ckp bola2 yg kt sungai esplanade tu akan meletup! hahahaha! sttooopid kn! bt cute laa! hahahaha! amek gmbr n wish all BABIs! lols!den,we head to outside raffles,lepak-ing..play games,laugh pai nangis,amek pics..happening laa! tak tahu camne nk describe!

n yes! 4 wat i knw,tak pnh2 aku pai umah kul 3.20! haha! luckily evryone is asleep..pheww~

ok den,pape pics tgk at frensta laa ehh!


^new resolution...